Category: Software Manuals [C64]
Downloads: 477
zip0 Data Manager 2 User Manual

Just think how nice it would be to look up someone's name and address without having to look through an address book, or how much faster and easier it would be to find specific information from a single floppy disk, instead of having to search through mounds of paper.  Better yet, think how much time could be saved by tabulating information with a computer instead of spending hours doing calculations manually.  DATA MANAGER 2 does this work for you. Your data is stored on space-saving disks - no more bulky, messy files.  DATAMANAGER 2 searches and displays data quickly, easily, and most of all, painlessly.

2020-02-28 English PDF 6.76 MB 759 Download
zip1 DATA20 Plan Manager Instruction Manual

DATA20 Plan Manager (Electronics Spreadsheet) Instruction Manual

2020-02-28 English PDF 3.75 MB 714 Download
zip2 DATA20 Word Manager Instruction Manual

DATA20 Word Manager Word Processing Instruction Manual

2020-03-01 English PDF 1.23 MB 611 Download
zip3 Decision Maker Manual

Decision Maker is a complete learning and applications course based upon the theory of of Decision Analysis and Decision Trees.

2020-02-28 English PDF 11.36 MB 740 Download
zip4 dFile 128 DBMS File Utilities Manual

This utility disk contains many useful programs which increase the capacity and flexibility of dfile128 by allowing you to manlpulate and modify your record flIes.  These programs were created because they were requested, even demanded, by loyal users of dflle 128.  Of course, lf you do not have the dfile128 Database Management System, these special utilities will not do you much good since they only perform operations on dfile128 record files.

2020-03-01 English PDF 2.03 MB 639 Download
zip5 dFile 128 Manual

dfile128 is a fully featured easy-to-use database management system. This program was developed by listening to the inputs of several thousand users, like yourself, and implementing those features which most of you found desirable to have.

2020-03-01 English PDF 3.22 MB 682 Download
zip6 Di-Sector v2.0 Instruction Manual

Congratulations!  You have just purchased the most powerful Commodore 64 disk access utility yet written.  I hope that you will find Di-Sector enjoyable. Should you discover any problems or have any suggestions for improvement, please contact Starpoint Software.  User feedback is the only way that great programs can get better.  Your input will be appreciated.

2020-03-01 English PDF 415.62 KB 659 Download
zip7 Di-Sector v2.0b Documentary Supplement

Di-Sector V2.0b Documentary supplement.

Well you finally have the Di-Sector disk in hand. I hope thatyou will find it worth the wait!

2020-03-01 English PDF 898.57 KB 627 Download
zip8 Di-Sector v3.0 Instruction Manual

Welcome to the world of disk utilities. This DI-SECTOR diskette contains many disk utilities which represents over two years of hard work inside of the 1541 drive.  This version of DI-SECTOR itself is credited with one full year of work.  With all of this research & development we feel that we have created the best disk utility for the Commodore 1541 disk drive to date.

2020-03-01 English PDF 22.79 MB 794 Download
zip9 Dir Plus v3.1 [SD2IEC] User Manual HOT

This is the user manual for Anders “Boray” Persson's Dir Plus v3.1.  Click here to get the program.  

** Official Website

Website external2020-05-16 English PDF 1.25 MB 994 Download
zip10 DirMaster v3.0.0 Documentation

DirMaster is a Windows-based GUI application designed to help Commodore enthusiasts explore and manage their disk image collections. DirMaster supports common (and uncommon) emulator disk image formats (such as .d64, .d81, .d2m, etc), almost every native Commodore archival format (such as .arc, .sda, .lnx, etc), and many native graphic formats (such as koala, doodle, amica, etc). DirMaster was designed to give users a perfect blend of familiar appearance (e.g. natural looking disk image contents using the PETSCII character set) and modern GUI functionality (e.g. drag and drop, opening multiple diskimages at once). The first version of DirMaster was released in 2006.

DirMaster-Style Documentation v3.0.0
2020-02-28 English PDF 1.3 MB 641 Download
zip11 Disk Maker v2.2 Manual

By purchasing Disk Maker, you have insured that your valuable software library will not be lost!  Now you too can safeguard your Commodore software against loss or damage - just as professional programmers do -by creating backup copies of your software programs.  And by keeping a backup of programs that you personally are creating, you will avoid wasting countless hours of re-entering data, in case you accidentally erase your work.

