Category: Software Manuals [C64]
Downloads: 477
zip0 Hayden Software SAT - Geomertry

Welcome to the GEOMETRY MODULE of the HAYDEN SAT SCORE IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM, one of six modules designed to help you raise your SAT scores. This Geometry Module is an effective tool to begin your
preparation for the Mathematical section of the Scholastic Aptitude Tests. The system is easy to operate so that you can concentrate on its content. All of the information you need to complete examples or answer test questions
appears on screen, as do instructions for moving from one part of the program to another. More detailed explanations follow in this manual. You can also read the instructions on screen by selecting the System User's Guide option after you load the program.

This GEOMETRY MODULE provides instruction and practice in solving the entire range of geometry problems found on the SAT. All figures needed to solve the problems are illustrated on the screen.

2023-06-25 English PDF 3.76 MB 204 Download
zip1 Hayden Software SAT - Quantitative Comparisons

Welcome to the MATH MODULE of the HAYDEN SCORE IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM FOR THE SAT* one of three modules designed to help you raise your SAT scores. This Quantitative Comparisons and Word Problems Section is an effective tool to use in your preparation for the Mathematical section of the Scholastic Aptitude Tests. The system is easy to operate so that you can concentrate on its content. All of the information you need to complete examples or answer test questions appears on screen, as do instructions for moving from one part of the program to another. More detailed explanations follow in this manual. You can also read the instructions on screen by
selecting the System User's Guide option offer you load the program.

The QUANTITATIVE COMPARISONS AND WORD PROBLEMS SECTION provides review material on the areas in the Mathematical section of the SAT exclusive of Algebra and Geometry which are separate sections in the Hayden System. Quantitative comparison problems - problems that emphasize reasoning skills used to determine which of two quantities is larger - improve skills in algebra and geometry as well as in
other areas of mathematics.

2023-06-25 English PDF 2.71 MB 224 Download
zip2 Help Master 64 Manual

Your Commodore 64 will HELP You learn BASIC programming.

2020-03-22 English PDF 351.94 KB 661 Download
zip3 HES Writer 64 Instruction Manual HOT

This program allows you to enter text Program Commands into the computer via the computer keyboard, then edit and format the text before printing it.

2020-03-22 English PDF 6.89 MB 949 Download
zip4 HESMON 64 Instruction Manual HOT

HESMON 64 is a Machine Language Monitor for the Commodore 64.

2020-03-22 English PDF 7.76 MB 977 Download
zip5 Hesware Graphics BASIC Manual HOT

Graphics BASIC gives you and your Commodore 64 a powerful extended BASIC.  You have over 100 new commands and features combining incredible power and flexibility with simplicity and readability.

2020-03-11 English PDF 11.64 MB 1,494 Download
zip6 Home Inventory 1 & 2 Instruction Guide

The Home Inventory package consists of two (2) parts designed to run on the minimum VIC to simplify the process of generating an inventory of the contents of your home.  Although this package is called Home Inventory, it can also be used for an inventory of your store or office, securities and financial holdings, personal library, etc. Its applications are unlimited.

2020-03-22 English PDF 1.91 MB 661 Download
zip7 Home Office Writer Manual

The Home-Office Writer is a powerful word processor which speeds up your ability to write letters, reports and other text documents.

2020-04-09 English PDF 568.68 KB 547 Download
zip8 Home Organizer Cheque Book Manual

This program is one of our titles in the HOME ORGANIZER series. This series was designed specifically for the Commodore 64 home computer.  It is based on our professional database program called The Consultant (formerly Delphi's Oracle) which is one of the best selling database management systems for the Commodore 64.

2020-04-09 English PDF 945.75 KB 557 Download
zip9 HomePak User Manual

Congratulatlons!  You've bought three excellent programs - a word processor, database manager and telecommunications program - for less than the price you would expect to pay for any one of them from anyone else! But you're not buying just run-of-the-mill software with HomePak; you've got yourself three of the best programs of their type on the market.

2020-04-09 English PDF 20.95 MB 728 Download
zip10 HomeWord Plus User's Guide

HomeWord is designed to lead you through all the steps of word processing with ease. This book will help; begin by browsing through it. You can use the table of contents and index to find specific things you want to know. Each page is labeled in the top corner to help you find what you're looking for.

Note - Looking for a disk image if anyone has it and would like to share.

2023-04-22 English PDF 11.94 MB 358 Download
zip11 HomeWord Reference Card

This is a quick reference card for the HomeWord word processing program by Sierra-Online. 

