Commodore 128 Specific Software
Work in progress... I try to update this regularly but sometimes take an extended break. Stop back once in a while to see what's new.
This is a list of Commodore 128 specific software with (sometimes) short descriptions, along with links to the actual downloads and more descriptive details. There are many versions of the various programs, but I (usually) only include the latest version I have or versions that have a particular unique feature. Please also remember that if a program doesn't seem to work with the standard LOAD"filename",8,1 you should instead use DLOAD"filename" (no device or drive numbers after the filename needed)
Last update January 28th, 2025
- Amortize 128 - Get the full breakdown on financing a home
- Authenticalc - 80 column mode only (Use DLOAD)
- Calculator 128 - Accountants type calculator with tabulation
- Car Expense Manager v3.1 - A complete cost analysis for owning a car
- EasyLife The Banker v3.02 - Complete checking account management system
- Interest Calculator 128
- Personal Checking 128 v6.0 - Full featured checkbook system
- Baseball Stats 128
- C128 Datafile v4.8.3
- Cookbook 128 v1.7
- Database 128 v5.1
- Gradebook - Nice application to keep track of student progress (by Fredrick Goddard)
- Free Base 128 - Filing cabinet like data storage (by Dick Heckert)
- Movie Log 128
- Pedigree 128 - Family genealogy tracker (by Lee O. Clinton)
- SuperBase 128 v3.01
- The Hat's Address List v1.1 - Nice address book program.
Graphics Editors
- Draw-N-Paint 128
- Electropaint 128 v2 - 80 column text C/G Editor (by Howard Lew)
- Graphics Whiz V5 - 80 column C/G Editor (by Darrek Kay)
- Horizon Editor 128 - 80 column C/G editor (by Len Fulmer, John Roby, Ann Hayes and Earl Harvey)
- Colorez 128 v2
Graphics Viewers
- IPaint Viewing System v1.2
- Movie Make / View 128 - Really neat program that lets you make and view 80 column C/G movies using PETSCII graphics.
- Quick Basic8 Viewer v3.5 - Really nice little graphics viewer by Martin Hoffman
- ST View ][
Graphics Converters
Graph Plotting
- Chart Maker 128 v1.1 - By Paul S. Highland
- The Grapher
- Basic Budget 128
- Bible Search 128 - Searchable King James version of the Bible
- C128 Outline Maker
- Calc 128
- Calendar 128
- Desk Manager
- Facebender 128
- Genealogy 64 - Even though it's called Genealogy 64, there are 128 specific versions on the disk.
- Helper 128 v3.0 - Multi-use application (by Joel Staniec)
- Home Designer 128 v2.4
- List Maker 128
- Partner 128 Diagnostic Disk - This is the disk that comes with Timeworks Partner 128 cartridge. It includes application demos, and a file named "diag" that can test the Partner 128 cartridge.
- Pen Pal 128 v1.1
- Spell Check 128
- Your Commodore 128
Printing Related
- C128 Two-Column Sequential File Regenerator v1.2
- Calendar Jog 128
- Disk Numbering Label System
- Pretty Lister 128
- File / Read / Print / Convert 128
- Fkey Template Creator
- Font Swap 128
- Dir Print 128 v4.1
- Label Quick 128 v2.0
- Leroy's Label Maker v2.1 - Nice 80 column label printing software
- Micro Dir Dump - Works in 40 or 80 column mode
- Multi Read-Write-Print 128
- Print Shop Label Maker 128
- Quarktory - Directory sleeve printer
- Sequential File Read / Print
- Sprint 128
- Tiny Directory Print 128 - Print the contents of a 1541/71/81 in three columns (80 column mode only)
- VHS Label Maker
- Universal Product Code Creator 128
- Guitar Guide 128 v1.10
- C128 Digi Player / Converter - Play digitized samples from BASIC 7.0
- C128 S.I.D. Player
- New 128 SID Player
- Power SID 128
- SID Master 128
- Sidplayer 128
- Sound Studio 128 v3.8
- Zounds!
- Swiftsheet 128
- Swift Calc 128 - A powerful, easy-to-use electronic spreadsheet for the Commodore 128.
- Turbo Calc 128
Sprite Editors
Word Processors / Text Editors
- 128 CBM Text Manager v2.0
- 128 Text File Editor v1.4
- ArcheType 128 - Nice 80 column word processor that takes full advantage of the VDC
- Easy Letter 128 v1.3
- Fontmaster 128 v1.4 - Published by Xetec (written by Marty Flickinger)
- GoofED 128 v1.0
- Horizon Editor
- Presto Write 128
- Quick Edit 128 v6.1
- RUN Script 128 v2.4
- Speedscript 128+ - SpeedScript 128+ is the final version of this famous word processing program for the Commodore 128.
- Superscript 128 - The Intelligent Word Processor for your Commodore 128 (4 Disks)
- The Write Stuff 128 - Both the 40 and 80 column versions (Best C128 Word Processor there is IMHO)
- Word Writer 128 - Excellent Word Processor with 85,000 word dictionary (3 Disks)
- ZED 128 v0.77
40 Columns
- Come to Deadline - Intro / Demo and invitation for the "Deadline 2018" demo party in Berlin, Germany.
