Category: Micro 6502
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Downloads: 76
zip0 Micro 6502 - Issue 01

Micro 6502 - Issue 01 - October / November 1977


  • Inside the Apple II
  • Terminal Interface Monitor (TIM) for the 6500 Family
  • Rockwell International and the 6502
  • The PET's IEEE-488 Bus: Blessing or Curse?
  • Hypertape and Ultratape
  • Computer Controlled Relays
  • 6502 Bibliography
  • 6502 Reference Card
2021-03-26 English PDF 1.06 MB 520 Download
zip1 Micro 6502 - Issue 02

Micro 6502 - Issue 02 (December 1977 / January 1978)


  • Making Music with the KIM-1
  • Meet the PER - An owner's view of the PET 2001
  • Experiments with a KIM-1 Controlled DAC / ADC
  • Review : The First Book of KIM
  • The PET vs. the TRS-80
  • How to write music for the APPLE II
  • Important Addresses of KIM-1 and Monitor
2021-03-26 English PDF 2.53 MB 464 Download
zip2 Micro 6502 - Issue 03

Micro 6502 - Issue 03 - February / March 1978


  • Employing the KIM-1 Microcomputer as a Timer and Data Logging Module
  • Machine Language Used in "Ludwig von Apple II"
  • The PET Vet Tackles Data Files
  • Printing with the Apple II
  • Typesetting on a 6502 System
  • TIM Meets S100 Bus
  • The Apple II Power Supply Revisited
  • A Simple Frequency Counter Using the KIM-1
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part II
  • Lighting the KIM-1 Display
2021-03-26 English PDF 1.07 MB 458 Download
zip3 Micro 6502 - Issue 04

Micro 6502 - Issue 04 - April / May 1978


  • Apple II Variables Chart
  • The PET Vet Examines some BASIC Idiosyncrasies
  • A Complete Morse Code Send/Recieve Program for the KIM-1
  • Early PET-Compatible Products
  • Apple II Printing Update
  • Standard 6502 Assembly Syntax?
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part III
  • a KIM Beeper
  • An Apple II Programmer's Guide
2021-03-27 English PDF 1.07 MB 518 Download
zip4 Micro 6502 - Issue 05

Micro 6502 - Issue 05 - June / July 1978


  • Life for Your PET
  • A Brief Introduction to the Game of LIFE
  • 6502 Interfacing for Beginners: Address Decoding I
  • Half a Worm in the Apple; EDN Blasts the 6502
  • A Slow List for Apple BASIC
  • A BASIC 6502 Disassembler for Apple and PET
  • Applayer Music Interpreter
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part IV
  • A Block Hex Dump and Character Map Utility Program for the KIM-1
  • Apple II Accessories and Software
2021-03-27 English PDF 1.2 MB 434 Download
zip5 Micro 6502 - Issue 06

Micro 6502 - Issue 06 - August / September 1978


  • Shaping Up Your Apple
  • Apple II Starwars Theme
  • Apple Pi
  • A Simple 6502 Assembler for the PET
  • A Debugging Aid for the KIM-1
  • 6502 Interfacing for Beginners: Address Decoding II
  • 6502 Bibliography: Part V
  • Programming a Micro-Computer: 6502
  • PET Composite Video Output
  • Power From the PET
  • Apple Integer BASIC Subroutine Pack and Load
  • A Partial List of PET Scratch Pad Memory
2021-03-27 English PDF 1.41 MB 434 Download
zip6 Micro 6502 - Issue 07

Micro 6502 - Issue 07 - October / November 1978


  • BREAKER: An Apple II Debugging Aid
  • MOS 16k RAM for the Apple II
  • Pet Update
  • 6502 Interfacing for the Beginner: The Control Signals
  • 650X Opcode Sequence Matcher
  • A Memory Test Program for the Commodore PET
  • Apple Calls and Hex-Decimal Conversion
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part VI
  • 6502 Information Resources
  • KIM-1 as a Digital Voltmeter
  • Cassette Tape Controller
  • Apple II High Resolution Graphics Memory Organization
  • A Digital Clock Program for the AYM-1
  • Peeking at PET's BASIC
2021-03-27 English PDF 1.7 MB 463 Download
zip7 Micro 6502 - Issue 08