2020-03-01 English PDF 1.68 MB 648 Download
pdf12 DiskAligner Instruction Manual

VIC 1541 Floppy Disk Drive Simple Head Alignment Instructions

2024-08-10 English PDF 10.82 MB 120 Download
pdf13 Diskus 1 Manual

All Commodore 64 Disk Drive owners are faced with the problem of converting their tape based software to load from Disk. Until now, most transfer utilities have been difficult to use and effective only with programs which do not employ any special protection methods. Using a method unique to Dosoft, Diskus 1 will transfer almost all standard loading cassette programs to Disk.No program rewriting or user knowledge is  required.

2024-08-04 English PDF 402.29 KB 87 Download
zip14 DMBBS V5 Manual

DMBBS v5 Manual

2020-03-02 English PDF 7.81 MB 733 Download
zip15 Doodle! Manual HOT

DOODLE! has many features , as you will learn in the following pages.  As you become familiar with the program you will be able to change modes and select features while viewing your sketch.  Every time you use a function key to change modes, the menu behind the sketch pad changes. You can always switch to the menu for a look at the available options.

2020-03-02 English PDF 3.13 MB 1,019 Download
pdf16 Dosoft Backup Copier Documentation

Dosoft Backup Copier is an advanced file copier/header reader,which provides security backups of almost all copy protected tape software.

2024-08-08 English PDF 394.47 KB 57 Download
zip17 DotBASIC Plus - Complete Guide

DotBASIC Plus (DB+) is a new and exciting way to put pizzazz in your programs.  While DotBASIC is astoundingly easy to use, there are a few new concepts that may be unfamiliar to the BASIC 2.0 programmer.  So, we highly recommend you start from the beginning.  The first part of the manual will walk you through a number of program ideas, explaining the various DB+ commands and concepts along the way.  Take the time to work your way through them—we promise it will pay off!  Once you get the hang of DotBASIC, you’ll be amazed at how slick and professional your programs can look with just a few lines of code.

2020-03-02 English PDF 2.44 MB 804 Download
zip18 Double-Ass Assembler Instructions

With this 2-pass assembler you can code as well for the 8502 microprocessor as for the Z-80 microprocessor.  Both processors are present in that wonderful machine, the CBM-128.

This document describes how to use the Double-Ass assembler, but doesn't teach how to create correct machine language programs.  It assumes you have experience with the built-in Monitor of the 128-mode.  However, this document contains some clues on how to code in assembly language.

2020-03-02 English PDF 36.14 KB 598 Download
zip19 DTL BASIC 64 Manual

DTL-BASIC 64 is a Basic compiler for the CBM 64.  This manual is for use with DTL-BASIC 64.4 (ie. release 4),or a later release.

2020-03-01 English PDF 2.94 MB 747 Download
zip20 DTL-Basic 64 Manual [Disk Edition]

DTL-BASIC 64 is a Basic compiler for the CBM 64. This manual is for use with DTL-BASIC 64.4 (ie. release 4),or a later release. The function of a compiler is to convert a program from its source form (ie. the form in which it is written) into a more efficient form that can run much faster than the original.

2020-05-22 English PDF 2.93 MB 634 Download
zip21 DTL-Basic 64 Manual [Tape Edition]

DTL-BASIC 64 is a basic compiler for the CBM 64 that takes an existing program (known as the Source file) and produces the compiled equivalenl of the program (known as lhe object file). The compiled program will run very much faster than the original program and will also be much smaller.

2020-05-22 English PDF 4.8 MB 632 Download
zip22 Durex Forth v1.2 Manual

Forth is a different language.  It's aged and a little weird.  What's cool about it?  It's a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management.  At the same time, it easily scales to become a very high-level and domain-speci c language, much like Lisp.  Compared to C64 Basic, Forth is more attractive in almost every way.  It is alot more fast, memory effective and powerful.

2020-03-04 English PDF 626.6 KB 677 Download
zip23 Durex Forth v1.6.1 Manual

Forth is a different language.  It's aged and a little weird.  What's cool about it?  It's a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management.  At the same time, it easily scales to become a very high-level and domain-speci c language, much like Lisp.  Compared to C64 Basic, Forth is more attractive in almost every way.  It is alot more fast, memory effective and powerful.

2020-03-04 English PDF 652.17 KB 609 Download
zip24 DurexForth 2.0.0 User Manual

Forth is a unique language. What is so special about it? It is a small, low-level language, which can easily be extended to a high-level, domain-speci c language
that does anything you want it to do. Compared to C64 Basic, Forth is more attractive in almost every way. It is a lot faster, more memory effctive, and more powerful.