80 Columns
- Alien Attack - Neat 40 column side scroller by Terry Roper
- Astra Invasion 3
- Battle Blox
- Block Drop 128
- Boulderdash 128 - 80 column mode
- Cross Bomber - Simple 'Air Attack' type game (80 column mode only).
- Cross Chase - Robotron type game with both 40 and 80 column versions.
- Crossword Creator 128
- Crush 128
- DropZone
- Frantic Freddie II
- Ghost 128
- Hose it Out Deluxe!
- Maggot - Minigame 2002 Compo entry
- Mikes Maze v2
- Millifoot 128
- Space Hit 128
- Tempest 128 v0.11
- Quick Eyes 128 v1.2
- QWAK 128 v1.3
- Airport 128
- BurgerWhop 128
- Casino 128
- Clubhouse Turn 128
- Cul-De-Sav 128
- Dice+Poker 128
- Double 128
- Euclid's Game
- Galactic Invasion 128
- Hearts 128
- Hexpluzzer 128
- Match 80
- Math Challenge 128
- OH! Thello 128
- Tetris 128
- The Zimbazi Bingo Machine
- Trader 128 v2.2
- Dominoes 128 v2
- Landslide 128
- 1000 Miles
- Blackjack 80
- High Rollers 80
- Backgammon 128
- Chess 128
- Riskey Warfare
- Solitaire 128
- Space Hit 128
- Starfighters Academy
- Startfleet Simulator 128
- Star Trek 128 v2.0
- Stock Broker 80 v3.0
- Yahtzee 128
- Crossword Creator - By Mark Jordan
- MadLib 128
- Zapped
Operating Systems
- CP/M Plus v3.1 Y2K Patched - This is a .d71 image with year 2000 patch
- CP/M Plus v3.1 - (.d64 and .d81 images) Although the boot screen says v3.0, see the link in the comments for info on why this is really CP/M Plus 3.1
- GEOS 128 v2.0 - Stock GEOS 128
- GEOS 128 v2.0r - GEOS 128 with Updated Config & Rboot for up to 4MB geoRAM support
- GEOS 128 Unkeyed Collection - Amazing collection of unprotected GEOS 128 & associated applications
- Wheels 128 v4.4 - Fresh 1571 Master disk with updated Toolbox that supports 16MB REU
- Wheels 128 v4.4 Toolbox Update R2 - Updated Toolbox to support both 16MB REU & 4MB geoRAM
For GEOS 128 software list, see -
Archivers / Compression
- PuZip128 v1.13
- CSX - MS-DOS Archive Dissolver
- Gunzip 128 v1.1
- LHARC 128
- Library 128 v1.4
- Library 128 v1.4 Ltk - Supports the Lt. Kernel Hard Drive
- UNDAR 128
- Unzip 128 v2.15
Auto Execute Makers
Data Conversion
- ASCII Conversion128 v3.0 - Convert ASCII documents to PET ASCII (Requires two drives)
- Big Blue Reader v4.10
- D128it v1.00Beta
- D71 / D81 Writer C128 - Writers a disk image back to a real floppy (Requires Ultimate 1541 II, II+)
- 1541 to 1571 Convert v1.3
- Speedscript File Converter
- Super Sweep 128
Data Recovery Tools
Directory Editors
Disk Catalogers
- 128 Cataloger v1.0 - by the Elite
- 128 Disk Cataloger v2.4 - By Ralph E. Decker and Bill Ewing
- 128 Disk Filer v5.0
- Disk and File Librarian 128 v1.3
- DisKat 128 v3.1 - By Lonnie De Cloedt
- Philemaster 128 - By Larry G. Kirgan
- Super 128 Warez Filer
- Ultracat v2.0 - Steve Boerner
Disk Copiers
- 1571 Clone Machine v2.0
- 1571 Single Disk Backup
- 30 Second Copy 128
- Burstcopy 1571
- Copy II 64/128 v3.1 - Nice disk nibbler
- Double Touch 128
- Fast Hack'em 128 v4.5a
- Fast Hack'em 128 v6.00
- Fast Hack'Em v9.9a - Although in the C64 section, this includes specific 128 copiers and boots in 128 mode (Fixed by Joe Bunt, 2022)
- Matrix Copy 128
- MFM Copier 128
- Nerdcopy 128 v1.3
Disk Editors
Disk Menus
- 128 Menu v2.2
- Another Fancy Menu System
- Automenu 128-RAMLink
- C128 AutoMenu
- Directory Master 128 v1.10
- DirMenu v2.10 - Archive also includes versions for C16, VIC, C64 and source code
- EZ Loader v2.60 - Excellent 40 or 80 column menu system by David Schmoll
- - Best disk menuing system you will find. Full support of CMD devices.
- Menu Master 128 v2.0
- Preboot 128 v1.4
- RetroLoader v0.5 - Very neat file loader that is run from C128 40 column mode, but is designed to fast load Commodore 64 programs and switch into that mode.
