Category: Miscellaneous Utilities
Downloads: 49
d64 floppy0 1541 File Unscratcher HOT

1541 File Unscratcher is a simple utility to recover a deleted file.  This program is from the appendix of the 1541 users guide.

2016-12-23 English Commodore 64 2.9 KB 1,154 Download
d64 floppy1 1581 Subpartition Aid HOT

This program lets you create subpartitions (aka. subdirectories) on your 1581, or compatible drive.  This program works with a C64 or C128 computer.

Note:  Although this is originaly a CMD utility, it was modified by Adam Vardy to make it easier to use and more reliable.

1581 sub partition aid 1
2015-05-04 English Commodore 64 5.17 KB 1,222 Download
zip2 64-Keypad+

Do you own a Commodore 128?  Have you ever wanted to use the keypad when you're in C64 mode?  If so, this program is for you!

2023-07-25 English Commodore 128 2.4 KB 211 Download
d64 floppy3 71 Reads 41 Back HOT

This little program will let you read the back side of a 1541 formatted floppy in a 1571 drive without flipping the disk.  Not sure why you'd want to do this since you can't read tracks 1-4 but the code might prove useful to someone.

71 reads 41 back
2015-04-15 English Commodore 64 3.54 KB 1,041 Download
d64 floppy4 80 Columns HOT

Not much information on this 80 column program. It looks good but eats up a significant amount of BASIC memory.

80 columns
2015-04-04 English Commodore 64 4.36 KB 1,126 Download
zip5 80 Columns [2017] HOT

Found this utility recently for working in 80 columns on a Commodore 64.  There are several other utilities out there that do the same things, but heck, what can one more hurt?

80 Columns  2017 -1
2018-08-23 English Commodore 64 3.26 KB 1,105 Download
zip6 80 Columns for the Commodore 64

80 Columns for the Commodore 64 by Gregg Peele and Kevin Martin - A utility / demo of the Commodore 64 as it would look if it have an 80 column display.  Kind of neat to write some simple BASIC programs that can take advantage of the extra columns.  Just be sure to do a "NEW" command before starting your BASIC coding and you'll have 26,627 bytes of space to work with.

2023-05-16 English Commodore 64 3.51 KB 208 Download
d64 floppy7 80 Colums (Chris) HOT

Written in 2004 by Christopher Magro the Maltese. 80 Columns is a nice implementation of an 80 column interface for the C64 leaving all of BASIC memory useable.

80 colums-chris
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 9.99 KB 1,340 Download
d64 floppy8 Anal 1541 HOT

Written by Will Corley, Anal 1541 is a character frequency analyzer.  You pick a file on a disk and it will scan through it and tell you how often a particular character occurs in the file.

anal 1541 1
2015-04-16 English Commodore 64 2.52 KB 1,041 Download
d64 floppy9 ASCII to C64 (PETSCII) HOT

This handy utility will convert and ASCII file to PETSCII.

ascii to c64
2015-04-04 English Commodore 64 1.15 KB 1,174 Download
d64 floppy10 Bard's Tale 3 Character Editor

I know this isn't a utility to everyone, but it does have a utilitarian purpose and I love BT3 so I'm including it.

bards tale 3 char editor
2015-04-04 English Commodore 64 4.67 KB 879 Download
d64 floppy11 C64 (PETSCII) to ASCII HOT

This handy utility will convert a PETSCII file to ASCII.

64 to ascii
2015-04-04 English Commodore 64 1.15 KB 1,147 Download
zip12 Cartridge Cloner HOT

Cartridge Cloner - This is a simple little program that will dump the contents of a cartridge into a savable form in memory.  Don't think I'd recommend using this as you have to plug the cartridge in after the power is on and the dumper loaded.

