Category: Software Manuals [C64]
Downloads: 474
zip0 BASIC 64 Compiler Manual [Abacus] HOT

BASIC-64 allows you to compile programs in speedcode (pseudo-code), machine language, or a mix of both.  You can merge and compile a series of programs using the overlay feature.  You can change parameters using the advanced development features.  You can compile programs written using BASIC extensions. You can compile programs that work in conjunction with Assembler/Monitor-64 and much more.

2019-09-07 English PDF 2.7 MB 1,643 Download
zip1 BASIC 8 with Basic Paint for the C128 Manual HOT

Basic 8.0 is a new and exciting programming environment for the C128 computer owner. It allows you to use an entirely new aspect of graphics on the C128, graphics that actually exceed the high resolution and power that the C128 and C64 user have come to expect. Yet it does so while being compatible with the existing advanced non-graphic commands of Basic 7.0 that are built into the computer.

2019-09-21 English PDF 3.7 MB 2,542 Download
zip2 BASIC Lessons Instructions HOT

The BASIC LESSONS was designed to assist the beginner in the operation of tfle Commodore 64 in BASIC, but at the same time, enough information is provided to satisfy the intermediate programmer.

2020-02-12 English PDF 220.24 KB 968 Download
pdf3 Basic Lightning Manual NEW

BASIC LIGHTNING is an extension to the CBM64's resident BASIC interpreter which adds over 150 ccmmands. The additional ccmmands cover three main areas: structured programming, graphics and sound. One of BASIC LIGHTNING'S most powerful features is the ability to multi-task; up to five parts of a BASIC program can be run at once. A compiler for BASIC LIGHTNING will be available in early 1985 which will produce "stand-alone" compiled programs which can be marketed without paying royalties.

The structured programming ccmmands included in BASIC LIGHTNING include all the control ccmmands found in PASCAL. This includes multiple-line IF-THEN-ELSE, REPEAT-UNTIL, WHILE-WEND as well as  PROCEDURES with full parameter passing (including arrays), multiple-line functions and CASE-OF.

The sound and graphics ccmmands included are the same as those in WHITE LIGHTNING, adapted to BASIC syntax, and include ccmmands to plot points, draw lines, move software sprites to and frcm the screen, scroll blocks of the screen or sprites with character or pixel resolution, rotate, invert or mirror sprites or screen windows and exchange sprites with parts of the screen. You can also make use of the 64's inbuilt hardware sprites and it is possible to redefine the 64's character set.

2025-02-07 English PDF 5.79 MB 8 Download
zip4 BASIC-BOSS English Manual (Google Translated)

BASIC-Boss compiler manual - This was translated from German using the Google Translator Toolkit.

2023-04-22 English PDF 1.27 MB 346 Download
zip5 BASICally Simple 64

How to use all C64 Basic 2.0 statements, commands, functions and operators in Basic programs. Pre_programmed examples demonstrate how each Basic statement executes. Use this program to become an expert Basic programmer.  There after, this disk makes a handy reference guide.

2020-02-12 English PDF 223 KB 886 Download
zip6 BBS Server v1.2 User's Guide HOT

Telnet BBS Server is a small Windows program that provides Internet connectivity for Commodore (or other 8-bit) computers.  Essentially, it performs these two functions:

  • Provides incoming Telnet access to 8-bit BBSes.
  • Provides outgoing Telnet functionality for 8-bit Terminal programs.
2020-02-12 English PDF 282.91 KB 1,144 Download
zip7 Becker BASIC Manual HOT

Becker BASIC is an extension to BASIC 2.0 which is fully compatible with the GEOS user interface. Becker BASIC includes programming tools, error handling commands, hi-res graphics, sound and GEOS support

2019-09-08 English PDF 18.1 MB 1,197 Download
zip8 Better Working Business Form Shop Manual

BUSINESS FORM SHOP is a form generation program designed to help you computerize your business's paperwork. When it comes to forms you want them to be fast, legible and accurate. The paperwork you may now be typing or  even handwriting is transformed into an easy fill-in-the-blanks process. The forms can range in size from having one row and ten columns to having ninety-nine rows and 132 columns on up to one hundred pages.

