Category: Software Manuals [C64]
Downloads: 477
zip0 1541 / 1574 Drive Alignment Users Manual HOT

1541 / 1574 Drive Alignment Users Manual by Free Spirit

2019-09-06 English PDF 993.06 KB 1,462 Download
zip1 1541 Disk Drive Alignment [CSM] Manual HOT

1541 Disk Drive Alignment [CSM] Manual

2020-02-11 English PDF 2.13 MB 1,152 Download
zip2 1541 Disk Drive Alignment V2 [CSM] Manual HOT

1541 Disk Drive Alignment V2 [CSM] Manual

2020-02-11 English PDF 8.32 MB 1,460 Download
zip3 1541 Physical Exam Users Manual HOT

1541 Physical Exam Users Manual

2019-09-06 English PDF 3.46 MB 1,354 Download
zip4 1985 Tax Return Helper Manual (KSOFT)

The TAX RETURN HELPER helps you organize tax-related data and prepare the most common tax forms and schedules. The program does all the required computations. so you have only to supply the data.

Please remember that although the TAX RETURN HELPER allows you to explore "what-if" alternatives, it will nor provide tax advice or interpretation of tax laws. In other words, the program can help you evaluate different options, but it will not make any decision for you.

2023-11-19 English PDF 3.72 MB 288 Download
zip5 3D Graphics Drawing Board Manual HOT

3D Graphics Drawing Board Manual

2019-09-06 English PDF 12.66 MB 1,147 Download
zip6 64 Accounting Manual

The 64 ACCOUNTING SYSTEM by Software Design, Inc. is designed to be used on the Commodore 64 Computer. It is particularly suited for small business or home use.

2023-11-19 English PDF 14.93 MB 339 Download
zip7 64 Doctor Instruction Manual HOT

64 Doctor takes the guess work out of finding a hardware defect.  The program provides short diagnostic tests for the Commdore 64 RAM, keyboard, disk drive,joystick, datasette, printer, audio and video display.  By testing each piece separately, you can quickly discern where the problem lies and take the necessary measures to correct it - fast!  Because if you bought a computer to save time why should you waste it?

2020-03-01 English PDF 1.07 MB 1,287 Download
zip8 64 Doctor Manual HOT

64 Doctor Diagnostic Manual

2019-09-06 English PDF 4.03 MB 1,415 Download
zip9 64 Forth [HesWare] Instruction Manual HOT

64 Forth [HesWare] Instruction Manual

2019-09-06 English PDF 18.97 MB 1,492 Download
zip10 64 PowerPack Users Manual HOT

64 POWER PACK combines three popular programs for everyday use - PowerWord for word processing, PowerCalc for spreadsheets and PowerFiler, a database program.

2019-09-06 English PDF 1.75 MB 1,754 Download
zip11 64TASS v1.51 Manual HOT

This is the manual for 64tass, the multi pass optimizing macro assembler for the 65xx seriesThis is the manual for 64tass, the multi pass optimizing macro assembler for the 65xx seriesof processors.

Key features:

  • Open source, mostly portable C with minimal dependencies
  • Familiar syntax to Omicron TASS and TASM.Supports 6502, 65C02, R65C02, W65C02, 65CE02, 65816, DTV, 65EL02
  • Arbitrary-precision integers and bitstrings, double precision floating point numbersCharacter and byte strings, array arithmetic
  • Handles UTF-8, UTF-16 and 8 bit RAW encoded source files, unicode character strings
  • Supports Unicode identifiers with case folding and compatibility normalization
  • Built-in “linker” with section support
  • CPU or flat address space for creating huge binaries (e.g. cartridges)
  • Conditional compilation, macros, struct/union structures, scopes.
2020-02-11 English PDF 379.44 KB 1,695 Download
zip12 A Bee C's Manual

A Bee C's teaches the alphabet - first capital letters and then small letters. The Commodore Bee is the guide through the learning section; she flies to each letter and says it. There are two game sections to play. The ftrst game involves four sequential letters such as Aa Bb Cc Dd or Qq Rr Ss Tt scattered on the screen. In the second game, eight random letters are shown such as p I f d B L t j. In both games, the Bee asks the child to identify one of the eight letters. Positive visual and spoken feedback is given after every correct answer. Throughout the program, fly the Bee to the beehive to repeat the letter; to skip to the next set of letters, fly the Bee to the rose.

