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Big Blue Reader 128 v Big Blue Reader 128 v4.10 HOT

NEW FEATURES, both BBR-64 & BBR-128

1. Transfer "Screen Code" files directly to MS-DOS. Screen Code files include:
Word Writer-64, Speed Script, Write Stuff, Omni Writer, and others.
Note: Pocket Writer and Paper Clip (PRG, Screen Code files) transfer un-formatted.

2. Transfer ASCII or binary files of any length, between any format.

3. Read files from MS-DOS and CMD sub-directories.

4. Load selective Commodore directories. i.e. "*=S" will load all Sequential filenames.

5. Multiple files are transferred in original order.

6. PRINT option (output to screen) shows name of file.

7. Supports drive numbers 8-30. (BBR still requires a 1571, 1581, or FD-2000/4000 Disk Drive.) Big Blue Reader installs on 3.5-inch disk drive or Hard Disk Drive.

8. Joystick as well as keyboard can be used for cursor and return input.

9. NEW, MS-DOS disk formatting programs for 1571, 1581, and FD-2000/FD-4000 Disk Drives.

10. NEW and improved 17xx REU support.

11. Displays drive type and drive number when asked to insert disks.

12. Transfers MS-DOS files to Commodore disks with SEQ, PRG, or USR file type.

13. Page directory file names using cursor or <+>/<-> keys.

NEW BBR-128 Features:

1. NEW, built-in MS-DOS disk formatting for 1571, 1581, and FD-2000/FD-4000 Disk Drives.

2. Load an ASCII Translation Table without re-booting BBR.

3. Set BBR- 128 clock and date from CMD drive.

4. DISKCOPY bonus program for Commodore (GCR) and IBM MS-DOS (MFM) disks.

  (Supports 1571 or 1581 Disk Drive(s), multiple drives, 17xx REU, and multi-copy feature.)

NEW BBR-64 Features:

1. NEW 1581/MS-DOS routines for faster and improved reading/writing 3.5" MS-DOS disks.

2. Error Retry, and directory bugs fixed (from version 3.x).

3. Exit to BASIC; start up menu, or FORMAT program.


System Commodore 128
Size51.23 KB


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