Category: Software Manuals [C64]
Downloads: 474
pdf0 The Servant ROM Manual

The Servant ROM Manual

2020-10-11 English PDF 542.22 KB 572 Download
zip1 The Write Stuff 64 Manual (3rd Printing, Feb. 1988)

The Write Stuff is a collection of word processing software. The main program, BB Writer, is a high productivity, full-featured word processor for the Commodore 64. Although designed to meet the needs of advanced users, BB Writer, when used in "menu mode," is equally suitable for use by children and occasional users. BB Writer allows all essential edit-print-load-save features to be selected from menus. No special keyboard or embedded commands need to be learned. However, as the user gains experience, over 100 advanced features can be selected using keyboard and embedded commands.

BB Talker is the talking version of BB Writer that works with S.A.M., the Software Automatic Mouth. If you have the double-sided version, S.A.M. and BB Talker are both on the backside of the disk. BB Talker is on the single-sided version, but you must have a copy of S.A.M. to use it.

2023-03-27 English PDF 23.56 MB 394 Download
zip2 The Write Stuff C64 Keyboard Overlay

This is a keyboard overlay for the excellent wordprocessor called "The Write Stuff", for the Commodore 64.

Here's a link to the Commodore 64 disk image.

2021-10-10 English Commodore 64 731.77 KB 457 Download
zip3 The Write Stuff v2 - Featuring BB Speller

The Write Stuff v2 - Featuring BB Speller - This isn't a complete manual, it mainly covers the spelling checker that's new in V2 called BB Speller.

2021-10-10 English PDF 1.31 MB 460 Download
zip4 Timeworks Business Systems - General Ledger User's Manual

The TIMEWORKS General Ledger system is designed for the first-time computer user who is familiar or relatively unfamiliar with the principles of accounting.  The computer and business control experts who created this system have taken extreme pains to make the system "user friendly" - while at the same time utilizing the size and capabilities of the Commodore 64 to their utmost.  Its easy-to-understand "cookbook" style instructions heralds a breakthrough in simplicity for every first-time computer user / business person, and assists you in operating your business more effectively and efficiently.

2020-02-12 English PDF 34.41 MB 711 Download
zip5 Timeworks Writer 64

WRITER 64 is an easy-to-learn, easy-to-use GEOS-based writing tool ideal for creating a variety of documents. The program differs from other GEOS-based word processors in that font and style information are recorded rather than displayed during text entry, thus avoiding the huge delays associated with WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) displays.

2021-01-17 English PDF 14.63 MB 792 Download
pdf6 Tiny Forth Manual NEW

FORTH is a high-level programming language. A program written in FORTH does not look at all like its equivalent written in BASIC. Nonetheless, FORTH is as equally capable as BASIC in problem solving.

In some respects FORTH is superior to BASIC. For instance, FORTH programs typically execute faster than BASIC programs. FORTH programs are usually shorter than BASIC programs. FORTH is "extensible" - you can add new words to the language. On the other hand, most people initially find that FORTH programs are cryptic compared to BASIC.

TINY FORTH is a version of FORTH for the COMMODORF 64 and VIC-20 microcomputers. It contains most of the language elements found in the fig-FORTH standard (most widely used version). TINY FORTH runs on a standard COMMODORE 64 or a VIC-20 with a minimum of an 8K memory expander.

This manual will show you how to get TINY FORTH up and running on your micro. It introduces you to the language elements that are included in TINY FORTH. However, it is not a tutorial on FORTH programming. For that, we recommend one of the references listed in the BIBLIOGRAPHY. Still we'll show you enough examples so that you are able to see how TINY FORTH works.

Our advice to you is to sit down with TINY FORTH and experiment with the words in the GLOSSARY. Not only will you find TINY FORTH a powerful language, but it is a fun one too. So have fun!

2025-01-31 English PDF 3.75 MB 21 Download
zip7 Triangular uOS 1.25 for the C64 User's Manual

TRIANGULAR μOS is GUI (graphic user interface) operating system for 8-bit Commodore computers. This User’s Manual pertains to TRIANGULAR μOS 1.25/C64 version for Commodore 64.