2023-10-20 717.12 KB 274 Download
zip13 Abacus Super Pascal Manual

This is the handbook to your SUPER Pascal Development System for the Commodore 64 and 128. The minimum hardware required to run SUPER Pascal is a C-64 (or C-128 in C64 mode), a 1541, and a television or monitor. A second disk drive and printer will let you take full advantage of SUPER Pascal.

This handbook is designed to help you understand the workings of SUPER Pascal, assuming that you have had experience in the Pascal language. It is not a basic course in Pascal, and makes no claims to that effect. Before using SUPER Pascal, you should be familiar with the PASCAL language and how it works.

SUPER Pascal is a complete implementation of "Standard Pascal", based on the "Pascal User Manual and Report" (or "The Pascal Bible") by Kathleen Jensen and Niklaus Wirth. You’ll find SUPER Pascal to be one of the most comprehensive Pascal systems ever offered for C-64 or similar machines. One of the problems with the C-64 is the slow transfer of data between computer and disk drive (250- 400 bytes per second); SUPER Pascal solves that problem, allowing you to transfer 1250 bytes per second from disk to computer and back. This means that disk access is increased threefold!

2023-10-30 English PDF 16.56 MB 528 Download
zip14 Abacus Zoom Pascal Manual [High Quality]

ZOOM Pascal 64 is a true compiler. It generates 6502 machine language from a Pascal source file. Most versions of Pascal use some form of interpreter. This explains why, in timing tests, ZOOM Pascal 64 was the fastest version.

ZOOM Pascal 64 is a subset of the Pascal described by Jensen and Wirth in their book, which is the 'bible' for Pascal. It is also a subset of and supplies all of the string functions of UCSD Pascal. The section Differences from
standard Pascal explains the major differences between ZOOM Pascal 64 and standard Pascal.

This manual is only a guide to use of ZOOM Pascal 64 and is not intended to teach the user how to write programs in Pascal. Consult one of the references in the Appendix C - the bibliography for more information about Pascal

ZOOM Pascal 64 runs on standard Commodore 64 with a 1541 disk drive. Although ZOOM Pascal 64 can work with a cassette drive, use of a cassette drive is suitable only for small source or data files. ZOOM PASCAL 64 is therefore not distributed on cassette and ABACUS Software does not support a cassette version.

2023-11-18 English PDF 2.74 MB 275 Download
pdf15 Accounting Series - Accounts Payable Manual

The Accounts Payable System is a true bookkeeping system designed to run on your Commodore 64 computer. In conjunction with the other accounting modules this system will provide all the functions normally found only on very expensive programs. Each month you will have room for up to 1500 journal entries and handle up to 500 payables.

2023-11-18 English PDF 2.45 MB 281 Download
pdf16 Accounting Series - Accounts Receivable Manual

The Accounts Receivable System is a true bookkeeping system designed to run on your Commodore 64 computer. In conjunction with the other accounting modules this system will provide all the functions normally found only on very expensive programs. Each month you will have room for up to 1500 journal entries and handle up to 500 customers.

2023-11-18 English PDF 2.4 MB 257 Download
pdf17 Accounting Series - Inventory Control Manual

The Inventory Control System is part of a true bookkeeping system designed to run on your Commodore 64 computer. In conjunction with the other accounting modules this system will provide all the functions normally found only on very expensive programs. There is room for up to 1000 items of inventory. Each month you will have room for an unlimited amount of journal entries in batches of 200. The system is so easy to use that any one in business should be able use it.