2019-04-01 English Commodore 64 1.96 KB 904 Download
zip13 CBM Disk Transfer Benchmark v1.0

CBM Disk Transfer Benchmark 1.0 by Obliteratir918/Strate is a tool for seeing just how fast / slow your storage device is.  For the latest version and extra information about the program and some interesting benchmarks go to the official website -

2020-12-17 English Commodore 64 5.63 KB 499 Download
zip14 CBM Mark v1.01b HOT

CBMMark is a benchmarking suite for the C64 and C128 computers. CBMMark can analyze the performance of any kernel compliant drive. CBMMark performs tests using REL, PRG and SEQ files. 

* Allows executing of tests on multiple drives in one session. 
* Allows saving results of tests to a text file for later retrieval. 
* Benchmarks 400, 40, and 4 block SEQ file CRUD access. 
* Benchmarks 2k and 4k PRG CRUD access. 
* Benchmarks 50 record REL file CRUD access. 

cbmmark v1.01
2017-08-30 English Commodore 64 20.51 KB 1,192 Download
d64 floppy15 Color 80 (RTC) HOT

1983 Richvale Telecommunications - Color 80 is one of the best looking 80 column tools I have seen. The font is clean and easy to read and supports color.

color 80
2015-04-04 English Commodore 64 4.17 KB 1,155 Download
zip16 Commodore Dataset Audio Mod

This isn't so much a program as it is intstructions on how to use the dataset on a Commodore 64 or 128 to play regular audio recordings through the computer.  There is a type in program in one of the documents that also lets your control the volume level while playing back the audio.

2021-02-28 English Commodore 64 20.45 KB 500 Download
zip17 Directory Plus HOT

Directory Plus is a neat little BASIC program that will read all the files on a disk and either displays or prints details about each file such as the type, start track / sector and decimal load address.

2019-02-13 English Commodore 64 2.79 KB 969 Download
d64 floppy18 Disk Finder HOT

Disk Finder - searches through the disk for any occurrences of a specified string.  The program is compiled and cannot be easily changed.

disk finder 1
2015-05-15 English Commodore 64 7.52 KB 1,027 Download
d64 floppy19 DOS Changer HOT

DOS Changer changes the dos type as stored on track 18, sector 0.  the dos type, if not "a", will not allow any scratching or saving of files on the disk.  this program can change such "locked" dos back to normal as well as locking it.

dos changer 1
2015-05-07 English Commodore 64 3 KB 1,036 Download
d64 floppy20 Drive Clean Util HOT

Drive Clean Util - causes the drive motor to run to allow a cleaning disk to contact the read/write head for a prolonged period.

drive clean util 1
2015-05-15 English Commodore 64 1.48 KB 1,022 Download
d64 floppy21 Eamon Editor HOT

Apparently there is a game called "The Wonderful World of Eamon". This program lets you edit the monster and artifact file.

eamon editor
2015-04-06 English Commodore 64 6.38 KB 1,061 Download
d64 floppy22 File Protector HOT

File Protector is a handy little utility that lets you lock and unlock files on a disk so they can't be accidentally scratched.

file protector-1
2015-10-27 English Commodore 64 3.63 KB 1,035 Download
d64 floppy23 Floppy Memory Read/Write HOT

Floppy Memory Read  / Write is a super simple program that lets you read and write data from the RAM of a floppy drive.

floppy mem read write
2015-04-14 English Commodore 64 1.45 KB 1,025 Download
d64 floppy24 Generate Jiffy DOS HOT

This disk image has several programs on it that will assist you in generating a Jiffy DOS ROM image from a real Jiffy DOS chip in your C64 that can be used with emulators.

generate jiffy dos
2015-04-15 German Commodore 64 18.78 KB 1,094 Download
d64 floppy25 Graphics 64 HOT

This program reads a squential file which contains the code for a high resolution bit mapped graphic.  I can't really tell you anymore than that.  I believe the program came with the Total Telecommunications terminal program.

graphics 64 1
2015-04-18 English Commodore 64 3.93 KB 1,001 Download
d64 floppy26 Identifile HOT

Written by Jan Siren & Anthony Marsh - Identifile will examine the beginning of a file not matter the type and tell you what kind of file it is (ie. Basic Program, Text File, ML Program).