Here's a link to the complete package (Software, Manual, Changelog)

2022-11-05 English PDF 220.59 KB 475 Download
pdf8 Trojan Cadmaster User Instructions

The TROJAN CADMASTER PACK comprises of a Graphics program plus a Light Pen and this instruction booklet. The pack is intended for use by micro users of all ages and any level of expertise. It can be used to produce any type of picture from a full colour art display to a black and white technical drawing. The ‘Pin Point’ function in the program allows pixel accuracy and the various line thicknesses can be used to dramatic effect. Please experiment with all the functions which when combined with all 16 colours and the three pens give more choices than we mention in this booklet. Please adjust CONTRAST and BRIGHTNESS on the screen for best results.!

2025-01-09 English PDF 109.45 KB 28 Download
zip9 Turbo MIRV Manual

Turbo MIRV (Multiple Information Recovery Vehicle) by Cosmi is designed to exist concurrently with other programs in the Commodore 64 computer. Turbo MIRV is a combination of six desktop tools which include a Notepad, Calculator, Clock functions, Calendar, Rolodex and Autodialer .

Thanks Anthony for providing another rare manual.

2024-03-01 English PDF 126.42 KB 142 Download
zip10 Ultimate Virtual Printer Guide for 1541U-II, 1541U-II+ & Ultimate 64

Ultimate Virtual Printer Guide for 1541U-II, 1541U-II+ & Ultimate 64

2020-05-25 English PDF 2.28 MB 752 Download
zip11 UltraBASIC-64 Manual HOT

ULTRABASIC-64 is the "ultimate" software package for those that want to use the wonderful features for which you bought the COMMODORE 64. ULTRABASIC-64 gives you easy to use graphics, fun to use TURTLE graphics, POKEless music and sound, convenient game features and a screen dump to the printer. It's a very powerful bag of tools for software development.

2020-10-13 English PDF 3.97 MB 1,405 Download
zip12 Ultrakit Manual

ULTRAKIT adds nearly 30 commands to the standard Commodore Basic, for use in developing your own programs. It includes commands for debugging BASIC programs, for listing to the printer, for altering and checking blocks of memory, as well as a fully-fledged multicolour Character Editor and Designer.

Here is a link to a .TAP image of Ultrakit.

2023-03-25 English PDF 3.69 MB 491 Download
zip13 VIC Machine Code Monitor [VICMon] Manual

VICMONis the nickname of the hexadecimal machine code monitor designed to enable easy debugging of machine code programs which are resident in a VIC-20 computer system.

2021-08-13 English VIC 20 1.71 MB 550 Download
zip14 VIC Personal Finance Package Manual

Personal Finance is a package of four programs designed to run on the basic 5K VIC computer with a tape cassette unit or disk drive.

The four Personal Finance programs are contained on two cassette tapes with one program stored per side. Part 1, Income and Expenses, is stored on the first tape on the side marked Personal Finance (Part I).  Part 2, Spending Analysis, is stored on the reverse side of the first tape marked Personal Finance (Part II).The second tape contains Part 3 called Budgeting on the side marked Personal Finance (Part III). Part 4, Deductible Expenses, is on the side marked Personal Finance (Part IV).

2020-02-26 English PDF 5.5 MB 614 Download
zip15 VICMON Machine Code Monitor Manual HOT

VICMON is the nickname of the hexadecimal machine code monitor designed to enable easy debugging of machine code programs which are resident in a VIC 20 computer system.

2019-09-17 English PDF 3.68 MB 1,752 Download
pdf16 VIP Terminal Operator's Manual NEW

VIP Terminal is your key to the world of communications. VIP Terminal is a full featured, machine code smart terminal program that allows the user to communicate with any host computer or microcomputer with RS-232 capabilities. And it gives you a professional 80 column display!

2025-01-22 English PDF 8.82 MB 15 Download
pdf17 Virtuoso Manual

Congratulations on your purchase of Virtuoso! You are about to venture in to the world of electronic music. This may sound complex, but Virtuoso! makes it easy! Virtuoso! is a complete music package that allows you to create sounds (presets), compose, and play back compositions with ease. Virtuoso! is easy to use for the beginner, but is also a very useful composing tool for the amateur or professional musician.

2024-08-12 English PDF 9.15 MB 97 Download
zip18 Voice Key Manual (Covox, Inc.)

Do you have a favorite program that requires various keyboard letters as input? A game or educational or word processor? The object of VOICE KEY is to let you command by voice instead of pressing keys! VOICE KEY will not interfere with most programs (provided they do not use random-access memory "behind" read-only memory). Load VOICE KEY. Attach VOICE MASTER to the rear joy stick port. Then train the computer to the particular command words you want to use and define the keystrokes that you want these words to enter into the computer. Then load in your favorite program and proceed to run it using either keystrokes or command words. Up to 18 words. Each
word can create up to 18 keystrokes including control characters. Complete instructions in manual. Disk is not copy protected. Special instructions for the popular "Speedscript" word processor.