Micro 6502 - Issue 08 - December 1978 / January 1979


  • 6502 Interfacing for the Beginner: Buffering the Busses
  • LIFE for your Apple
  • Computer-Determinded Kinetic Parameters in Thermal Analysis
  • Continous Motion Graphics or How to Fake a Joystick with the PET
  • An Apple II Program Relocator
  • SYM-1 Tape Directory
  • Inside PET BASIC
  • An Apple II Page 1 Map
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part VII
2021-03-27 English PDF 1.61 MB 436 Download
zip8 Micro 6502 - Issue 09

Micro 6502 - Issue 09 - February 1979


  • Long Distance Interstate Telephone Rates
  • The Sieve of Eratosthenes
  • Exploring Apple II DOS
  • 6502 Interfacing for Beginners: An ASCII Keyboard Input Port
  • Two Short TIM Programs
  • Two Apple II Assemblers: A Comparative Review
  • Expand Your 6502-Based TIM Monitor
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part VIII
  • How Does 16 get You 10
2021-03-27 English PDF 1.49 MB 458 Download
zip9 Micro 6502 - Issue 10

Micro 6502 - Issue 10 - March 1979


  • A Simple 24 Hour Clock for the AIM 65
  • Apple II - Trace List Utility
  • 6522 Chip Setup Time
  • High Resolution Plotting for the PET
  • Using Tiny Basic to Debug Mahcine Language
  • "Thanks for the Memories" - A PET Machine Language Memory Test
  • The OSI Flasher: Basic Machine Code Interacing
  • 6502 Graphics Routines
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part IX
2021-03-27 English PDF 1.4 MB 434 Download
zip10 Micro 6502 - Issue 11

Micro 6502 - Issue 11 - April 1979


  • An Apple II Program Edit Aid
  • Corrected KIM Format Loader for SYM-1
  • A Close Look at the Superboard II
  • A Cassette Operating System for the Apple
  • SYM-1 6522-Based Timer
  • The TVT-6: A User's Report
  • 6502 Bibliography: Part X
  • The Ultimate PET Renumber
2021-03-27 English PDF 2.27 MB 464 Download
zip11 Micro 6502 - Issue 12

Micro 6502 - Issue 12 - May 1979


  • An AIM 65 User's Notes
  • S-C Assembler II
  • A PET Hex Dump Program
  • Super HI-LO for the SYM-1
  • Real-Time Games on OSI
  • Inside the KIM TTY Service
  • The Integer BASIC Token System in the Apple II
  • Review:  Programming the 6502 by Rodney Zaks
  • Renumber Applesoft
2021-03-28 English PDF 2.21 MB 421 Download
zip12 Micro 6502 - Issue 13

Micro 6502 - Issue 13 - June 1979


  • Harmonic Analysis for the Apple
  • Case of the Missing Tape Counter
  • The Basic Morse Keyboard
  • a SYM-phony in Stereo
  • Sorting with the Apple II - Part 1
  • Streamlining the C2-4P
  • The Color Gun for the Apple II
  • Computer-Determinded Parameters for Free-Radical Polymerization
  • AIM 6522 Based Frequency Counter
  • KIM - The Tunesmith
  • Reading PET Cassettes Without a PET
2021-03-28 English PDF 3.92 MB 424 Download
zip13 Micro 6502 - Issue 14

Micro 6502 - Issue 14 - July 1979


  • A Baudot Teletype Driver for the Apple II
  • Structured BASIC Editor and Pre-Processor
  • Intercepting DOS Errors from Integer BASIC
  • Boolean Equations Reduced on the PET
  • Screen Dump to Printer for the Apple II
  • OSI Memory Test in BASIC
  • SYM and AIM Memory Expansion
  • The First Book of KIM - on a SYM
  • Ampersoft
  • To Tape or Not to Tape: What is the Question?
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XI
2021-03-28 English PDF 3.23 MB 442 Download
zip14 Micro 6502 - Issue 15

Micro 6502 - Issue 15 - August 1979


  • Apple II Serial Output Made Simple
  • Extending the SYM-1 Monitor
  • Replace that PIA with a VIA
  • PET Cassette I/O
  • A Better Life for your Apple
  • EPROM for the KIM
  • What's Where in the Apple
  • Interfacing the Analog Devices 7570J A/D Converter
  • SYMple Memory Expansion
  • Define HIRES Characters for the Apple II
  • Commodore Variables on the Apple II
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XII
  • BAD Review
2021-03-28 English PDF 2.98 MB 432 Download
zip15 Micro 6502 - Issue 16

