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C-Net 12.0 P-File Writer and Modifiers Guide Category: Software Manuals [C64]01-23-25

You are about to enter a whole new world that you never knew existed! Since you have purchased this manual, you are probably already a C-Net 64 Sysop who loves to run a BBS, but now comes the opportunity to add your own personal touches by modifying your system the way YOU want it! This manual was written to make it as easy as possible to change the C-Net v12 program to do what you want it to, and the way that you want it to do it! If you have a working knowledge of Commodore BASIC, along with this guide, there is no reason that you cannot write your own program modules, (hereafter referred to as "P-files" ), and modifications to suit your own, and your user's tastes!

C-Net 64 BBS v10 Manual Category: Software Manuals [C64]01-22-25

Welcome to the worId of telecommunlcations on your Commodore 64 - C-Net BBS is, in our opinion the most sophisticated bulletin board system available for your Commodore 64. Please take the time to completely read through the introduction and set-up procedures oriented chapters of this manual before attempting to operate the program--that will help to insure a successful configuration the first time. Once C-Net is configured and operating properly, you will likely not require any further assistance from this text for the basic operation of the program. The balance of this manual has been provided however, to detail all of the many intricate features of the system waiting to be discovered! 

Platform: PDF
Color 64 BBS v7.3 Manual [Alternate] Category: Software Manuals [C64]01-22-25

I found what appears to be an earlier version of the Color 64 BBS v7.3 manual (based on the serial number) that has 13 additional pages versus the previously posted version.  I didn't scan the pages enough to discern the main differences so I'm going to leave them both posted.

Platform: PDF
Sunfish LQ Perfect Print Fonts [GEOS] Category: GEOS Fonts01-22-25

Bruce Thomas has put together another nice collection for GEOS, this time in the form of 30 Print Perfect LQ fonts.  Bruce pulled the individual fonts from Geoff Sullivan's site before it went offline and converted the individual .SFX files into a single .d81 disk of fonts for easier access.  The following is a quote from both Bruce and Geoff in a text file that accompanies the collection:

Geoff Sullivan was quite involved in the Commodore scene in the 90's and early 00's and, while he sold off his Commodore equipment prior to 2007, he has left a legacy. Between 1992 and 1994, Geoff and his wife Susan created 30 fonts for use with the Perfect Print LQ system for GEOS.

Here's part of the note from Geoff that accompanied these fonts.


Perfect Print for Geos is a great little program. There are scads of commercial fonts around for PP but Susan and I worked out some of our own. They are based on some fonts used on other platforms that you may be familiar with.

A lot of hard work went into the making of these fonts. Some fonts are better than others and some screen fonts in the smaller point sizes don't look much like the near-laser printed results you will see using PP.


The geoPaint files on this disk provide samples of the fonts. These files were created in geoWrite and then converted to goPaint using the Paint Pages print driver. Each file contains examples of six fonts and indicate the available point sizes with the displayed point size underlined. These geoPaint files were also converted to a PDF for viewing/printing from a PC.

I hope you enjoy these GEOS treasures as much as I do.  Thanks Bruce!

Platform: Commodore 64
Color 64 Version 128 BBS Manual Category: Software Manuals [C128]01-22-25

Congratulations! You are the owner of the ultimate upgrade to your Color 64 system! Version 128 will allow you to run your BBS in C128 mode, without going back to stock Color 64 overlays! A program called MALT will interpret each overlay and create a conversion file for it.

Version 128 was designed to work with Color 64 v7.3. If you have an older version, contact Fred Ogle for an update. I wrote U128 to be as compatible wich Color 64 as possible.

Platform: PDF
VIP Terminal Operator's Manual Category: Software Manuals [C64]01-22-25

VIP Terminal is your key to the world of communications. VIP Terminal is a full featured, machine code smart terminal program that allows the user to communicate with any host computer or microcomputer with RS-232 capabilities. And it gives you a professional 80 column display!

Platform: PDF
C-Net 128 BBS v4 Manual Category: Software Manuals [C128]01-21-25

Welcome to the world of telecommunications on your Commodore 128. C-Net BBS is, in our opinion, the most sophisticated bulletin board system available for your Commodore 128. Please take the time to completely read through the introductory and set-up chapters of this manual before attempting to operate the program--this will insure a successful configuration the FIRST time. Once C-Net is configured and operating properly, you will likely not require any further assistance from this text for the basic operation of the program. The balance of this manual has been provided, however, to detail all of the many intricate features of C-Net 128 that exist, waiting to be discovered!