2023-11-18 English PDF 2.43 MB 229 Download
pdf18 Accounting Series - Invoice Writer Manual

The Invoice Writer System is part of a true bookkeeping system designed to run on your Commodore 64 computer. In conjunction with the other accounting modules this system will provide all the functions normally found only on very expensive programs. Each month you will have room for an unlimited amount of journal entries in batches of 200. The system is so easy to use that any one in business should be able to use it .

2023-11-18 English PDF 1.77 MB 283 Download
zip19 Action Replay DemoMaker Manual HOT
This program collection works in conjunction with Action Replay, and allows you to create "Demos" consisting of scenes from your favourite games to which you can add music and a scrolling message. A Demo has four major components - Picture, Music, Message and Character Set. These components are created as separate files and combined to produce your personalised, independently loading sequence. action-replay-demomaker-manual
2020-02-03 English PDF 1.56 MB 948 Download
zip20 Alfred's Basic Band Computer Tutor Manual HOT

The COMPUTER TUTOR will provide you with hundreds of hours of musical fun. It goes along exactly with each unit of Alfred's BASIC BAND METHOD and contains familiar tunes, duets to play with the computer, theory games, and clapping and counting exercises. Using the COMPUTER TUTOR will help you learn to play your instrument quickly and will greatly improve your performance skills.

2020-02-11 English PDF 5.06 MB 961 Download
zip21 ApSoft-64 Manual HOT

ApSoft-64 is a powerful extension to the resident Commodore 64 BASIC. It incorporates a 1541 program loader which speeds up loading of programs by a factor of 5. It also adds 45 easy-to-use-and-understand BASIC commands. These commands are in the same format as Applesoft BASIC for the Apple ] [ family of computers. ApSoft-64 therefore gives the Commodore 64 owner a greatly expanded base of available software in addition to increasing his or her programming power.

2019-09-07 English PDF 32.54 MB 1,637 Download
pdf22 ARB BBS System Operator (SYSOP) Manual IV NEW

Before you start operating your BBS, read this manual. Familiarize yourself with the functions on the Sysop Menu, and understand how the files are set up. If you experience any error messages refer to the Trouble Shooting Section for help. For the most part this Bulletin Board System is easy to run. However, there are some areas that will be better clarified by reading the manual. Before you call the 24-hour hotline numbers check the manual to see if the answer to a particular problem can be found there.

arb-bbs-system-operator- sysop -manual-iv
2025-01-28 English Commodore 64 4.96 MB 15 Download
zip23 Arc64 v2.50.4 Documentation HOT

Found this really nice documentation for the Commodore 64 archiving program called Arc64, which I believe the newest version of is 2.50.4 which this happens to be for.

2019-09-19 English PDF 112.26 KB 1,170 Download
zip24 ARD-101 Disk Alignment Reference HOT

ARD-101 Disk Alignment Reference

2020-02-11 English PDF 504.68 KB 946 Download
zip25 ASI Enhanced FORTH Manual HOT

By choosing ASI-FORTH you have given yourself the advantages of a fast and efficient FORTH interpreter/compiler without losing the ease of BASIC.

2020-03-04 English PDF 763.68 KB 1,042 Download
zip26 Assembler / Monitor 64 [Abacus] HOT

ASSEMBLER 64 is a two-pass 6510 or 6502 assembler for the Commodore 64. It's written entirely in machine language and occupies 8K bytes of RAM. It allows free-form input using the builtin BASIC editor, produces complete assembly listings, loadable symbol tables, various options for storing created object codes, redefinable symbols, and a comprehensive set of pseudo-ops (assembler directives) for such things as creating macros or conditional assembly. The syntax for the most part adheres to the MOS standard.

2019-09-09 English PDF 2.99 MB 1,492 Download
zip27 Assembler / Monitor 64 [Data Becker] Manual HOT

Assembler / Monitor 64 is a powerful 6510 MACRO assembler development package for the Commodore 64.