With BUSINESS FORM SHOP you can choose between using our existing form templates and modifying them to meet your needs, or creating your own forms right on the screen. Anytime you want to use a BUSINESS FORM SHOP form, simply insert the Program Disk and go. The program will prompt you for the fillin information n eeded to compfete the form. It will perform table look-ups, do all the math, and print your form perfectly every time. You will be amazed at the time you save and the professional look of your forms.

Here's a link to the program and additional material - Thank you Bruce Thomas for sharing.

2023-11-19 English PDF 10.5 MB 227 Download
zip9 Better Working File & Report Instructions HOT

Better Working Software from Spinnaker is proud to introduce FILE & REPORT, a program which will allow you to organize lists of information and produce reports using those lists.  FILE & REPORT integrates with the other Better Working products SPREADSHEET and WORD PROCESSOR.

2021-03-28 English PDF 17.07 MB 1,012 Download
zip10 Better Working File & Report Quick Reference

This is the quick reference card for the Apple II, IIe, IIc and Commodore versions of Better Working File & Report.

2021-03-28 English PDF 425.84 KB 723 Download
zip11 Better Working Word Publisher HOT

Word Publisher is an easy-to-learn, easy- to-use GEOS-based writing tool ideal for creating a variety of documents. The program differs from other GEOS-based word processors in that font and style information are recorded rather than displayed during text entry, thus avoiding the huge delays associated with WYSIWYG types.

2020-06-09 English PDF 5.52 MB 943 Download
zip12 Bible Search Manual HOT

Bible Search is designed to bring the Word of God to you in a simple but elegant fashion using your C64/128. Bible Search features extensive facilities for word search and verse display. Bible Search can find any word or verse in the Bible in seconds.

2020-02-12 English PDF 3.41 MB 1,078 Download
d64 floppy13 Big Blue Reader 128 v3.1 / 64 v2.0 Manual HOT

Big Blue Reader 128 v3.1 / 64 v2.0 Manual

2015-05-02 English PDF 2.42 MB 1,324 Download
zip14 Big Blue Reader 64/128 Manual

Big Blue Reader 128/64 is a unique and powerful Commodore 1571 and 1581 disk utility designed to quickly and easily transfer word processing, text, ASCII and binary files between standard Commodore 64/128 and IBM PC compatible MS-DOS disks.

2020-02-12 English PDF 2.42 MB 830 Download
zip15 Big Blue Reader 64/128 v3.1 Manual HOT

Big Blue Reader 128/64 is a unique and powerful Commodore 1571 and 1581 disk utility designed to quickly and easily transfer word processing, text, ASCII and binary files between standard Commodore 64/128 and IBM PC compatible MS-DOS disks.

2020-02-12 English PDF 3.08 MB 949 Download
zip16 Big Blue Reader 64/128 v4.1 Manual HOT

Big Blue Reader 128/64 is set of unique and powerful disk utilities for the Commodore 1571 and 1581 Disk Drive(s). These programs are designed to transfer word processing, text, ASCII, and binary files between standard Commodore 64/128 and IBM PC compatible MS-DOS disks. The enhanced Big Blue Reader 128 gives additional support for: Built-in MS-DOS disk formatting, true Burst Mode file transfers, 2MHz microprocessor speed, extra RAM, 40 and 80 column displays, C128 CP/M file transfers and much more.

2019-09-08 English PDF 2.71 MB 1,201 Download
pdf17 Billboard Maker Manual HOT

Billboard Maker Manual

2016-12-30 English PDF 2.53 MB 998 Download
pdf18 Billboard Maker Manual v2.0 HOT

Billboard Maker Manual v2.0

2016-12-30 English PDF 2.56 MB 961 Download
zip19 Billboard Maker v2.0 Manual

BILLBOARD MAKER is a sophisticated graphic product that allows a user to enlarge existing graphic drawings to high quality signs, posters, or extraordinary murals.  lt has the capability of expanding graphic images generated by Doodle, The Koala Pad, Flexidraw. Animation Station, Super Sketch, Blazing Paddles, The Print Shop.and Computer Eyes.