Platform: PDF
Action Biker Enhanced Category: Action Games01-21-25

Action Biker *Enhanced* by Grue - Fun racing game for the Commodore 64.  Lots of great enhancements you can read about in the long description.

Platform: Commodore 64
Sysinfo 7.5 Category: Miscellaneous Utilities [C128]01-20-25

SysInfo 7.5 by Mirkosoft is a utility for the Commodore 128 that interegates the hardware and peripherals attached to the computer and gives back a report of everything it finds.

Platform: Commodore 128
Geohacker v1 Category: Miscellaneous Utilities [GEOS]01-20-25

Geohacker v1 is a utility that will allow you to change the serial number on your GEOS 1.2 or 1.3 OS boot disk.  In addition to that, it can also remove the copy protecetion from 14 other GEOS applications.

Full instructions are built into the program.

Platform: Commodore 64
Super Fast File Backup & Utilities v1.0 Manual Category: Software Manuals [C64]01-19-25

The SUPER FAST FILE BACKUP is the fastest file duplicating system available for the Commodore 64 computer. Also Included with the program is a set of helpful utilities for disk organization. These utilities and the SUPER FAST FILE BACKUP utilize the same hardware as the 21-Second Backup for all data transfer between computer and drive.

The SUPER FAST FILE BACKUP AND UTILITIES are Intended to be used for duplication and organization of pesky copy-protected disks using one or two 1541 disk drives.

Platform: PDF
SpellRight Plus/64 Category: Software Manuals [C64]01-19-25

To the best of our knowledge, SpellRight Plus/64 is the most capable proofreading software available for Commodore Microcomputers. Yet, SpellRight Plus/64 is actually a very simple computer program, requiring the operator to learn only a few commands and keystrokes. with a little assistance, the average user is capable of operating SpellRight Plus/64 in less than 30 minutes of study/instruction. Though simple to learn and operate, you will find that SpellRight Plus/64 will save you hours of drudgery while proofreading your important documents. In many cases, SpellRight Plus/64 can save hundreds of hours of professional and clerical time, while improving the quality and appearance of your documents. To maximize those savings, we ask a relatively simple favor.

Platform: PDF
Jasword v1.1 Category: Word Processing & Text Editors01-19-25

Jasword v1.1 - Can't believe I hadn't heard about this word processor for the Commodore 64 until recently.  This is one of the few true 80 column word processors I've seen.  It is really well layed out and intuitive to use.  I searched for the manual but could't find one but I don't think one is really needed.

Here is a review of Jasword over at the Retro Gamer CD Blog.

Note - This program didn't like being launched from DirMaster into WinVICE.  I ended up loading it with CCS64.

Platform: Commodore 64
WordPro 3 Plus/64 Category: Word Processing & Text Editors01-19-25

WordPro 3 Plus/64 by Steve Punter (Professional Software, Inc.)

WordPro 3 Plus/64 is a versatile and easy to use word processor that will allow you to type, print, and revise documents with minimal effort. WordPro 3 Plus/64's easy to learn commands will enable you to eliminate tedious and repetitious typing and editing tasks, with just a few steps you can insert and delete text, rearrange text within a document, move text from one document to another, and store text for later revision and/or printing. With WordPro 3 Plus/64, updating a letter or document is fast and simple. You will never need to manually retype entire letters or documents again.

Here's a link to the manual.

Platform: Commodore 64
Perplexian Challenger Category: Action Games01-19-25

Perplexian Challenger by Steven Luedders of Progressive Peripherals & Software (1983)

Perplexia, an insignificant blue-green planet which exists simultaneously with the earth in a universe parallel to our own, is under attack.

Perplexians are thin-skinned, moon-faced creatures with deep pink eyes, who mill around,, with mouths agape. The perjink permutations of Perplexian society can be percieved by persistent personnel as perpetual perturbation permeated with pertinent persiflage.

The advent of the parallax transporter has enabled physical exchanges between universes. Earth and Perplexia maintain a lopsided defense agreement. Earth is to defend Perplexia from attack in exchange for military bases on Perplexian soil.

His scuminence, Baron Von Schlock, epitome of all things vile and disgusting, has enslaved an assemblage of software engineers, forcing them to program his limitless fleet of robot attack ships. Ships programmed to perpetrate pandemonium upon Perplexians.