Micro 6502 - Issue 16 - September 1979


  • Plotting a Revolution
  • an AIM-65 Notepad
  • Applesoft Renumbering
  • Move It: Relocating PET Source Programs and Object Code
  • Life in the Fast Lane
  • SYM-1 Event Timer
  • AIM-65 in the Ham Shack
  • Speech Processor for the PET
  • Tiny Plot: An Educational Language for the 6502
  • 8080 Simulation with a 6502
2021-03-28 English PDF 2.48 MB 444 Download
zip16 Micro 6502 - Issue 17

Micro 6502 - Issue 17 - October 1979


  • Nicer Writer
  • Disassembling the DOS 3.2
  • Hooking PET to Ma Bell
  • Spelunker
  • 6522 Timing and Counting Techniques
  • Card Shuffling Program for KIM-1
  • How Do You Connect Peripherals to Your Superboard II
  • Hypocloids
  • SYM-1 6532 Programmable Timer
  • A Real-Time Clock for OSI Disk Systems
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XIII
2021-03-29 English PDF 3.05 MB 454 Download
zip17 Micro 6502 - Issue 18

Micro 6502 - Issue 18 - November 1979


  • Dual Tape Drive for SYM-1 BASIC
  • Some Useful Memory Locations and Subroutines for OSI BASIC in ROM
  • A Tape Indexing System for PET
  • Subroutine Parameter Passing
  • Apple II Hires Picture Compression
  • Assembly Language Applesoft Renumber
  • Performing Math Functions in Machine Language
  • TSAR; A Time Sharing Administrative Routine
  • Interfacing the CI-812 to the KIM
  • SYM-1 Baudot TTY Interface
  • Alarming Apple
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XIV
2021-03-29 English PDF 3.94 MB 451 Download
zip18 Micro 6502 - Issue 19

Micro 6502 - Issue 19 - December 1979


  • Data Statement Generator
  • How to do a Shape Table Easily and Correctly
  • Relocating PET BASIC Programs
  • If You Treat it Nicely it Won't Byte
  • Sharpen your AIM
  • An Additional I/O Interface for the PET
  • a 60x80 Life for the PET
  • Applesoft Program Relocation
  • KIM and SYM Format Cassette Tapes on Apple II
  • Graphics and Challenger 1P
  • Time of Day Clock and Calendar for the SYM-1
  • Apple II Speed Typing Test With Input Time Clock
  • SUMTEST: A Memory Test Routine for the 6502
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XV
2021-03-29 English PDF 2.93 MB 439 Download
zip19 Micro 6502 - Issue 20

Micro 6502 - Issue 20 - January 1980


  • Tape Executive File - Create and Use
  • Why a PET, Apple, 6502 BASIC Compiler?
  • Human Physiological Parameters
  • Lifetime of a Non-Renewable Resource
  • Sweet 16 Programming Using Macros
  • Screen Write/File Routine
  • SYM-1 Tape Verification
  • Symbol Table Sorter/Printer for the AIM Assembler
  • Search/Change in Applesoft
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XVI
2021-03-29 English PDF 3.21 MB 460 Download
zip20 Micro 6502 - Issue 21

Micro 6502 - Issue 21 - February 1980


  • Expanding the SYM-1
  • A HIRES Graph-Plotting Subroutine
  • Multiplexing PET's User Port
  • The Binary Sort
  • A Complete Morse Code Send/Receive Package
  • The Great Superboard Speed-Up
  • KIM-1 Tape Recorder Controller
  • Ask the Doctor
  • Graphics and the Challenger C1P - Part 3
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XVII
2021-03-29 English PDF 16.23 MB 466 Download
zip21 Micro 6502 - Issue 22

Micro 6502 - Issue 22 - March 1980


  • Apple II Floating Point Utility Routines
  • A Machine Language Screen Print
  • Polling OSI's Keyboard
  • A Digital Thermometer for the Apple II
  • Beginning Boolean: A Brief Introduction to Boolean Algerbra for Computerists
  • Program Checksum Calculator
  • Clocking KIM
  • A Home Message Center
  • Stop That PET!
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XVIII
2021-03-29 English PDF 16.69 MB 458 Download
zip22 Micro 6502 - Issue 23