Here is a link to the software.

2023-03-26 English PDF 727.8 KB 263 Download
d64 floppy19 Wheels 64-128 Manual HOT

This is the manual for the GEOS operating system update called Wheels by Maurice Randall.  This version covers both the 64 and 128 versions.

Wheels 64-128 Manual
2016-11-14 English PDF 8.75 MB 1,057 Download
pdf20 White Lightning & Basic Lightning Supplement NEW

This manual is supplied as a supplement to the Basic and White Lightning manuals. It is intended to give further explanation and examples of the IDEAL graphics routines covered in those manuals.

The Lightning series of products has been designed in such a way that the IDEAL graphics commands used in Basic and White Lightning not only have the same syntax and operation, but also use the same parameters. Therefore most of the IDEAL commands will be explained with the aid of Basic Lightning, using Basic Lightning examples, as this should make it easier for most users to understand.

2025-02-07 English PDF 3.84 MB 5 Download
pdf21 White Lightning Manual NEW

White Lightning is a high level graphics development system for the Commodore 64. It is aimed primarily at the user who has commercial games writing in mind and has
the patience to learn a sizeable new language. It is not a games designer and stunning results probably won't be produced overnight, but it does have the power and flexibility to produce software of a commercial standard (with a little perseverance!). Software produced using White Lightning can be marketed without restriction, although we would be very grateful if you felt you could pop a small credit on the sleeve.

Assembly language has three advantages over most high level languages: speed, flexibility and compactness. During the running of an arcade game, the processor spends most of its time manipulating screen data, and if the appropriate commands are implemented in the language, the execution "overhead" is very small. Add to this the fact that considerable time has been spent on the routines themselves to optimize execution speed, and we feel most machine code programmers would be hard pressed to better White Lightning for speed. As far as flexibility is concerned, White Lightning has almost 300 commands as well as access to BASIC and machine language if required. A lot of the tricky routines like rotations and enlargements are already implemented for you. As far as compactness goes, Forth itself produces very compact code, but there is, of course, the overhead of the language itself. Assembly language has four major drawbacks. Firstly, you've got to learn it. Having mastered machine code, program development is very slow compared with a typical high level language, there is no "crash protection" whatsoever, and to produce effective results, you need a fairly intimate knowledge of the machine you're working with.

BASIC has several points in its favor, these are: excellent crash protection, extremely readable source code and a relatively short learning curve. These features make BASIC a very good introduction to programming for the hobbyist, but for the serious games writer, the language is insufficient in terms of both its speed and flexibility.

White Lightning is Forth based and therefore has virtually the speed of machine code, no knowledge of the machine is required, the source code is relatively readable, and it is fairly well protected from crashing.

2025-02-07 English PDF 6.25 MB 7 Download
zip22 Word Writer 3 User's Manual v1.1

Now you can easily computerize all your letters, reports, forms, and memos, even if you have no word processing or computer experience. With WORD WRITER 3's print preview feature, you can see your document on your computer
display exactly as it will appear ... before you print it. This ensures that you get exactly what you want in the final copy.

2023-11-19 English PDF 34.32 MB 249 Download
zip23 Word Writer 3 User's Manual v2

Now you can easily computerize all your letters, reports, forms, and memos, even if you have no word processing or computer experience. With WORD WRITER's full screen format, you can see your document on your computer display exactly as it will appear ... before you print it. This ensures that you get exactly what you want in the final copy.

2023-11-19 English PDF 6.97 MB 248 Download
pdf24 Word Writer 4 Font Pack

Welcome to the WORD WRITER 4 Power Users Club! The fonts included in FONT PACK are a special selection of contemporary, designer typefaces. FONT PACK is filled with headline, text and special effect typefaces—in a wide range of sizes.

With the addition of FONT PACK to your repertoire, you have greatly enhanced your printing capability. FONT PACK typefaces can be combined with all other WORD WRITER 4 fonts to give you even more ways to add impact and effectiveness to your presentations, advertisements, flyers - everything you print.

With FONT PACK you have very little new to learn. You install these fonts and then use them like the ones which came with your original WORD WRITER 4 program. Considering FONT PACK contains 38 different fonts, any of which can be underlined, boldfaced, italicized, superscripted or subscripted— or a combination like bold/italic/underlined—you have thousands of possibilities.