2015-04-06 English Commodore 64 6.25 KB 1,025 Download
d64 floppy27 Legacy of the Ancients Revitalizer

Brought to you by The Knights of Eternal Evil - This handy trainer will let you edit your characters for this classic RPG.

legacy of the ancients revitalizer
2015-04-06 English Commodore 64 9.04 KB 758 Download
d64 floppy28 Little Computer People Creator

Written by Snow Dog - LCP is a utility that will create a new person on a Little Computer People disk. If you don't remember LCP, it is basically an old school game like "The Sims" except I don't believe you can actually control the people... more like watching a fish tank.

little computer people creator
2015-04-06 English Commodore 64 2.44 KB 837 Download
zip29 Metric Conversions

Metric Conversions is a BASIC program for the Commodore 64 that converts all sorts of imperial measurements to the metic system equivallent.

2020-12-21 English Commodore 64 3.03 KB 561 Download
d64 floppy30 MS-DOS 64 HOT

MS-DOS 64 by Michael Gregg is a cute simulation of what MS-DOS might have looked like on a Commodore 64 back in 1987.

ms-dos 64 1
2015-04-26 English Commodore 64 4.12 KB 1,343 Download
d64 floppy31 Name Doctor HOT

Name Doctor changes the name of the disk as stored on track 18, sector 0.

name doctor 1
2015-05-08 English Commodore 64 2.36 KB 1,002 Download
d64 floppy32 No Knock HOT

No Knock - when used before reading disk files with sector errors, this program will prevent knocking of the read/write head when the error is detected.  the main portion of this program is one line which can be added to any basic loader. 

no knock 1
2015-05-15 English Commodore 64 1.35 KB 989 Download
d64 floppy33 Old or New CIA Detector HOT

This little utility will tell you if your Commodore 64 has old or new CIA chips.

old or new cia 1
2015-04-15 English Commodore 64 1.51 KB 1,078 Download
d64 floppy34 PiffyDOS Patcher v1.36 HOT

PiffyDOS - Programmers JiffyDOS

JiffyDOS from CMD has almost become a defacto standard for the Commodore world. It's compatility, speed and features makes it the natrual choise for users today. I found it very interesting how CMD managed to sqeeze everything into that 8kb of ROM and started to disassemble the code. With the Omicron reassembler I got about 100k of text that i started looking into. I ported the text to my PC and started dokumenting the code. This was back in '94.
After a few months work I finally had understood and documented the entire JiffyDOS-KERNAL. Since then, I have modifyed my own JiffyDOS with lots of new features. My goal was to have a programmer-friendly KERNAL in my system... And here I am.Extended Basic...
* MOC and MOX are two new commands that allows you to transfer data to and from a 17xx REU.
* Input numbers in hex/bin/oct format using $,%,& as prefix.
* MON command to examine both internal and REU memory.
* additional errorhandling for the REU commands.
More Function Keys...
* using the CTRL and F-keys allows you to fastcopy the entire memory to and fram the REU.
* CTRL + F1 copy C64 internal to REU bank 2.
* CTRL + F3 copy REU bank 2 to C64 internal.
* CTRL + F5 copy C64 internal to REU bank 3.
* CTRL + F7 copy REU bank 3 to C64 internal.Additional features...
* Display the loadadresses (both when using JiffyDOS drives and normal drives).
* CTRL + X. Copy REU bank1 to C64 internal and execute program at $9000. (Rescue routine for FairLights Xmem Assembler, or any other program working the same way.)
* FAST memorycheck that NOT destroys adr $8000 ar $a000 if an external memory is found. PiffyDOS-patcher patches your original JiffyDOS and saves the PiffyDOS to disk for later being burned into a EPROM.

piffydos patcher v1.360
2015-05-04 English Commodore 64 8.19 KB 1,167 Download
d64 floppy35 Piracscroll v1.0

Written by CKS - This neat little demo type utility builds a scroll routine for you. You enter text you want scrolled in your program and it creates an ML routing that can be SYS'd for you to use in your programs.

pirascroll v1.0
2015-04-06 English Commodore 64 7.37 KB 840 Download
zip36 Random Password Generator

Here is something everybody needs;  a program to create random 10 digit passwords that include both alpha and numeric characters.  To bad it doesn't have an option to add punctuation or lower case.  