2023-04-22 English PDF 1.18 MB 253 Download
zip12 HomeWord Word Processor Help

HomeWord was a word processing program by Sierra-Online released in 1983.  I don't think this is the full manual, but it sure does help to use the program.  Thanks to one of our visitors for pointing out this could be found on

Here's a link to the Commodore 64 HomeWord program if anyone's interested in giving it a spin.

2023-02-24 English Commodore 64 28.27 KB 245 Download
zip13 Homework Helper Math Word Problems Manual

HOMEWORK HELPER MATH provides students with a tool for understanding and solving word problems.  It teaches you the "how-to" of translating English sentences into mathematical equations, and techniques for getting correct answers.  It helps you solve your own homework problems .

2020-04-10 English PDF 3.76 MB 673 Download
pdf14 Hypersave-64 Instructions

Hypersave-64 is a powerful and versatile fast loading utility which provides maximun flexibility of operation. Eight additional Basic commands; Save, load, and verify Basic and machine code programs with full error checking. Hypersave sits at the top of free RAM, leaving you in full control. Its routines may be called at any time, just like the normal direct mode commands.

2024-08-11 English PDF 3.22 MB 66 Download
pdf15 ICE BBS v1.1 Manual NEW

This manual was written by Eric Green on a Commodore 128 using Steve Punter's WordPro-128, and printed using a Star NX-10 printer and Xetec Supergraphix interface. The daisywheel printer used in previous renditions has been discarded because of its extremely slow speed, and its problems with dealing with ASCII characters (due to its Brother typewriter heritage).

The general style of the manual is to use headings offset into the margins to denote each major topic. Areas that denote interaction with the BBS are offset to the right, with user-entered text underlined to differentiate it from things printed by the BBS.

In our opinion, WordPro-128 is the most versatile word processor for the C-128. However, it has one rather pesky problem when dealing with illustrations.* It does not contain commands for a "floating" illustration area, thus our charts and tables are rather clumsily inserted. When we can afford to purchase a computer capable of supporting a real typesetting program such as Donald Knuth’s TeX program (which he used to typeset his masterpiece The Art of Computer Programming), such as an Amiga, that technical problem shall be resolved.

2025-01-28 English PDF 19.75 MB 12 Download
zip16 Image BBS v1.0 Manual (Revised)

Image BBS v1.0 Manual (Revised)

2020-05-22 English PDF 2.43 MB 664 Download
d64 floppy17 Image BBS v1.2a Documentation

Documentation for the Commodore 64 BBS program called IMAGE.

ImageBBS v1.2a docs
2016-11-24 English PDF 230.5 KB 807 Download
pdf18 Infiltrator Disassembler v1.0 Reference Manual

Infiltrator Disassembler v1.0 Manual by Gerald Hinder.

Quote from the Introduction:

Once upon a time everyone was eager to find sprites, bitmaps, music or code somewhere in the RAM. Yea, we used the “Action Replay” and other cheat technology to get what we wanted. Infiltrator comes with those basic functionalities including some hopefully nice updates.

The disassembler uses forward interpretation with all the implied problems of this method. The basic concept is to process the complete memory, that´s why you can import PRG files as well as VICE snapshot files. Using VICE snapshots will naturally result in a lot of false interpretations. The included set of tools and methods may help you to master them.

2024-08-08 English PDF 952.68 KB 84 Download
zip19 INQUIRE PAC - Database Manual

INQUIRE PAC is designed to be user friendly for both the computer novice as well as the seasoned expert. It allows for the manipulation of up to 200 individual records with up to 15 distinct fields of information ranging from 1 character up to 250 characters.

2020-06-07 English PDF 1.51 MB 569 Download
zip20 Insta Speed (BASIC Compiler) Manual

INSTA-SPEED is a BASIC compiler for the CBM 64. The programs originate in the United Kingdom and are improved and upgraded versions of DTL BASIC COMPILER, developed for Commodore business computers.

The function of a compiler is to convert a program from its source form (ie. the form in which it is written) into a more efficient form that can run much faster than the original.

INSTA-SPEED has been specially optimized for the CBM 64 and it not only makes every BASIC program a lot faster but will also make each program significantly smaller, except for programs with only a few lines.

INSTA-SPEED is 100% compatible with CBM 64 BASIC. This means that any existing 8ASIC program can be compiled without any alteration, to produce a program that peforms exactly the same, and yet is much faster and requires less memory and disk space.

