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Decision M Decision Maker

Decision Maker by Triptych (1984) is a complete learning and applications course based upon the theory of Decision Analysis and Decision Trees. Your purchase consists of three elements:

1) The Text Book which you are now reading. Please bear in mind that you will be using it continuously ih conjunction with the computer, and therefore it has been designed to stand upright in the box lid so
that you can refer to it more easily.

2) The Teaching Program, which will be used to give you a full undérstanding of the concepts of Decision Analysis.

3) The Applications Program, which you will be able to use to solve your own decision analysis problems.

You will find that the Teaching Program is not a simple tutorial on how to use the Applications Program. Once you gain an understanding of the material, you will be able to use decision analysis to solve problems with or without your computer.

If you think that you already have a sound grasp of the principles of decision analysis, then you may wish to try out the Applications Program immediately. If so, simply turn the book around, and find Chapter 12.
There you will discover the detailed instructions for solving your own decision problems.

** Thank you M.M. for the program and manual.


System Commodore 64
Size66.04 KB


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