Micro 6502 - Issue 23 - April 1980


  • Applesoft II Shorthand
  • The Apple Stripper
  • Graphics and the Challenger C1P - Part 4
  • A Perpetual Calendar Printer for the AIM
  • Bi-Directional Scrolling
  • The SY6516 Psuedo-16 Bit Processor
  • PET Keysort
  • KIM Scorekeeper
  • OSI BASIC in ROM - What's Where?
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XIX
2021-03-29 English PDF 18.89 MB 435 Download
zip23 Micro 6502 - Issue 24

Micro 6502 - Issue 24 - May 1980


  • More About 16 Bits
  • Plotting with Special Character Graphics
  • SYM-1 BASIC "GET" Command
  • A Simple Temperature Measurement Program & Interface
  • Shorthand Commands for Superboard II
  • A Formatted Dump Routine for the AIM-65
  • New & Better PET User Port Printer Routines
  • Graphics and the Challenger C1P - Part 5
  • Lower Case and Punctuation in Applesoft
  • SYM-1 Sends Morse Code
  • An EDIT Mask Routine in Applesoft BASIC
  • PET Keysort Update
  • Expand KIM-1 Versatility in Systems Applications
  • MICRO Club Circuit
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XX
2021-03-30 English PDF 20.77 MB 493 Download
zip24 Micro 6502 - Issue 25

Micro 6502 - Issue 25 - June 1980


  • A Little Plus for your Apple II
  • Lower Case Lister
  • Put Your Hooks into OSI BASIC
  • SYM-1 BASIC Pack Program
  • Share Your AIM Programs
  • Introducing the Atari 800
  • Apple II Integer BASIC Program List by Page
  • OSI's Small Systems Journal
  • BASIC and Machine Language Transfers with Micromodem II
  • PET-16
  • Slide Show for the SYM
  • Hypocycloids on the 540
  • TRACER: A Debugging Tool for the Apple II
  • "Stop That PET" - Update
  • 6502 Resource Update
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XXI
2021-03-30 English PDF 3.22 MB 436 Download
zip25 Micro 6502 - Issue 26

Micro 6502 - Issue 26 - July 1980


  • SYM-1 Memory Search and Display - Two useful monitor enhancements for the SYM-1
  • Sorting Revealed - An extremely lucid discussion/demonstration of sorting
  • Hello, World - Adding a cheap analog interface to the PET
  • Zoom and Squeeze - Two useful editing functions for the Apple II
  • OSI's Small Systems Journal - The new Sixteen Pin I/O Bus and other items
  • VISA - KIM - A super program for understanding the KIM
  • Callenger II Communications - Use the OSI as a complete terminal system
  • Letterbox - Suggestions for an improved 6502 microprocessor
  • AIM-65 File Operations - A way to add file operations to the AIM BASIC
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XXII
2021-03-30 English PDF 19.71 MB 494 Download
zip26 Micro 6502 - Issue 27

Micro 6502 - Issue 27 - August 1980


  • Editorial - Uses and Abuses of the 6502
  • Data Statements Revisited  - Update statements quickly and easily
  • Satallite Tacking with the AIM-65 - Useful routines for space fans
  • Micro Limericks
  • Better Utilization of Apple Computer Renumber and Merge Program - Renumbering becomes simpler and more reliable
  • Variable Lister - How to find, sort and list variables from your BASIC program
  • Additions to Timy Pilot - Userful enhancements to Nick Virtis' Tiny Pilot
  • Micro Club CIruit
  • Nth Precision Add & Subtract with Adjusted Processor Status - Easy way to handle large numbers within a ML program
  • Solar System Simulation with or without an Apple II
  • OSI's Small Systems Journal
  • Interface of OSI C1P With Heath Printer - Simple way to obtain hard copy for your OSI C1P
  • Applesoft Floating Point Routines - Inside info on the Applesoft floating point routines
  • Atari Notes - Useful information about the Atari 800
  • Son of Screen Print - Aid for overcoming quirks in the PET Printers
  • Business Dollars and Sense in Applesoft - Rounding problems explained and solved
  • BCD Input to a 6502 Microprocessor - Interfacing laboratory devices to your 6502 system
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XXIII
2021-03-30 English PDF 19.06 MB 454 Download
zip27 Micro 6502 - Issue 28

