Category: Software Manuals [C64]
Downloads: 459
zip0 Super Pascal 128 Manual HOT

Super Pascal 128 Compiler and Software Development System for the Commodore 128.

2019-09-19 English PDF 5.16 MB 1,278 Download
zip1 Super-C 64/128 Manual HOT

The programming language C has been in existence since about 1972. It was developed by Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan for the operating system UNIX.  More then 90% of UNIX was written in C.  With the spread of UNIX, C enjoyed greater popularity as well.  Super C now makes it possible to program in C on the C-64 or C-128.

2019-09-19 English PDF 16.33 MB 1,344 Download
pdf2 Super-Text Manual

Super-Text Word Processor by Muse Software (1983)

Ideal for the student, businessman or novice computer owner, Super-Text's on-screen instructions and simple commands allow you to quickly create more professional looking correspondence.  80-column display and on-screen formatting shows how a document will appear before it is printed.  Super-Text also features automatic page headings, page and chapter numbering, automatic word wrap, single key commands, unlimited document size, multiple file search and replace, copy/save/delete blocks of text, split screen, disk storage and retrieval.

Thanks to Dave L. for scanning in this 175 page manual and sharing!

2024-09-14 English PDF 29.86 MB 122 Download
zip3 Superbase 64 - User's Manual HOT

Superbase 64 is a database program for the Commodore 64, released by Precision Software in 1984.

2020-11-22 English PDF 6.78 MB 1,937 Download
pdf4 Superbase 64 v3.01 Revisions

This is the insert of revision information that comes with the Superbase 64 manual.

Superbase 64 Version 3.0 has several new features which may be of interest to you. These new features were added to make the Superbase 64 product more versatile and easier to use than ever before.

Thanks to Howlin' Alan for acuiring and sharing this!

2024-08-07 English PDF 3.05 MB 78 Download
zip5 SuperFORTH 64 I/O Utility Package Manual

The SuperFORTH 64 I/O UTILITY PACKAGE is a collection of utility words designed to aid in Input / Output operations. The package covers three main areas:

1. RS232 utilities.


3. KOALA PAD utilities.

2020-07-18 English PDF 539.97 KB 612 Download
zip6 SuperFORTH 64 Micro Manual

The SuperFORTH MICRO MANUAL assumes that your programming experience has been largely that of BASIC and machine language. So you may be asking yourself: "What’s so different about FORTH, aside from the fact that it runs faster than BASIC?" The answer is: FORTH is like no other programming language you’ve ever used!

2020-07-17 English PDF 1.14 MB 630 Download
zip7 SuperFORTH 64 User Manual HOT

SUPER FORTH 64 is a complete implementation of the FORTH-79 Required and Extension Word Sets. It contains extensions from FIG FORTH, STARTING FORTH by Leo Brodie, and special extensions to take advantage of the particular hardware in the Commodore 64 computer.

2020-07-17 English PDF 9.42 MB 980 Download
zip8 SuperKey Manual

SuperKey is a utility program for the Commodore 64 computer that allows you to redefine up to 96 keys on your keyboard. You can redefine some or all of the keys, and add, change or delete any of the definitions
at any time. The keys that you can redefine are the graphics characters that are accessed by pressing and holding either the SHIFT or Commodore keys prior to pressing one of the graphics keys. Throughout the remainder of this manual the SHIFT and Commodore keys will be abbreviated SH and C=, respectively.

Thanks to Anthony for providing this documentation.  Although it's a scan of a photo copy, so far it's the only manual I've ever seen for this software and it's much appreciated.

Note - If anyone has this utility, I would love to add it to the site.

2024-02-28 English PDF 837.3 KB 132 Download
zip9 Superscript 128 User Manual HOT

Welcome to Superscript, the complete word processor for the Commodore 128 from Precision Software.  The tutorials cover only the beginners level of tuition, and get everyone going with the system as quickly as possible.  We've left some of the more advanced features of the program for a more leisurely learning session.

2020-05-17 English PDF 12.47 MB 1,598 Download
pdf10 Superscript 64 Manual

This manual presents the Superscript word processing system in different ways to suit individual learning preferences. We recommend that everyone goes through the TUTORIALS. These take you through a range of Superscript activities:

  • Loading documents from disk
  • Using menus and commands
  • Creating new documents
  • Updating documents, including cut and paste editing
  • Arithmetic
  • Handling a mailing
  • Obtaining screen and printed output

A big thank you goes out to one of our visitors that has been kind enough to contribute this wonderful scan so we can take this of the "Wanted List".  Since I only know this person by their real name, I'll refrain from posting that info.