2020-02-11 English PDF 4.09 MB 1,334 Download
zip28 Audiogenic Monitor Manual [VIC20]

The Audiogenic machine code Monitor is designed to allow the programmer to enter, modify and e x~m ine machine code on the VIC as simply as possible. The Audiogenic Monitor comes in two different forms - either as part of our BUT! Plus cartridge CVP052>, which is our programming aids cartridge comprising the Monitor, plus BUTI, our Basic toolkit ROM, plus 3K memory expansion, or as a cartridge containing the Monitor alone <VP074). The 17 Monitor commands, including assembler, disassembler and Centronics printer interface, are the same for both versions.

2021-08-14 English PDF 1.04 MB 753 Download
zip29 AwardWare Manual HOT

Welcome to AwardWare! With AwardWare you can express creativity in a multitude of ways by mixing and matching your own text with a selection of border designs, fonts(type styles), graphics, and seal designs. You can also design and print awards, licenses, tickets, coupons, checks, prize ribbons, letterheads, memos, rewards, signs, paper trophies, and more. For effective use of AwardWare, please use this manual along with the program.

2020-02-07 English PDF 5.84 MB 1,054 Download
zip30 AwardWare Reference Card HOT

AwardWare Reference Card.

2020-02-03 English PDF 82.48 KB 986 Download
zip31 Bangs & Crashes Manual HOT

Bangs & Crashes Manual

2020-02-07 English PDF 35.83 KB 954 Download
zip32 Bank Street Music Writer Manual HOT

MusicWriter is a powerful tool for three-part musical composition, editing, and instant playback.  This easy-to-use program allows the composer (beginner,amateur, or professional) to enter and edit anything from simple melodies to three part harmonies and complicated rhythmic variations.

2019-10-15 English Commodore 64 1.5 MB 1,015 Download
zip33 Bank Street Music Writer Quick Reference

Bank Street Music Writer Quick Reference

2020-02-11 English PDF 51.9 KB 834 Download
zip34 Bank Street Writer Manual HOT

This manual introduces you to the BANK STREET WRITER and its features. As you read, it is a good idea to sit at your computer. Then you can put into operation what you read about in the manual.

2020-02-11 English PDF 3.01 MB 1,105 Download
zip35 Bank Street Writer Quick Start Guide HOT

Bank Street Writer Quick Start Guide for the Commodore 64 / 128.

2020-02-11 English PDF 144.01 KB 950 Download
zip36 Bank Street Writer Word Processor Manual HOT

Bank Street Writer Word Processor Manual for the Commodore 64 / 128.

2020-02-11 English PDF 4.52 MB 1,000 Download
zip37 BASIC - A Tutorial Manual HOT

BASIC, A TUTORIAL is a program that instructs you in a tutorial manner the computer language BASIC, Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.  This program covers in detail all the basic aspects of this language including keywords, programming punctuation, the format of a BASIC program, subroutines, data handling techniques, setting up a program menu, improving your programs, and even an index of BASIC terminology.

2019-09-09 English PDF 14.2 MB 1,322 Download
zip38 BASIC 64 Compiler Manual [3rd Printing] HOT

BASIC-64 allows you to compile programs in speedcode (pseudo-code), machine language, or a mix of both.  You can merge and compile a series of programs using the overlay feature.  You can change parameters using the advanced development features.  You can compile programs written using BASIC extensions.  You can compile programs that work in conjunction with Assembler / Monitor-64 and much more.

2020-02-12 English PDF 1.86 MB 954 Download
zip39 BASIC 64 Compiler Manual [4th Printing] HOT

BASIC-64 allows you to compile programs in speedcode (pseudo-code), machine language, or a mix of both.  You can merge and compile a series of programs using the overlay feature.  You can change parameters using the advanced development features.  You can compile programs written using BASIC extensions.  You can compile programs that work in conjunction with Assembler / Monitor-64 and much more.

2020-02-12 English PDF 2.89 MB 1,144 Download
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