Micro 6502 - Issue 28 - September 1980


  • Creating Shape Tables, Improved - An improved Apple Shape Making routine
  • Auto-Run-Save, Y-t Plotter, Canary for PET - Three assorted utilities for the PET
  • Loading KIM-1 Tape to AIM - Load any KIM program anywhere in the AIM memory
  • Compact - An in-place 'Stripper' program on the AIM
  • A C1P and H14 System, Part 2 - Information on how to drive the H14 printer
  • XREFER - A ABSIC program for assembler cross referencing
  • A Versatile HI-RES Function Plotter for the Apple II - Plot any expression as a function of an angle
  • Tiny PILOT for the AIM - Useful language for the AIM-65
  • Mean 14: A Pseudo-Machine Floating Point Processor for the Apple II - A quick and easy to use mathematical processor
  • 6502 Bibliography - Part XXIV
2021-03-31 English PDF 19.32 MB 451 Download
zip28 Micro 6502 - Issue 29

Micro 6502 - Issue 29 - October 1980


  • An OSI Cheep Print - Getting data to a remote printer
  • PRINT USING for Applesoft - User-defined formatting of output for Applesoft
  • Define Your Own Function Key on PET - Create your own BASIC function key
  • An Improved Morese Code Receive Routine and Interface - AIM hardware and software enhancements to a previous article
  • Undedicating a dedicated Microcomputer - Developing a time-shared process controller
  • A "Stop-on-Address" Routine for KIM - An efficient debugging routine
  • Tiny Pilot Complemental (Co-Pilot) - A modification to Tiny Pilot
  • For Multiple File Tape Backups - A PET Utility for replicating cassette files
  • Paged Printer Output for the Apple - A page mode for Apple systems
  • Biorhythm: An AIM BASIC Programming Excercise - Plotting biorhythms on the AIM
  • Hexadecimal Printer - Specifying Apple II disassembler limits
  • Programming with Pascal - An overview of Pascal
  • Cassette Label Program - Use your Apple to print cassette labels
2021-03-31 English PDF 19.8 MB 474 Download
zip29 Micro 6502 - Issue 30

Micro 6502 - Issue 30 - November 1980


  • How to Use the Hooks - Using Apple II's "hooks"
  • An Ultra-Fast Tape Storage System - Hardware modification to Ohio Scientific's Superboard
  • SYM-Bell - A telephone memory dialer for the SYM-1
  • Self-Modifying PET Programs - A tutorial with four projects
  • Ohio Scientific Users: Stop thos S ERRORS - Coverting graphics error messages into readable letters
  • A Versatile Hi-Res Function Plotter for the Atari 400 and 800 - Exploring color graphics possibilities
  • John Conway's Game of Life Using Display Devices With Automatic Scrolling - Running Life on most any display device
  • Step and Trace for the Apple II Plus - Restoring step and trace
  • AIM 65 File Operations: Writing Text Files with BASIC - Enhancing the value of BASIC
2021-04-01 English PDF 19.84 MB 472 Download
zip30 Micro 6502 - Issue 31

Micro 6502 - Issue 31 - December 1990


  • Graphing Rational Functions - General-purpose graphing on a high-resolution screen
  • A C1P User's Noteboook - Graphics, ACIA, and Tape Control Secrets
  • Drawing a Line on PET's 80x50 Grid - Use of PET's quarter-box graphic characters
  • A Random-Character Morse Code Teacher for the AIM 65
  • An Apple Flavored Lifesaver - Flexible storage for a popular computer simulation
  • Creating an Applesoft BASIC Subroutine Library - Use of the EXEC command to link Applesoft Programs
  • Stuffit: A Time Saving Utility Program for PET BASIC Files - Create a large filesystem on only one cassette
  • Atari Bits - Wonders of the Atari
  • Relocating OSI ROM BASIC Programs - OSI BASIC's internal points revealed!
  • Cassette I/O For SYM BASIC - Expand the capabilities of SYM BASIC
  • Multiplying on the 6502 - Five methods for multiplying on a computer
2021-04-01 English PDF 8.35 MB 442 Download
zip31 Micro 6502 - Issue 32

Micro 6502 - Issue 32 - January 1981


  • Keyboard Encoding - How to connect a keyboard to your computer
  • A Better Apple Search/Change - Remove the length restriction of the CHANGE function
  • Vectors and the Challenger 1P - Find out exactly what a vector is
  • PET Symbolic Disassembler - Disassembled programs become more understandable
  • AIM 65 File Operations - The third part of this series, using BASIC
  • Atari Real Time - Drawing with graphics and several colors
  • Full Disassembly Listing on Small Systems - Produce "camera-ready" listings without large memory
  • SYM Bridge Trainer - Simple program, easily adapted to any 6502
  • Make a Clear Plastic Cover for your Apple - Protect your Apple, and watch while you compute
  • Searching String Arrays - Searching a large string array becomes easier
  • Interfacing the 6522 Versatile Interface Adapter - This chip will allow you to add more capabilities to your system
  • Fun with OSI - Checker game using the polled keyboard technique
2021-04-02 English PDF 13.39 MB 433 Download
zip32 Micro 6502 - Issue 33