Here's a link to the disk image

2022-10-20 English PDF 894.84 KB 450 Download
zip11 Swift Calc 128 User Manual HOT

The power of SWIFTCALC 128 lies in its ability to apply mathematical functions and algebraic formulae to any spreadsheet-type analysis, such as budgeting, financial planning, or cost estimating.  Because SWIFTCALC automatically calculates these formulae for you, you can produce complicated "what if?" reports at the press of a key and make further modifications quickly and effortlessly.

2020-05-17 English PDF 7.45 MB 1,338 Download
zip12 Swift Desktop Publisher Manual

Swift Desktop Publisher is a suite of graphics and printing software combined with sample fonts and graphics images. Draw & Paint is a program for making screen images. Create Clip Art is a graphics program for making smaller graphics images. Customize Characters is a program for creating custom character sets. Create lettering is a program for creating custom letters for specialized use. Format a printed page is a program to set all the parts of your document on page-sized layouts for printing. Banners & Bumpers is a program to lay out formats in up to 6-pages for a banner or "bumper sticker." Print, as the name implies, lets you select which type of document to print and then allows you to select the printer to print with. List Sample Files is a listing of the files on the Swift Desktop Publisher program disk that contain special lettering, fonts, clip art, and banner lettering.

2020-03-01 English PDF 989.58 KB 588 Download
zip13 SwiftSheet 128 Manual HOT

SwiftSheet (Also called Swiftcalc) 128 by Cosmi - Swlftcalc replaces pencil, pad of paper and the modern calculator with its electronic worksheet.

2019-09-18 English PDF 3.48 MB 949 Download
zip14 Symbol Master v2.0 Manual HOT
Symbole Master v2.0- Multi-Pass Symbolic Disassembler Manual symbol-master-v2.0-manual
2019-09-17 English PDF 15.1 MB 977 Download
d64 floppy15 SysRes Users Guide HOT


2016-11-24 English PDF 3.56 MB 1,046 Download
d64 floppy16 The 1581 Toolkit Manual HOT

Manual for the software utility package called "The 1581 Toolkit".  This manual is for v2.02 of the software.

2015-10-12 English PDF 11.4 MB 1,404 Download
zip17 The Commodore 64 Macro Assembler Development System Manual

This manual describes the Assembly Language and assembly process for Commodore 64 programs which use one of the 6500 series microprocessors. Several assemblers are available for 6500 series program development, each is slightly different in detail of use, yet all are the same in principle. The 6500 series processors include the 6502 through the 6515 (the instruction sets are identical).

2020-02-12 English PDF 9 MB 881 Download
zip18 The Fast Assembler v3 Documentation

This is the Documentation for "The Fast Assembler" V3 by Yves Han, taken from Compute!'s Gazzete Issue 31 and also available in Best of Compute!'s Gazette, January 1988.  Here is a link to the software which also has this documentation included.

Thanks go to BlueCursor for sharing the software and documentation.

2020-06-01 English PDF 2.86 MB 797 Download
pdf19 The Fun Graphics Machine Font Disk

The Fun Graphics Machine Font Disk

2016-12-30 English PDF 132.47 KB 714 Download
zip20 The Fun Graphics Machine v6 Reference Manual

Welcome to the FUN GRAPHICS MACHINE v.6. This new version of the FGH has been in the making for several years and is a l!!s!.l.Q.I. update over earlier versions of FGH. It includes many new features to make it
faster, smoother, friendlier, and more powerful. FGH has been well tested by some very ruthless and fearless beta testers.

This one program will let you use your COMMODORE 64 to do things that those with Amigas, Apples and IBM's can't do as quickly or easily. Show off your C641 Labels (any size!) should be a snap after you do a
couple, and the higher powered systems are unlikely to do any better. Host computer systems are rendered pretty equal by their printers, just as a good sound system is no better than the speakers.

2024-04-04 English PDF 34.58 MB 133 Download
zip21 The Illustrator Manual

The Illustrator - A Graphics package for The Quill Adventure Writing System on the Commodore 64 by Tim Gilberts

2020-05-22 English PDF 489.9 KB 574 Download
d64 floppy22 The Newsroom Clipart Volume 1

The Newsroom Clipart Volume 1

2016-12-27 English PDF 3.35 MB 805 Download
d64 floppy23 The Newsroom Clipart Volume 2

The Newsroom Clipart Volume 2

2016-12-27 English Commodore 64 2.23 MB 782 Download
d64 floppy24 The Newsroom Clipart Volume 3

The Newsroom Clipart Volume 3

2016-12-27 English PDF 2.47 MB 822 Download
pdf25 The Newsroom in Detail and Complete Guide to Creating a Newspaper HOT

The Newsroom in Detail and Complete Guide to Creating a Newspaper

2016-12-30 English PDF 6.18 MB 906 Download
pdf26 The Newsroom Quick Reference Guide

The Newsroom Quick Reference Guide

2016-12-30 English PDF 4.58 MB 898 Download
pdf27 The Newsroom Users Manual HOT

The Newsroom Users Manual

2016-12-30 English PDF 2.74 MB 1,089 Download
pdf28 The Servant ROM Manual

The Servant ROM Manual

2020-10-11 English PDF 542.22 KB 547 Download
zip29 The Write Stuff 128 - Reference Manual

This is the complete reference manual for the Commodore 128 wordprocessor, "The Write Stuff 128", also know as BB Writer 128.

