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EZ-Loader v EZ-Loader v3.30

EZ-Loader v3.30 by David Schmoll (March 20th, 1996) 

Special thanks to BlueCursor for providing EZ-Loader v3.30 and pointing out the article in the May 2007 Commodore Mailink (Page 10) that provides the information to allow interested parties to register their copy.  As stated in the article, please consider a donation to ANY Alzheimer charitie in David’s name.  Additional thanks to Gaelyne Gasson for the article and sharing the information within.

EZ Loader is a menu system (the best one I've seen) designed to help you access your most used programs by a single menu from any disk drive, as long as the program is on the drive requested. Although the program concept was written to help CMD Drive users, EZ Loader works just fine on all Commodore disk drives and, once set up, can be used as a menu for each disk. EZ Loader operates in all modes: 64 and 128, 40 or 80 column, as well as slow or fast mode. EZ loader can call a 64 program from the 128 side menu and drop into 64 mode to execute it. EZ Loader supports the TOD clock at $DD00, and allows you to preset program execution times, so programs can run automatically from the menu. A clock display is displayed on the menu screen, and a simplified point and click interface is available.


System Commodore 64
Size39.32 KB


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