Micro 6502 - Issue 33 - February 1981


  • A Simple Securities Manager for the Apple - Use the Apple to evaluate your holdings
  • Why Wait? - Understand and use the WAIT function in Ohio Scientific's C1P
  • An Atari Assembler - A one-pass assembler, in BASIC, for the Atari 400 and 800
  • Turning USR(x) Routines Into Data Statements - Save machine language routines as BASIC DATA statements
  • Improved Dual Tape Drive for SYM-1 BASIC - Greatly enhance the use of two cassettes while occupying less than one page of memory
  • In The Heart of Applesoft - How and when to use (numerical) Applesoft routines
  • One-Dimensional Life on the AIM 65 - This version of Life can be easily modified for other 6502 systems
  • Increase KIM-1 Versatility at Low Cost - Add I/O devices in page 5 without developing bus contention
  • PET String Flip - Solve the problem of upper and lower case inversion when using 2022 and 2023 printers
  • A C1P Sound Idea - Add a bell tone for the C1P or Superboard II
  • Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is? - Use a new clock chip with your 6502 and find out
2021-04-02 English PDF 14.99 MB 438 Download
zip33 Micro 6502 - Issue 34

Micro 6502 - Issue 34 - March 1981


  • A 6502 Assembler in BASIC - An OSI C2-4P assembler, adaptable for other 6502's
  • Unwrapple - Prevent words from being split by the right margin
  • SYM-ple SYM-on - Play a musical game with your SYM
  • Rapid Bubble Sort of Numerical Elements Using BASIC/ASL - Dramatically reduce sorting times
  • A Relocating Loader for AIM Tape - Assemble at one location, load at another
  • "Unassembler" for PET - Convert machinge language programs into what your assembler understands
  • Encryption with RND and USR - A text-encoding scheme in BASIC
  • Automatic Keyboard - Make changes in a BASIC program while running it
  • The 6502 Dream Machine - A software expert describes the "peoples' instruction set"
  • A Second Cassette For PET - How to modify a standard cassette recorder to function as a second cassette
  • Reset Protection for the Apple II - Simple installation of an override switch
2021-04-03 English PDF 20.61 MB 496 Download
zip34 Micro 6502 - Issue 35

Micro 6502 - Issue 35 - April 1981


  • S-C Assembler Modifications - Enhance the usefulness of the S-C assembler for the Apple
  • Print Using For the PET - Popular program adapted to run on any PET or CBM machine
  • Memsearch for the AIM 65 - Scan through memory using this machine language utility
  • Joystick for the OSI C4 - Make your own joysticks
  • Apple Memory Maps, Part 1 - Draw your own memory maps and display them
  • SYM Time - Remaining Timer - Measure elapsed time and create an "alarm" for your SYM
  • OH NO - It's Garbage Collect! - Find out what garbage collect is, and how to avoid it
  • Add a Light Pen to your Micro - Hardware details to install a light pen on any 6502
  • Integer BASIC Internals - A sorted list of Apple Integer BASIC memory locations
  • Atari Error Messages - English language versions of Atari's number-coded error messages
  • BASIC program Converter Between SYM and KIM - Transfer BASIC programs from SYM to KIM, and vice versa
2021-04-03 English PDF 21.67 MB 508 Download
zip35 Micro 6502 - Issue 36

Micro 6502 - Issue 36 - May 1981


  • Macapple - Shorthand for commonly used Integer BASIC commands
  • KIM/SYM Home Accounting System - Simple application requiring little hardware
  • More Output From Your Micro - Add extra output bits to your AIM, SYM, KIM, Superboard or C1P
  • Applesoft Variable Dump - Handy debugging utility for Applesoft in ROM
  • How Microsoft BASIC Works - Explanation of variables and FNX definition
  • SYM-1 Communications Interface - Direct messages to SYM or modem
  • Apple Memory Maps, Part 2 - Listing and program description of memory maps
  • The Atari Dulcimer - Simulation of a 3-string dulcimer, in real time
  • An Inexpensive Word Processor - Interface an IBM 2740 terminal to an 8-bit parallel port
  • Tiny Pilot Follow-up - More information about Tiny, plus a programming example
  • Cursor Control for the C1P - Give your C1P user-selectable windows, one-key screen clear, and the ability to edit
  • Protecting Memory from DOS - Protect and use RAM above DOS
2021-04-03 English PDF 13.34 MB 476 Download
zip36 Micro 6502 - Issue 37

