Category: Miscellaneous Applications
Downloads: 33
d64 floppy0 Area Code Search HOT

This simple utility isn't very practical these days since phone numbers are portable, but it might have some nostalgic value if you're ever curious where an area code used to be.

area code search
2015-04-04 English Commodore 64 2.16 KB 1,067 Download
d64 floppy1 Betatizer v4.0 HOT

Written by Bibros (Todd Moody) - Betatizer is a warez list generator. You can create a list of warez programs with info such as number of sides and disk #. You can also import previous lists to append.

betatizer 4.0
2015-04-04 English Commodore 64 10.66 KB 1,021 Download
d64 floppy2 Budget Exercise HOT

By Tom Lawrence and Ted Zahn. Budget Exerciser is a nice program to get your monthly expenses in line. Not only is there printer support, it also has graphing. I probably should have used this back in the day. Docs are built into the program.

budget exerciser
2015-04-04 English Commodore 64 17.67 KB 1,092 Download
zip3 C64 Power Pack HOT

C64 Power Pack is a 2 disk, multi-purpose application suite with word processor (Powerword), spreadsheet (Powercalc) and database (Powerfiler).

C64 Power Pack-1
2018-08-29 English Commodore 64 131.02 KB 1,417 Download
d64 floppy4 Check Mate HOT

Check Mate (also known as Insta-Ledger) by John Annaloro is a checkbook ledger program for the Commodore 64.  Even the Commodore 64 isn't too old to do a proper job of managing your finances.

check mate-1
2016-01-06 English Commodore 64 63.31 KB 1,105 Download
zip5 Code 128DG

Code 128DG might sound like a program for the Commodore 128, but it isn't.  Instead, Code 128 was named after a high-density linear barcode which also gives a hint to what this program does; creates barcodes!  Although a bit of a novelty, it's pretty neat to type in a couple words (on your Commodore 64) and have a hi-res graphic of the barcode appear.  A nice extra feature of the program is that you can define the width of the barcode to accomodate for using a CRT to try and read back the barcode from.

This program was downloaded over at and was created and published by the user dgeoffri on January 23rd, 2019.

2024-01-09 English Commodore 64 8.46 KB 172 Download
d64 floppy6 Colo-Lotto HOT

This isn't exactly a utility, but I wouldn't consider it an app or game either, so I thought what the heck, lets include it. Anyway, this will pick lottery numbers for you.

2015-04-06 English Commodore 64 7.3 KB 1,159 Download
d64 floppy7 Compute! Gazette Index 83-86 HOT

This handy disk is a complete index of all the articles, programs, reviews, etc... of Compute! Gazette from 1983-86.

computer gazette index 83-86
2015-04-06 English Commodore 64 73.46 KB 1,040 Download
d64 floppy8 Compute! Gazette Index 83-95 HOT

A generous but anonymous person kindly uploaded this .d81 image of the complete index of Compute! Gazette articles and programs. Boots on both the C64 and C128.

compute gazette index 83-95
2015-04-05 English Commodore 64 151.99 KB 1,095 Download
d64 floppy9 Compute! Gazette Index 87-89 HOT

I have seen the Compute! Gazette disks floating around before, but I don't ever recall seeing an index of the articles, programs, etc...

compute gazette index 87-89
2015-04-06 English Commodore 64 64.15 KB 1,011 Download
zip10 Decision Maker

Decision Maker by Creative Software - Although there isn't any identifying marks, like an opening screen or credits in the code, I believe based on comparing the program and the manual that this is the Creative Software version.  I wouldn't go making any career choices based on your results from the program, but it is kind of fun to play around with.

Thanks goes to one of our visitor, M.M. for finding this item I had on my wanted list!

2024-01-19 English Commodore 64 3.5 KB 212 Download
zip11 Decision Maker

Decision Maker by Triptych (1984) is a complete learning and applications course based upon the theory of Decision Analysis and Decision Trees. Your purchase consists of three elements:

1) The Text Book which you are now reading. Please bear in mind that you will be using it continuously ih conjunction with the computer, and therefore it has been designed to stand upright in the box lid so
that you can refer to it more easily.

2) The Teaching Program, which will be used to give you a full undérstanding of the concepts of Decision Analysis.

3) The Applications Program, which you will be able to use to solve your own decision analysis problems.

You will find that the Teaching Program is not a simple tutorial on how to use the Applications Program. Once you gain an understanding of the material, you will be able to use decision analysis to solve problems with or without your computer.

If you think that you already have a sound grasp of the principles of decision analysis, then you may wish to try out the Applications Program immediately. If so, simply turn the book around, and find Chapter 12.
There you will discover the detailed instructions for solving your own decision problems.