Her perplexcellency, Queen Confusion of Perspicacity, has enioined Earth to honor its agreement and defend her peaceful people. Count Conundrum, the enigmatic emissary has recruited you for this Perplexian patrol.

Your weapons are skill, and four models of Perplexian confusion fighters:

    • Model I —The oldest Perplexian fighter is lead slug slow. It is noted however for its self-regenerating laser cannons.
    • Model II —The military moguls then insisted on a faster ship. In typical bureaucratic fashion, it was built at the expense of maneuverability and the self-regenerating laser cannons.
    • Model III —Try, and try again. This model is faster and more maneuver- able but still without the self-regenerating laser cannons.
    • Model IV —Right, at last. Mind boggling speed and maneuverability coupled with self-regenerating laser cannons!

Thanks to Bruce Thomas for sharing this.

Platform: Commodore 64
GEOS International Font Pack Category: GEOS Fonts01-12-25

Big thanks to Bruce Thomas for another rare GEOS treasure!  Bruce has sent over a two disk set of international fonts along with the complete PDF manual.  Here is an excerpt from the manual:

International Fontpack provides you with 39 fonts for use in geoWrite, geoPaint, and geoPublish. These fonts will enable you to generate a fantastic array of high quality printed output.

Each font brings it’s own unique character and style to a document. Some of the fonts, such as Bowditch and Durant, are more traditional. Others, such as Bubble and Telegraph, are more fun and unconventional. The Roma and University fonts are among those that have been enhanced to contain international characters, such as the æ, £, and characters.

Even the font names themselves have their own unique character and history. With few exceptions, the fonts are named for places and buildings around Berkeley, California. If you ever get a chance to visit Berkeley, you may recognize some of them.

NOTE: Not all fonts contain a full set of characters. Thin vertical lines indicate null or nonexistent characters in a particular font. They will, however, print out as thin lines. Check each font before using it to determine if it contains all the characters you need.

** This archive contains two .d64 images and the PDF manual.

Platform: Commodore 64
Timeworks Data Manager 128 Category: Databases [C128]01-11-25

Welcome to DATA MANAGER 128, the complete information management system for your Commodore 128. DATA MANAGER 128 is a fast and efficient way to keep track of all types of information - customer files, inventory, address lists, market trend statistics, even phone numbers and recipes - and you can retrieve that information at the touch of a key.

DATA MANAGER’S special cross-searching abilities help you find the specific records you want to work with when you want to work with them, while its powerful sort feature allows you to rearrange your records in a variety of ways. This program has been designed so that even a beginner can enjoy all of its functions.

Platform: Commodore 128
Database 128 v5.1 Category: Databases [C128]01-11-25

Database 128 v5.1 by John P. Corea - This is actually a pretty nice database program for the Commodore 128 (80 column mode).  It's written completely in BASIC and has all the features you'd expect a database program to have from this era.

Platform: Commodore 128
Trojan Penmaster Lightpen Manual Category: Hardware Manuals [C64]01-11-25

The Trojan Lightpen Pack comprises of a Graphics program plus a Light Pen and this instruction booklet. The pack is intended for use by micro users of all ages and any level of expertise. It can be used to produce any type of picture from a full colour art display to a black and white technical illustration. The Pin Point function in the program allows pixel accuracy and the various line thicknesses can be used to dramatic effect. Please experiment with all the functions which when combined with all 16 colours and the three pens give more choices than we mention in this booklet. Please adjust CONTRAST and BRIGHTNESS on the screen for best results.

Platform: PDF
Spell Check 128 Category: Miscellaneous Applications [C128]01-11-25

SPELL CHECK 128 consists of a set of program modules designed to aid in checking the spelling of words in standard text files, whether stored as SEQ, PRG, or USR files. With these modules you may create and edit your own customized dictionaries or use the 41,000 word dictionary provided. Check files at the rate of 20 to 25 words per second; list to the screen or your printer; create dictionaries for specialized purposes - business, school, professional, etc.; add words to a dictionary as needed. This package allows you to perform any or all of these functions with very little effort.

Platform: Commodore 128
Speedscript File Converter Category: Data Conversion Tools [C128]01-11-25

Ever want to convert a text file made from SpeedScript to a different word processing format only to be stuck because SpeedScript uses PRG files for data files. Well, you're in luck with this GEM!! This program will convert those messy SpeedScript files to a sequential file format, and also give you an option to convert to PETASCII or true ASCII. Not only that, you can convert your sequential data files to SpeedScript format also! Full documentation is included. This file must be run and dissolved in C64 mode. Once this is done this program can be run in either 40 or 80 column mode on your C128.