2021-10-10 English PDF 3.24 MB 794 Download
zip30 The Write Stuff 128 - Startup Instructions

This is the startup instructions for the most excellent wordprocessor, "The Write Stuff", for the Commodore 128.

2021-10-10 English PDF 1.7 MB 582 Download
zip31 The Write Stuff 64 Manual (3rd Printing, Feb. 1988)

The Write Stuff is a collection of word processing software. The main program, BB Writer, is a high productivity, full-featured word processor for the Commodore 64. Although designed to meet the needs of advanced users, BB Writer, when used in "menu mode," is equally suitable for use by children and occasional users. BB Writer allows all essential edit-print-load-save features to be selected from menus. No special keyboard or embedded commands need to be learned. However, as the user gains experience, over 100 advanced features can be selected using keyboard and embedded commands.

BB Talker is the talking version of BB Writer that works with S.A.M., the Software Automatic Mouth. If you have the double-sided version, S.A.M. and BB Talker are both on the backside of the disk. BB Talker is on the single-sided version, but you must have a copy of S.A.M. to use it.

2023-03-27 English PDF 23.56 MB 345 Download
zip32 The Write Stuff C64 Keyboard Overlay

This is a keyboard overlay for the excellent wordprocessor called "The Write Stuff", for the Commodore 64.

Here's a link to the Commodore 64 disk image.

2021-10-10 English Commodore 64 731.77 KB 440 Download
zip33 The Write Stuff v2 - Featuring BB Speller

The Write Stuff v2 - Featuring BB Speller - This isn't a complete manual, it mainly covers the spelling checker that's new in V2 called BB Speller.

2021-10-10 English PDF 1.31 MB 434 Download
zip34 Timeworks Business Systems - General Ledger User's Manual

The TIMEWORKS General Ledger system is designed for the first-time computer user who is familiar or relatively unfamiliar with the principles of accounting.  The computer and business control experts who created this system have taken extreme pains to make the system "user friendly" - while at the same time utilizing the size and capabilities of the Commodore 64 to their utmost.  Its easy-to-understand "cookbook" style instructions heralds a breakthrough in simplicity for every first-time computer user / business person, and assists you in operating your business more effectively and efficiently.

2020-02-12 English PDF 34.41 MB 685 Download
zip35 Timeworks Writer 64

WRITER 64 is an easy-to-learn, easy-to-use GEOS-based writing tool ideal for creating a variety of documents. The program differs from other GEOS-based word processors in that font and style information are recorded rather than displayed during text entry, thus avoiding the huge delays associated with WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) displays.

2021-01-17 English PDF 14.63 MB 760 Download
zip36 Triangular uOS 1.25 for the C64 User's Manual

TRIANGULAR μOS is GUI (graphic user interface) operating system for 8-bit Commodore computers. This User’s Manual pertains to TRIANGULAR μOS 1.25/C64 version for Commodore 64.

Here's a link to the complete package (Software, Manual, Changelog)

2022-11-05 English PDF 220.59 KB 424 Download
zip37 Turbo MIRV Manual

Turbo MIRV (Multiple Information Recovery Vehicle) by Cosmi is designed to exist concurrently with other programs in the Commodore 64 computer. Turbo MIRV is a combination of six desktop tools which include a Notepad, Calculator, Clock functions, Calendar, Rolodex and Autodialer .

Thanks Anthony for providing another rare manual.

2024-03-01 English PDF 126.42 KB 127 Download
zip38 Ultimate Virtual Printer Guide for 1541U-II, 1541U-II+ & Ultimate 64

Ultimate Virtual Printer Guide for 1541U-II, 1541U-II+ & Ultimate 64

2020-05-25 English PDF 2.28 MB 726 Download
zip39 UltraBASIC-64 Manual HOT

ULTRABASIC-64 is the "ultimate" software package for those that want to use the wonderful features for which you bought the COMMODORE 64. ULTRABASIC-64 gives you easy to use graphics, fun to use TURTLE graphics, POKEless music and sound, convenient game features and a screen dump to the printer. It's a very powerful bag of tools for software development.

2020-10-13 English PDF 3.97 MB 1,321 Download
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