INSTA-SPEED is designed so that it can be people with no programming knowledge to existing programs. Yet for more experienced range of facilities is provided to enable potential of the CBM 64 to be realized.

2023-11-19 English Commodore 64 2.85 MB 259 Download
zip21 Instant Editor & Assembler Manual

Congratulations! you have just purchased the fastest, most versatile EDITOR ASSEMBLER on the market. lEA is capable of assembling up to 17k source fiIes in less then 4 seconds. Fourteen commands are added to the BASIC editor to create source files that can be assembled by lEA. Useful commands Include FIND. DELETE, RENUMBER, AUTO,UNNEW. APPEND, BLOCK SAVE, HEX TO DECIMAL, and DECIMAL TO HEX to name a few.

2020-05-22 English Commodore 64 20.14 MB 661 Download
pdf22 Isepic v1.0 Manual

ISEPIC (SAY "ice-pick") is an extraordinary hardware and software combination that is capable of copying virtually all memory-resident software regardless of the original protection scheme or storage medium. Rather than duplicating disks or cassette tapes, ISEPIC copies the program to disk as it runs in the Commodore's memory, thus creating a "snapshot" image of the entire RAM, I/O, and CPU status. This snapshot is
completely unprotected and subject to modification by the user. From this image, ISEPIC can create a compact, auto-booting file which will often load ten times faster and eliminate many of the problems created
by various protection schemes. Because of this unprotected format, it is possible to store many programs on a single disk as well as transfer them to a hard drive or a device other than a 1541.

2025-01-04 English PDF 2.82 MB 29 Download
zip23 Jenny II - The Genealogist Manual

Jenny II - The Genealogist - Your Computerized Genealogy Tracking System for the Commodore 64 Computer.

2024-11-26 English PDF 3.34 MB 34 Download
zip24 JiffyDOS 6.01 & DOS 5.1 Cheat Sheet

This is a super handy, one page cheat sheet for JiffyDOS 6.01 and DOS 5.1 by Stephen Lark (slark).  You can find the original source along with a lot of other great documents at Stephen's webiste

2023-06-24 English PDF 45.63 KB 396 Download
zip25 JiffyMON/64 v2.0 Machine Language Monitor User's Guide

JiffyMON/64 is a unique and powerful machine language monitor for Commodore 64 and 128 (in 64 mode) computers equipped with the JiffyDOS speed-enhancement ROMs. Like other machine language monitors, JiffyMON lets you inspect and modify individual bytes in your computer's memory; assemble, disassemble, and execute 6510 assembler code programs; and also provides a number of features which assist in debugging and writing assembly language programs.

This fully re-typed and improved manual came from the excellent website.  Please visit them and check out the other fine reference material

2023-02-10 English Commodore 64 92.47 KB 417 Download
pdf26 Keystone Software - Label Maker v2.1 Manual

You will actually be making labels in just a few minutes, but first you must make a back up copy of the program and format a data disk.

2025-01-10 English PDF 2.02 MB 26 Download
zip27 Kick Assembler v5.15 Manual

Welcome to Kick Assembler, an advanced MOS 65xx assembler combined with a Java Script like script language.

2020-05-26 English PDF 766.98 KB 694 Download
zip28 Kipper API Technical Reference
The KIPPER application programming interface (or API) is a set of functions that allow C64 programs to communicate over an IP network without being tied to a specific hardware device. kipper-api-technical-reference
2019-10-05 English PDF 174.04 KB 614 Download
pdf29 Koala Painter Owner's Manual

KoalaPainter — the computer drawing tool - allows you to:

  • Draw freehand using several different brushes and colors.
  • Design geometric shapes of all sizes.
  • Copy images from one part of the screen to another.
  • “Un-do" any of your work to begin again.
  • Take advantage of special kaleidoscopic features which “mirror” images in your drawing.
  • Magnify your drawing for close-up work.
  • Save your designs for future enjoyment.

KoalaPainter is easy to use - simply load the program and you can create your own designs immediately. Whatever your skill level, from beginner to serious artist, hours of fun and creativity await you.

2025-01-10 English Commodore 64 1.29 MB 29 Download
zip30 Kracker Jax: The Hacker's Utility Kit Manual

WelcometoTheHacker’sUtilityKit.Thisprogramrepresentsthefinestsetof diskexaminationandmanipulationtoolseverassembledintoonepackage.Weare confidentyouwillfindittobeoneofthemostusfuldisksinyourlibrary.Eachandeverymoduleincludedinthispackagehasbeenputthroughit’spaces inrealuse.Wefeelyou'llfindthemnotonlyextremelypowerful,butalsouser friendly.ManyextrashavebeenputintoTheHacker'sUtilityKit.Pleasebesuretoreadeachsegmentofthismanualbeforeusinganyofthetools.This willinsurethatyouobtainfulluseofeachandeveryfeature.