Platform: Commodore 128
Big Ed Enhanced C128 Basic Editor Category: BASIC Tools [C128]01-10-25

Big Ed by Kenneth Kahl (1989) is a 40 or 80 column extension to BASIC for the Commodore 128 with many features to enhance and extend the normal editor.

MusiCalc 1 Owner's Manual Category: Software Manuals [C64]01-10-25

Welcome to the world of the MusiCalc 1: Synthesizer and Sequencer system. Even if you have no musical background. MusiCalc will allow you to sound like a one-person band within the first few minutes. But MusiCalc is also a professional musical instrument worthy of serious study and exploration. It provides many exciting and sophisticated sound synthesis and music composing features. The more time you spend with MusiCalc, the more you’ll want to learn and take advantage of its many features.

Platform: PDF
The 64 Money Manager Manual Category: Software Manuals [C64]01-10-25

The 64 'Money Manager' program will help you keep an up-to-date check on all your home and small business finances. You can not only keep track of your current accoünt, but also of your Budget Account, your Credit Accounts, your regular payments (both incoming and outgoing), your savings and up to 15 accounts with a total of 150 bills.

Platform: PDF
Machine Language Development System Category: Software Manuals [C64]01-10-25

Welcome to the world of Micol Sysems Assembly Language Programming on the VIC 20 or Commodore 64. With this package you have the ability to create the fastest and most versatile software your computer is able to execute.

You will be amazed at the speed differences between programs you will write with this package and BASIC programs which perform the same function. A forty fold speed increase or better should be the norm. Hundreds of times, although unusual, can be achieved.

Few things in life come for free, and assembly language programming is no exception. While assembly language programs execute far faster than BASIC programs, they are usually more difficult to write. This package will be a great aid in minimizing this difficulty. The monitor, for example, is indispensable for assembly language debugging and offers features found only on much more expensive computers. You will find your investment well worth the money.

Platform: PDF
Keystone Software - Label Maker v2.1 Manual Category: Software Manuals [C64]01-10-25

You will actually be making labels in just a few minutes, but first you must make a back up copy of the program and format a data disk.

Platform: PDF
Koala Painter Owner's Manual Category: Software Manuals [C64]01-10-25

KoalaPainter — the computer drawing tool - allows you to:

  • Draw freehand using several different brushes and colors.
  • Design geometric shapes of all sizes.
  • Copy images from one part of the screen to another.
  • “Un-do" any of your work to begin again.
  • Take advantage of special kaleidoscopic features which “mirror” images in your drawing.
  • Magnify your drawing for close-up work.
  • Save your designs for future enjoyment.

KoalaPainter is easy to use - simply load the program and you can create your own designs immediately. Whatever your skill level, from beginner to serious artist, hours of fun and creativity await you.

Platform: Commodore 64
Stack Light Pen Manual Category: Hardware Manuals [C64]01-10-25

This manual contains basic routines to help the novice, and It Is suggested that the user makes certain that he understands each step betöre moving on to the next. There is a list of conventions used in this manual, hints on general maintenance, and remedies for some common problems In the appendix.

Platform: PDF
TCX Terminal 128 Category: Terminal Programs [C128]01-09-25

TCX/128-V1.0 is a terminal program for the Commodore C-128 featuring 300 or 1200 baud operation, Punter upload/download capabilities, and autodial features for the Hayes & Commodore 1670 Modem. THIS TERMINAL WORKS ONLY IN THE C128 80 COLUMN MODE! In addition, you may examine the disk directory while online. There are no other features, making this one of the simplest and easy to use terminal programs around.

Platform: Commodore 128
Trojan Cadmaster User Instructions Category: Software Manuals [C64]01-09-25

The TROJAN CADMASTER PACK comprises of a Graphics program plus a Light Pen and this instruction booklet. The pack is intended for use by micro users of all ages and any level of expertise. It can be used to produce any type of picture from a full colour art display to a black and white technical drawing. The ‘Pin Point’ function in the program allows pixel accuracy and the various line thicknesses can be used to dramatic effect. Please experiment with all the functions which when combined with all 16 colours and the three pens give more choices than we mention in this booklet. Please adjust CONTRAST and BRIGHTNESS on the screen for best results.!

Platform: PDF
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