2020-05-18 English PDF 653.45 KB 603 Download
zip25 durexForth v5.0.0 Operators Manual

Forth is a unique language. What is so special about it? It is a small, low-level language, which can easily be extended to a high-level, domain-specific language that does anything you want it to. Compared to C64 Basic, Forth is more attractive in almost every way. It is a lot faster, more memory effective, and more powerful.

Compared to C, the nice thing about Forth is that you can run the full development environment on your C64, with text editor, compiler, assembler and debugger. It makes for a more interactive and fun experience than running a cross-compiler on PC.

2024-11-28 English PDF 813.14 KB 48 Download
zip26 E-Z Assembler v1.5 Manual

What BASIC is to BASIC programming , an ASSEMBLER is to ML programming . The E-Z assembler is a complete language. You write programs ( source code ) which the E-Z assembler translates in to the finished , executable M  ( object code ).

2020-03-04 English PDF 607.98 KB 581 Download
zip27 Early Learning Friends Manual

EARLY LEARNING FRIENDS was created by a team of artists, musicians, educators and game developers to provideyour child with an entertaining and stimulating opportunity to develop important early learning skills.

2020-03-04 English PDF 2.4 MB 658 Download
zip28 Easy CALC RESULT Manual

CALC RESULT is a new business software package from HANDIC SOFTWARE AB. For those who deal with complex calculations or simulations CALC RESULT will quickly become irreplacable and not only speed up your work but make complex jobs easier.

2020-03-04 English PDF 1.67 MB 801 Download
zip29 Easy Finance II Manual

In today's fast-paced economy, you need to know how to get the most out of your hard-earned money;  your Commodore 64 can help you learn how. EASY FINANCE II shows you how to make the right financial decisions and plan for future expenditures.

2020-03-04 English PDF 2.45 MB 635 Download
zip30 Easy Finance IV Manual

In today's fast-paced business world, you need to make the right management decisions;  your Commodore 64 can show you how.  EASY FINANCE helps you make the right financial decisions inareas such as:

  • production
  • inventory control
  • compensation
  • lease or purchase
  • optimal quantity
  • business forecasting
2020-03-04 English PDF 5.22 MB 654 Download
zip31 Easy Finance V Manual

In today's fast-paced economy, you need to make the right financial decisions; your Commodore 64 can show you how. EASY FINANCE calculates financial statistics and forecasting for you.

2020-03-04 English PDF 4.02 MB 666 Download
zip32 Easy Reader Manual

EASY READER is an exciting new series of computer programs to be used at home to practice and develop basic reading skills.  The programs have been carefully designed by classroom teachers to help students improve skills that are necessary for good reading and better grades.

2020-03-04 English PDF 2.77 MB 651 Download
zip33 Easy Script Manual HOT

EASY SCRIPT is one of the most powerful word processors available for any microcomputer.  It allows you to create, store and modify text easily.  This makes EASY SCRIPT ideal for writing reports, letters, books, memos, bulletins, in fact any type of document.  The text can be stored on diskette or cassette so that it can be printed or modified as required.

2020-03-04 English PDF 3.17 MB 1,127 Download
zip34 Easy Script Quick Reference Card

Easy Script Quick Reference Card

2020-03-04 English PDF 43.21 KB 591 Download
zip35 Easy Spell Manual

EASY SPELL is a fast, efficient spelling checker for the EASY SCRIPT word processing package.  EASY SPELL lets you check words for spelling errors in a document prepared using EASY SCRIPT and then errors can be corrected.  You can add words to the EASY SPELL vocabulary to suit anyone who writes.  You can check the spelling of individual documents or those that are made up of linked files on the same diskette.

2020-03-04 English PDF 696.91 KB 573 Download
zip36 Easy Tutor

The EASY TUTOR was designed to assist the beginner in the operation of the Commodore 64 in BASIC; but at the same time, enough information is provided to satisfy the intermediate programmer.  There are 10 lessons - the first five are relatively simple, while the latter half is more involved. Included are practical easy-to-understand examples along with some problems to help the student.

2020-03-04 English PDF 220.98 KB 569 Download
zip37 Easy Working Filer

Welcome to Easy Working Filer!  Using a database couldn't be easier, even for the fIrst time user!

2020-03-04 English PDF 691.42 KB 720 Download
zip38 Easy Working Planner Manual

Welcome to Easy Working Planner!  Using a spreadsheet couldn't be easier, even for the first time user!

2020-03-04 English PDF 629.96 KB 632 Download
zip39 Easy Working Writer Manual

Easy Working Writer is an easy-to-use program containing both a word processor and a spelling checker.

2020-03-04 English PDF 5.17 MB 839 Download
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