2023-04-14 English PDF 8.16 MB 277 Download
zip31 Kwik-Load Manual

KWIK-LOAD! is a software utility program for the Commodore 64 or Executive 64 computer. It speeds up the way the disk drive reads information on a 5 1/4" floppy diskette. It will work with one or two Commodore 1541 disk drives. KWIK-COPY, a second program on the diskette, uses simple screen menus to guide you through otherwise complicated procedures. With KWIK-LOAD! and KWIK-COPY you can:

  • Load programs and data more than 300% faster;
  • Copy diskettes more than 300% faster;
  • Test your disk drive for proper operating speed;
  • Edit information on a diskette directly by track and sector;
  • Display and write diskette directory information in alphabetical order; and
  • Perform DOS (Disk Operating System) operations: format and validate disks, scratch and rename files.

Thanks to Anthony for providing this manual.  It's a bit rough because it's a scan of a photocopy, but I haven't seen it anywhere else on the net, so it's much appreciated.

2024-02-27 English PDF 862.3 KB 226 Download
zip32 Kyan Pascal Manual HOT

The following manual is intended as a reference for both STANDARD Kyan Pascal and ADVANCED Kyan Pascal. Those chapters which apply only to STANDARD Kyan Pascal are marked (STANDARD); those chapters which apply only to ADVANCED Kyan Pascal are marked (ADVANCED). You will find that most chapters apply to both versions.

Thanks BlueCursor for the upload.

2020-06-09 English PDF 32.08 MB 1,465 Download
pdf33 Laser BASIC Manual

Laser BASIC is an easy to use and versatile utility which lets you make full use of the Commodore 64's outstanding graphics capabilities without using machine code. Although it was originally designed with video games in mind, it can be used in any application which requires high quality graphics.

Here's a Link to the Language and Compiler.

2024-12-31 English PDF 4.34 MB 45 Download
zip34 Laser Genius Assembler Manual HOT

Laser Genius is a complete machine code development system for the Commodore 64.

2020-05-31 English PDF 19.14 MB 1,760 Download
zip35 Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush Manual

With Chalk Board's PowerPad and Leo's'Lectric Paintbrush, drawing is exciting. You don't need paints, water or crayons.  You don't need scissors or glue. All you need is your imagination.  Your finger becomes an electric paint brush.  Drawing right on PowerPad, you see the design on your TV screen.  You can use Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush to play with your design and change it. You can save the design on your diskette or cassette.  Then you can look at it later or make more changes.

2020-02-19 English PDF 10.78 MB 652 Download
zip36 Lode Runner Manual

Lode Runner Manual

2019-07-02 English PDF 687.89 KB 776 Download
zip37 LogicMaster Users Guide

With PowerPad and LogicMaster, the entire family can enjoy many hours of fun and excitement.  Each game you play sharpens your powers of observation, as well as improves your problem solving abilities. Your goal is to solve LogicMaster's "secret code" by placing properly-colored shapes in their correct positions.  You can play by yourself or with a friend. You can design each game so that it is as complex or as simple as you like.

2020-02-19 English PDF 590.77 KB 596 Download
zip38 Logotron Planner 1295 Instructions

Logotron Planner 1295 is a spreadsheet program from the Logotron Business series of low cost, high quality software.

2021-08-16 English PDF 3.31 MB 552 Download
pdf39 Machine Language Development System

Welcome to the world of Micol Sysems Assembly Language Programming on the VIC 20 or Commodore 64. With this package you have the ability to create the fastest and most versatile software your computer is able to execute.

You will be amazed at the speed differences between programs you will write with this package and BASIC programs which perform the same function. A forty fold speed increase or better should be the norm. Hundreds of times, although unusual, can be achieved.

Few things in life come for free, and assembly language programming is no exception. While assembly language programs execute far faster than BASIC programs, they are usually more difficult to write. This package will be a great aid in minimizing this difficulty. The monitor, for example, is indispensable for assembly language debugging and offers features found only on much more expensive computers. You will find your investment well worth the money.

2025-01-10 English PDF 5.84 MB 44 Download
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