2020-02-12 English PDF 2.56 MB 837 Download
zip20 Blackbird User's Guide

BLACKBIRD is Professional music editing software for the Commodore 64.  BLACKBIRD belongs to a family of music editors known as trackers, where musical data is organised into tracks. Conceptually, BLACKBIRD shares many features with other tracker programs, but it also breaks new ground in a number of areas.

2020-02-12 English PDF 264.32 KB 699 Download
pdf21 Blackboard II BBS Users Guide


Custom menu driven, SYSOP definable menus, over 30 functions to choose from, up to 38 lines per menu, unlimited number of menus, on-line modification of user accounts, 4 operating methods, fully security coded, up to 20 message bases (public or private), 300 or 1200 BAUD operation, works with any drive combination, works with almost any modem, built-in terminal program, works with any file transfer, remote SYSOP capability, AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!!!!

2024-11-08 English PDF 302.34 KB 71 Download
zip22 Blazzing Paddles Illustrator Manual

BLAZING PADDLES is a very powerful and easy to use drawing program.  It allows you to use almost any input device to create drawings, diagrams, and text. It is easy enough for young children to use like a coloring book, yet sophisticated features are included for the serious computer artist.

2020-02-12 English PDF 496.33 KB 667 Download
zip23 Blitz Manual HOT

BLITZ is a versatile and easy to use compiler for Commodore computers which makes BASIC programs run much faster.  Most programs can be compiled without any alteration whatsoever(although you may wish to take advantage of some of the features that BLITZ adds to standard BASIC), and the whole compiling process usually takes no more than a few minutes!

Here's a link to the program.

2020-02-12 English PDF 215.56 KB 1,754 Download
zip24 Blue Chip Word Processor Quick Guide

The Blue Chip D12/10 Daisy wheel printer included a decent word processor in the bundle.  Thanks to Thomas Shaw, we now have the accompanying disk image.

You can find the full manual for the printer here. You can also find the GEOS printer driver here

2023-01-16 English PDF 765.3 KB 415 Download
zip25 Buddy 64/128 Assembly Development System Manual HOT

Buddy 64/128 Development System actually encompasses three stand-alone machine language development systems. There are two for writing 8500 (the system microprocessor) code : One uses the Basic editor (enhanced by string search and replace commands) for writing its memory based source and the other its own powerful ASCII editor . There is also a complete Z/80 ( C/PM microprocessor) cross assembler which has all the powerful commands and features of the other two. As a bonus there is also an assembler completely compatible with Pro-Line's C-POWER shell, editor, linker and ramdisk.

2020-02-12 English PDF 17.87 MB 1,186 Download
zip26 Business Card Maker Manual

 Business Card Maker is an entertainment and productivity program designed to allow you to easily and efficiently print business cards.

2020-12-03 English PDF 3.3 MB 696 Download
zip27 C Power Manual

C Power by Brian Hilchie - This is the manual for the C Power programming language by Pro-Line Software (4th Printing, October, 1985).

Thanks Anthony for providing this manual.

2024-03-12 English PDF 982.76 KB 209 Download
pdf28 C-Net 12.0 P-File Writer and Modifiers Guide NEW

You are about to enter a whole new world that you never knew existed! Since you have purchased this manual, you are probably already a C-Net 64 Sysop who loves to run a BBS, but now comes the opportunity to add your own personal touches by modifying your system the way YOU want it! This manual was written to make it as easy as possible to change the C-Net v12 program to do what you want it to, and the way that you want it to do it! If you have a working knowledge of Commodore BASIC, along with this guide, there is no reason that you cannot write your own program modules, (hereafter referred to as "P-files" ), and modifications to suit your own, and your user's tastes!

2025-01-23 12.65 MB 16 Download
pdf29 C-Net 64 BBS v10 Manual NEW

Welcome to the worId of telecommunlcations on your Commodore 64 - C-Net BBS is, in our opinion the most sophisticated bulletin board system available for your Commodore 64. Please take the time to completely read through the introduction and set-up procedures oriented chapters of this manual before attempting to operate the program--that will help to insure a successful configuration the first time. Once C-Net is configured and operating properly, you will likely not require any further assistance from this text for the basic operation of the program. The balance of this manual has been provided however, to detail all of the many intricate features of the system waiting to be discovered! 