2025-01-07 English PDF 668.02 KB 25 Download
zip25 Word Writer 4 User Manual

WORD WRITER 4 is a complete writing environment for memos, manuscripts and everything in between.  It provides all the tools necessary for organizing your thoughts before you turn them into text plus everything you need to edit, insert, delete(remove) and rearrange your text. You'll produce professional looking documents that reflect your writing style, using either your printer's built-in text mode features or using WW4's premium-quality fonts.

2021-03-27 English PDF 9.22 MB 825 Download
zip26 Word Writer 5 User Manual

WORD WRITER is a complete writing environment for memos, manuscripts and everything in between.  It provides all the tools necessary for organizing your thoughts before you tum them into text plus everything you need to edit, insert, delete (remove) and rearrange your text.  You'll produce professional-looking documents that reflect your writing style, using either your printer's built-in text mode features or using WW's premium quality fonts.

2021-03-27 English PDF 10.44 MB 799 Download
zip27 Word Writer 6 User Manual HOT

WORD WRITER 6 is a complete writing environment for memos, manuscripts and everything in between.  It provides all the tools necessary for organizing your thoughts before you turn them into text plus everything you need to edit, insert, delete (remove) and rearrange your text.  You'll produce professional-looking documents that reflect your writing style, using either your printer's built-in text mode features or using WW's premium-quality fonts.

2021-03-27 English PDF 9.89 MB 973 Download
pdf28 WordPro 3 Plus/64 Manual

WordPro 3 Plus/64 is a versatile and easy to use word processor that will allow you to type, print, and revise documents with minimal effort. WordPro 3 Plus/64's easy to learn commands will enable you to eliminate tedious and repetitious typing and editing tasks. With just a few steps you can insert and delete text, rear range text within a document, move text from one document to another, and store text for later revision and/or printing. with WordPro 3 Plus/64, updating a letter or document is fast and simple. You will never need to manually retype entire letters or documents again.

2025-01-03 English PDF 11.68 MB 49 Download
zip29 WRITE NOW! 64 Instruction Manual

WRITE NOW! was designed to provide you with an easy to use inexpensive word processor that provides the most desired features of an expensive word processor while being simple to learn and efficient to use. WRITE NOW! is written completely in machine language to eliminate the slowness found in some word processors. WRITE NOW! also uses screen oriented editing so it does not require the cumbersome editing modes required by other word processors.

 - Thanks to one of our visitors we now have a nice hi-res scan of the manual for this word processor by Cardco for the Commodore 64.  You can find a review of WRITE NOW! here and another here.  You can find the program in CRT and D64 images here.

2023-05-17 English Commodore 64 28.16 MB 484 Download
zip30 Your Home Library for the Commodore 64 Manual

HOME LIBRARY transforms the C-64 into a friendly gateway to five useful and easy to use programs. These are:

  • 1) STAR*SCRIPT, a word processor
  • 2) YOUR PERSONAL ACCOUNTANT, a home finance package
  • 3) YOUR FILING CABINET, a file manager
  • 4) TRI GRAPH, the Color Palette, an electronic drawing program
  • 5) COSMIC SPLIT, an action game.
2023-11-19 English PDF 5.97 MB 190 Download
zip31 Zeus 64 Assembler Instruction Manual HOT

Welcome to ZEUS, the assembler based machine code operating system for the Commodore 64.  ZEUS provides the optimum method for writing 6502 machine code on your computer and yet, as you will soon discover, it is even easier to use than BASIC.

2019-09-22 English PDF 8 MB 1,106 Download
zip32 Zeus 64 Assembler Instruction Manual (RTF) HOT

Welcome to ZEUS, the assembler based machine code operating system for the Commodore 64.  ZEUS provides the optimum method for writing 6502 machine code on your computer and yet, as you will soon discover, it is even easier to use than BASIC.

2019-09-22 English PDF 145.1 KB 912 Download
zip33 Zoom Pascal 64 Instruction Manual HOT

With the advent of the affordable home computer, Pascal has become a very popular language.  In the past four years we have seen a tremendous offering in both Pascal compilers and application software written in the Pascal langauge. The Commodore 64 has become one of the most sought after micros because of its tremendous features at an unbelievably low price.  And the number of high quality software offerings for the Commodore 64 has skyrocketed in the past six months. We believe that ZOOM Pascal 64 is one such package.  It has excellent features at a very reasonable price.

2019-09-22 English PDF 2.49 MB 1,413 Download
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