** Thank you M.M. for the program and manual.

2024-03-03 English Commodore 64 66.04 KB 142 Download
d64 floppy12 FairlightML v0.99 HOT

The first and only HTML viewer for the good old C64... Yes it's here, and it's called: FairligHTMLVersion 0.99.  This is a shareware version, but still it's one of the coolest things I've found for the C64.  If you have the registered v1.00 PLEASE contact me.

fairlightml 0.99 1
2015-04-22 English Commodore 64 20.65 KB 1,120 Download
zip13 Financial Adviser HOT

Financial Adviser straight from your Commodore 64 in the 21st century!  This fine application has everything you need to help you make financial decisions from house to car to investments.

Financial Adviser-2
2017-10-13 English Commodore 64 33.72 KB 1,267 Download
zip14 Forecaster VII

Forecaster VII by John Scott Kula (1987) is an application for the Commodore 64 that takes the input of temperature, barometric pressure and wind direction to calculate upcoming weather with an "83.64%" accuracy. 

2023-07-24 English Commodore 64 3.04 KB 258 Download
zip15 Genealogy 64

Genealogy 64 by Robert J. Cokel (Byteware 1983) is a program for the Commodore 64/128 that lets you create a pedigree chart of family members.  Included on the disk are both C64 and C128 versions of the program.  Instructions are included in the program, but a printer is needed to print them out.

2021-10-09 English Commodore 64 33.53 KB 631 Download
zip16 Keypunch Writer & File Pak

Keypunch Writer / File Pak is a combination of several office type applications including a word processor, label maker, mailing list and phone list.

Keypunch Writer File Pak-1
2018-08-29 English Commodore 64 19.29 KB 893 Download
zip17 Ledger 64 HOT

Ledger 64 release in September 2012 is a handy little program for keeping track on payables, receivables and balances.

Ledger 64-1
2018-08-29 English Commodore 64 7.72 KB 1,042 Download
zip18 Meditation

Meditation by the Folklife Terminal Club - Here's a program I haven't seen the likes of on the Commodore 64 before.  This unique little application will assist you to meditate / relax using Shavasan.  There are several levels from beginner to master.  Once you choose a level, the program will walk you through breathing exercises to assist in relaxation.

2023-07-24 English Commodore 64 3.65 KB 244 Download
d64 floppy19 Microlawyer 64 HOT

I have no idea where I ran across this, but basically it is a disk full of text files on subjects that would typically involve some type of litigation.

2015-10-12 English Commodore 64 51.57 KB 1,059 Download
zip20 Morse Code Suite

The name for this archive is made up.  This is just a disk full of Morse Code related programs for learning, training and testing your skills at old school communications.  

2020-12-04 English Commodore 64 15.05 KB 822 Download
zip21 Personal Planner

Personal Planner by ShareData (1987) is a collection of accounting and organization / personal management type programs for the Commodore 64.

2021-11-10 English Commodore 64 47.15 KB 495 Download
zip22 Poet in a Can

Poet in a Can - Translated to Commodore BASIC by R.C. Gentry - I figured since I was salvaging stuff from the Comtec #1075 public domain floppy, I'd post this.  This is a simple BASIC program that originated in the book "The BASIC Idea: An Introduction to Computer Programming" by Richard Forsyth that generates some poetry.  The program requires a printer because it doesn't output anything to the screen.

2024-11-02 English Commodore 64 4.73 KB 36 Download
zip23 QuickType 1520

QuickType 1520 is a super simple, but cool program for the Commodore VIC-1520 plotter.  Basically you can use the plotter like a typewriter with this handy utility.  I found this on shareware disk 4029 (Business #3) from "COMPUTER NUT" in Lancaster, CA.  There are several other shareware programs on the disk that someone might find interesting, so I included a screenshot of the disk directory.

2021-10-09 English Commodore 64 32.38 KB 473 Download
zip24 Radio / Electricity Programs HOT

This Commodore 64 archive is a floppy disk full of various calculation programs for HAM radio and electricty. 

2019-08-31 English Commodore 64 33.72 KB 959 Download
zip25 Roadsearch Plus (USA & Canada)

Roadsearch Plus USA-Canada (1985 Columbia Software) - Before there was GPS and smartphones, we had paper maps and if lucky something like this.  With Roadsearch plus, you can calculate the time of travel, the distance and even the amount of gas you'll use.  Really neat program, I recommend checking it out.

2020-12-05 English Commodore 64 32.5 KB 661 Download
zip26 RS232 Schematic NEW

This is an interesting program for a couple reasons.  First though; this program is a detailed schematic and instructions on how to make an RS232 adapter for the Commodore 64 user port.  The cool thing about the schematic is that you can scroll through it and see how all the IC's are connected to the user port connector.  The other unrlated thing that's neat about this program is that the text for the description on how to build the adapter is in the file but you can't view it when loaded even though it's a BASIC program.  I wonder how the text was imbeded in the file.