Drive Alignment Checkers
File Copiers
- 1541/71 File Copier
- Copy All 128
- DraCopy 128 v1.0e
- DraCopy 128 v1.0doj - Released on June 2nd, 2020
- DraCopy 128 v1.3doj - Released June 7th, 2022
- NerdCopy 128 v1.3
- Unicopy 128 v1.0
Hardware Diagnostics
- 8563 Explorer
- C128 Factory Test v1.2
- GMT128 v0.44 - GeoRAM Tester
- InDev Tester 128 v0.1.2 - Nice utility for testing joysticks, paddles, 1351 mouse and other analog input devices
- MemTest 64/128 v1.10 - Excellent RAM tester which can also test VDC, REU, GeoRAM, SuperRAM, etc...
- System Check 128
Miscellaneous Utilities
- 64Keypad+ - Use the C128 keyboard keypad in C64 mode
- Brainstorm 128
- CBM Mark v1.01b - Disk speed tester, works with all drives / types (C128 version is on the C64 disk)
- CJ Transfer 128
- Clock 128
- Dons 128 Tutor
- Drive Cleaner v2.0 - Handy utility for spinning the disk so you can use a special drive cleaning floppy to clean the heads.
- Format MFM
- MS-DOS 128 v1.28
- Mouse80 - Emulate mouse with keypad
- Partition v3.5 - Get partition information from any CMD device
- ROM Check 1571
- Sparkle 128
- Sysinfo 7.5
- The 128 Master v1.0
- Virtual Directory
Multi-Purpose Tools
Relative File Tools
Sequential File Tools
- Browser v2 - Excellent menu based file viewer for PETSCII, ASCII, ANSI, DAT and BASIC.
- File Slicer 128
- File Printer / Reader / Converter 128
- E-Z Seq. Reader v4.4 - Sequential file reader that supports both 40 & 80 Col. mode.
- Pageback 128 - SEQ file reader that can move forward and backward in a file.
Bulletin Board Systems
- All American BBS 128 v12.5c
- EBBS 128 v1.03
- EBBS 128 v3.2
- EBBS 128 v4.2
- EBBS 128 v4.5
- Jack's 128 BBS v2.5f
- Real Time Conference Master v2.03 - Appears to be a fully featured BBS
- Supra 128 BBS v4.7m
Terminal Programs
- AutoTerm 128 v1.1
- All American Term 128 v10.0
- Bobs Term Pro v2.3
- Boomerang Term 128 v1.0
- CGTerm-128 v5.17 (40 Columns)
- CGTerm-128 v4.2 (80 Columns)
- Comm Term 128
- Crabs Term 128 v3.1
- Dashboard 128 v1.0
- Dawnstar Term 128
- Dialogue 128 v2.2
- DESterm 3.02
- EBBS Term 128 v4.5
- Envoy Term 128
- Global War Term v0.80
- Hayes Term 128 v2.25
- Kipperterm 128 v1.2
- Lobster Term 128 v2.4
- Micro VT Term 128 v1.8
- Multiterm 128 v3.7
- Nexterm 128 v10.0a
- Novaterm 128 v2.0
- PaceTerm 80 v2
- Phoenix Term 128 v8.7
- Pro 128 Term v16.1
- Prototerm 128 v4.0
- PX Term 128 v3.5
- Qterm 128 Mod III v1
- Reflexterm-128 v3.0
- Shermterm 128 v3.0
- Sixth Sense 128 (demo)
- Small Term 128
- Taco Term 128
- TCX Terminal 128
- The Communicator 128
- Volksterm II 128
- VT-100 128 v2.1
- WE128 v1.0
- UltimateTerm v2.4 - Requires 1541 Ultimate II+ with firmware v1.37 or newer & Commodore 128
- Ultraterm 128 v3.30
Miscellaneous Telecom Stuff
Assemblers / Dis-Assemblers
- Disassembler 128 v1.0
- Fast 128 Development System
- LADS 128 Assembler - Used in the book "128 Maching Language for Beginners"
- Symbol Master 2.2
- ZASS 128
BASIC Compilers
BASIC Extensions
- BASIC 8 by Walrusoft
- BASIC 9.9
- MetaBASIC 128 - Programming aid that adds 11 commands to BASIC
- Lisp 128 Release 1.00 - Includes source and docs but they are in German.
Machine Language Tools
- MightyMon 128 v4.00.10 - Excellent machine language monitor by Bruce Craig
- Better Working Power C
- Super-C 128 v3.02 - Updated May 12th, 2023 - new .G64 disk image to fix problem with loading the editor.
General Programming Tools
Machine Language
Miscellaneous (stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else)
- Bart Simpson - Cool C128 only graphics picture
- GEOS 128 ROM (1571 USA Version)
- GEOS 128 ROM (1581 USA Version)
- KeyDOS v2.3 ROM
- The Servant / Disks / Manual - A ROM-based utility package designed Exclusively for the Commodore 128
Commodore RAM Expansion (1764, 1750, 1700)
- RAMDOS v4.3 - Let your REU unit emulate a disk drive
NeoRAM Remix
Reference Material
Software Manuals