2020-07-02 English Commodore 64 2.93 KB 495 Download
d64 floppy37 Read Hidden DOS

This program will read the DOS from a floppy drive at $8000 - $FFFF and put it in ram at $2000 - $9FFF and then write it to a file.  Also works with CMD FD-2000 and FD-4000.

read hidden dos
2015-04-14 English Commodore 64 2.14 KB 796 Download
zip38 Recover 1581

Recover 1581 (from Steve's Helper Disk) is a utility for recovering a scratched file.  This program will also work on other drives besides the 1581.

2023-07-21 English Commodore 64 6.62 KB 188 Download
zip39 SD2IEC Wedge 64 v23.01

SD2IEC Wedge 64 v23.01 by DiscMix - This is a pretty cool DOS wedge for SD2IEC devices that can be loaded into $C000 or $9000 providing many useful commands for working with files, directories and more.

Here is a link to the  authors site ( where the latest version can be downloaded and documentation can be found.  There is also a text file in the archive with documentation.

2023-01-21 English Commodore 64 3.45 KB 206 Download
d64 floppy40 Show PLA-Chip

I'm sure someone out there would find this utility useful.  basically it lets you show or print out the internal code of the PLA chip.  Brought to you by Near Letter Quantity software. 

show pla-chip 1
2015-04-15 English Commodore 64 3.89 KB 834 Download
d64 floppy41 String Finder

String Finder - searches through the disk for any occurrences of a specified string.  this is the uncompiled version of "disk $finder".  written in basic, it would allow for changes in the starting track, etc.

string finder 1
2015-05-15 English Commodore 64 1.9 KB 736 Download
d64 floppy42 Super Directory

Super Directory released in 1984 by PSIDAC - Neat tool that will analyze all the files on a disk and give you the starting track and sector of each with the option to send the results to a printer.

2016-12-23 English Commodore 64 2.25 KB 783 Download
zip43 SuperLock 64

SuperLock 64 is a utility that can be used to lock a disk so that it can't be written to.  You can still read and copy from the disk, but short of reformatting the disk you won't be able to write to it again.

SuperLock 64-1
2017-10-09 English Commodore 64 6.36 KB 727 Download
d64 floppy44 Track Copy

Track Copy by E. Steiner was released in 1986.  You can copy tracks 1 - 42 and need to know how to read a little German.

2015-10-19 German Commodore 64 9.12 KB 711 Download
d64 floppy45 Two Drive 1541

Two Drive 1541 - from the Transactor, 9/85. Most commands for device #8, drive #1 are re-directed to device #9 by this small ml routine located in the cassette buffer.

two drive 1541 1
2015-05-15 English Commodore 64 1.86 KB 661 Download
d64 floppy46 Unscratch

Unscratch is a simple utility that lets you recover deleted files.

2015-10-15 English Commodore 64 2.6 KB 693 Download
zip47 Virtual Directory

Virtual Directory by Robert E. Mason is a utility for the Commodore 64 or Commodore 128 in 40/80 column mode that will analyze the files on a disk and present you with information such as the file type, load address, starting track and sector and block size.

2019-09-10 English Commodore 64 2.88 KB 646 Download
d64 floppy48 Zeek 1541

Written by Will Corley, Zeek 1541 is a full text search.  Works on Seq and Prg files.

zeek 1541 1
2015-04-17 English Commodore 64 2.67 KB 658 Download
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