2025-01-08 English Commodore 64 6.38 KB 25 Download
zip27 S.A.M. Again

S.A.M. Again is a release of The Software Automated Mouth for the Commodore 64 by Baracuda of THE STOCK International.  This version of S.A.M. includes these 8 programs:

  • S.A.M.- Loads S.A.M speech synthesis program, KNOBS, the S.A.M. wedge, and leaves the computer ready to accept phonetic input.
  • RECITER- Leaves the computer ready for regular English text-to-speech input.
  • SAYIT- BASIC program that allows you to input strings of phonetic or English and hear them spoken immediately.
  • DEMO- BASIC program that demonstrates some of S.A.M.'s features.
  • SPEECHES- BASIC program that features some familiar texts spoken aloud.
  • GUESSNUM- A talking game in which the player guesses a secret number between 1 and 100.
  • RECEPTION - A program that tries to solve your psychological problems.
  • SPEAKPOKER - Play poker with a talking dealer.

In addition to the program, there are two scans of the manual in the archive, one for the Commodore 64 and the other for Apple II's.

2024-05-03 English Commodore 64 3.32 MB 187 Download
zip28 SAM the Software Automatic Mouth

S.A.M. by Tronix - Loved this program as a kid, but I never knew you could incorporate SAM into your own programs,  Included in this archive are a couple versions of the documentation, one in text, a crappy scan of the C64 manual as PDF (would love to find a clean scan if anyone has it), and a nice clean scan of the Apple version of the manual.  One thing to note - the disk image I found from the LLCUG collection seems to be the most complete version on the net and isn't hacked in any way.

You have just purchased S.A.M. -- the Software Automatic Mouth -- a versatile, high-quality speech synthesizer created entirely in software. You have added quality speech to your personal computer for a lower cost than ever before possible and, in the bargain, have gained features that other speech synthesizers cannot offer.

S.A.M. is designed to be easy to use. With a couple of simple program statements, you can add speech to your BASIC or assembly-language programs. When you have mastered the easy-to-learn phonetic alphabet, the inflection system, and the use of pitch and speed controls, you will be amazed at what you can make S.A.M. do. And, until then it will already match the performance of other speech synthesizers.

2023-07-02 English Commodore 64 3.29 MB 457 Download
zip29 Shopper's Companion
Commodore 64 Shopper's Companion by Joseph J. Shaughnessy is a grocery list application that lets you maintain your list by highlighting items with coupons and/or on sale, then print. shoppers-companion-1
2020-12-21 English Commodore 64 5.63 KB 686 Download
zip30 The 128 Master v1.0

The 128 Master v1.0 by Ken Feinstein is a utility for the Commodore 128 that has several miscellaneous functions such as finding the load address of a program, read a sequential file, convert numbers between hex, decimal and binary and even playing a few classic tunes.

2024-08-07 English Commodore 128 7.14 KB 78 Download
d64 floppy31 World Clock HOT

This simple utility will take the current date and time (in military format) and show corresponding time from around the world in a Commodore graphics form. See screenshot for details.

world clock
2015-04-06 English Commodore 64 3.79 KB 1,282 Download
zip32 X-10 Powerhouse

Thanks to pcwzrd13 for supplying a copy of this program for the Commodore 64/128.  Included in the archive is also some technical documentation on the hardware, interface and programming.  You can find a thread with more details over at Lemon64 Here. The following is from an advertisement that explains what you can do with the X-10:


This remarkable Interlace lets you run your home through your Commodore 64 or 128 and a Keyboard or joystick.

When you're away, it makes your home look and sound lived In. When you're home, it can tum oft the TV at night and wake you up to stereo and fresh brewed coffee in the morning. It can even turn on your air conditioner and control your heating.

You simply pick a room from the display screen. Use your keyboard or joystick to position graphics of lights or appliances Then follow on-screen instructions to program any light or appliance to go on or off whenever you choose. You can even control thermostats, light intensity and more.

THE WAY IT WORKS. The X-10 Powerhouse Interlace is cable-connected to the Commodore "User" port and plugged into a standard 110V outlet. After it is programmed, the Interface sends digitally encoded signals through your home wiring to special X-10 Modules. To control a lamp or appliance, you simply plug the electrical device into a Module and then plug the Module into an outlet. The Interface can control up to 256 Modules throughout your home and won't interfere with normal use of lights and appliances.

There are plug in Appliance Modules, Lamp Modules, Wall Switch Replacement Modules and Special 220V Modules for heavy duty appliances such as water heaters and room air conditioners. Plus Thermostat Controllers for central heating and air conditioning. Telephone Responders to control your home from any phone, and much more.

IT WON'T TIE UP YOUR COMPUTER. Use your computer only for programming. When you're finished, disconnect the Interface from the User or RS-232 port and keep it plugged into any convenient power outlet in your home. It will operate as a stand-alone controller with battery back-up and will run your home automatically.

2024-09-25 English Commodore 64 173.46 KB 72 Download
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