2025-01-22 English PDF 1.02 MB 16 Download
pdf30 C-Net DS-2 BBS Manual

C-Net DS-2 BBS Manual - Apologize for the low quality of this scan, I'm sure it has a lot to do with the original source material, but if you zoom in enough it's totally readable.  If I run across a better version, I'll be sure to post it.

2024-10-11 English PDF 1.02 MB 66 Download
zip31 C-Net v10.0 Docs

C-Net v10.0 Docs (1986 Perspective Software / Ken Pletzer) recovered by Bucko! - This has been requested for a long time, and unfortunately it's not a PDF nor a complete archive (few pages missing towards the end).  Bucko downloaded this in 1987 from a BBS, and for whatever reason, it isn't quite complete.  We are still sincerely thankful to Bucko for providing this from his archive.

Oh, guess I forgot to mention that this is a .d81 disk image with several Commodore .SEQ text files, which I'm sure you gathered from the screen shots.

2024-10-11 English Commodore 64 37.9 KB 47 Download
pdf32 C*Base 3.0 Documentation NEW

Welcome to C*BASE v3.0! This program is the culmination of many years of work and effort not only from the author but from all the people that have supported C*BASE over the years. From modifying other BBS programs a long time ago, to 1.0s release many years ago, to 2.0s creation last year, and to 3.0s release in 1991, C*BASE has always progressed at a steady and fast pace! And now this is a result of that work.

Before getting into setting up the system, a few things should be said. First as stated earlier, read the documentation thoroughly! The documentation was not written so that it could be haphazardly skimmed. A good sysop always wants to understand what he is running anyway so please READ THIS DOCUMENTATION.

2025-01-24 English PDF 3.37 MB 16 Download
d64 floppy33 C64 Datatool Docs HOT

Datatool for the Commodore 64 is a unique type of spreadsheet program.  Here are the docs / manual converted to PDF from

C64 Datatool Docs
2016-11-04 English PDF 240.75 KB 1,600 Download
zip34 C64 Debugger v0.64.56 Manual HOT

C64 Debugger by SLAJEREK/SAMAR is a Commodore 64 and Atari XL/XE code and memory debugger that works in real time.  It is a quick prototyping tool where you can play with Commodore 64 machine and its internals.

C64 Debugger embeds VICE v3.1 C64 emulation engine created by The VICE Team and Atari800 v3.1.0 emulation engine created by the Atari800 team.

2019-10-13 English PDF 230.28 KB 1,056 Download
zip35 C64 Forth Manual [Performance Micro Products]

C64 Forth Manual [Performance Micro Products].

2020-02-12 English PDF 14.54 MB 851 Download
zip36 C64 Instant Music Manual

Instant Music is for the musician in us all. If you find yourself strumming air during your favorite guitar riff, or drumming along on your car steering wheel, but the only real musical insturment you can play is your stereo, then Instant Music may be just what you've been waiting for.

2020-02-12 English PDF 7.16 MB 776 Download
zip37 C64 Tutor Instruction Manual

C64 TUTOR was designed to help you discover the capabilities of your Commodore 64. C64 TUTOR consists of two programs, TUTOR and UTILITIES.  TUTOR is an interactive tutorial that introduces you to the C64.  UTILITIES creates a learning environment in which you can explore the 64’s calculating, text processing, graphic, and music capabilities.  You can use UTILITIES for a quick sprite or music demonstration.  With a little more experience you can use the letter writer to create letters, pictures, or even a slide show presentation.  Students can use the calculator to learn how computers represent and process numbers.  You are shown the settings you need to know to add what you have created with UTILITIES to your own programs.

2020-02-12 English PDF 2.79 MB 672 Download
zip38 C64List v4.0 Users Guide HOT

C64List is a command-line utility to convert BASIC programs from a friendly text format to its native C64 PRG format and back. You can also add assembly code that gets loaded at the end of a BASIC program. There are a many other features. Visit the Bit 64 Blog for more information.

2020-02-20 English PDF 639.75 KB 923 Download
zip39 C64S Emulator User's Manual

Welcome (back) to the world of the Commodore 64. This powerful software emulator will allow you to run most of the original Commodore 64 software onyour PC. C64S is an evolving program and will provide more and more compatibility as time progresses.

2021-01-21 English PDF 6.49 MB 872 Download
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