Micro 6502 - Issue 37 - June 1981


  • It's Time to Stop Dreaming - An Introduction to the new 6809
  • Programmable Character Generator for the CBM 2022 Printer - Design special characters on the screen and store in "dictionary"
  • Musical Duets on the Apple II - Add harmony to your Apple's music
  • A C1P Dump Utility - A debugging tool for machine language and BASIC programs
  • Machine Language to DATA Statement Conversion - Easy and accurate way to put ML routines into a BASIC program
  • Telephone Directory/Dialer for the AIM - Turn your AIM into a telephone operator
  • Macros for Micros - An introduction to the MACRO assembler
  • Improved KIM Communications Capabilities - Add new I/O capabilities to your KIM
  • Amper Search for the Apple - Find character strings in BASIC arrays
  • Memory Expansion for the Superboard - Use the OSI 527 board for low-cost memory expansion
  • Horizontal Screen Scrolling on the CBM/PET - Simple modification means increase in resolution
  • Integer Flash for the Apple - How and why you can get flashing characters
  • Polled Keyboard for C1P/Superboard - Get both upper and lower case characters on your OSI
  • AIM 65 RS-232 Interface - Easy installation with electrical information
  • Real Time Clock for Superboard - Maintain and display real time in a background mode
2021-04-03 English PDF 20.68 MB 503 Download
zip37 Micro 6502 - Issue 38

Micro 6502 - Issue 38 - July 1981

  • AIM Memory Maps - Find and use undocumented features
  • Function Input Routine for Applesoft - Input during program execution with the self-modifying subroutine
  • Vector Calculations with a Microcomputer - Use vectors quickly and easily with your micro
  • Phone Search - Cross-link phone numbers with record numbers
  • It's Time to Stop Dreaming, Part 2 - More information about the 6809
  • Expressions Revealed, Part 1 - Scanning, parsing and translating of expressions revealed
  • Electronic Typing Program for the Apple - Small word processors that edits one-line-at-a-time
  • An Introduction to Bit Pads
  • PET Interface to Bit Pad - Information on hardware and software implementation
  • Double Barrelled Disassembler - Short utility that makes creating disassembly listings easy
  • Singe-Drive Disk Backup-Ups for Apple - Back up a disk without worrying about files residing on it
  • Enhanced Input Routines - Put data into your program quickly and easily
  • Binary File Parameter List - List address and length of all binary files on a given disk
  • A Typewriter Bell for Your Microcomputer - Hardware and software sound an alarm when your near the end of a line
  • Monobyte Checksum Dumper for C1P - This utility provides fast tape I/O and checksum protection
  • Line Editor for OSI 540 Board - Elementary line editing functions for OSI computers with BASIC-in-ROM
  • Life in a Wrap-Around Universe - A novel variation on the old game
  • Step and Trace for C1P - A single step trace for BASIC programs
2021-04-03 English PDF 17.63 MB 426 Download
zip38 Micro 6502 - Issue 39

Micro 6502 - Issue 39 - August 1981

  • Microcrunch: An Ultra-fast Arithmetic Computing System, Part 1 - Fast floating point processing on the Superboard II
  • It's Time to Stop Dreaming, Part 3 - More information on the 6809
  • Improved nth Precision - Code optimized for small systems
  • Disassembling to Memory with AIM 65 - Clean up disassembled code with AIM text editor
  • Sorting - A new application of Quicksort applied where individual members cannot be moved
  • Expressions Revealed, Part 2 - BASIC and Pascal programs demonstrate the translation process
  • Common Array Names in Applesoft II - a new command for Applesoft II
  • Applesoft Error Messages from Machine Language - Understand and use methods and data needed to utilize Applesoft error messages
  • Expanding the Superboard - Build your own expansion board for the Superboard
  • On Buying a Printer - Tips to help you purchase the right printer
  • Using a TTY Printer with the AIM 65 - Output to a teletype printer without restricting the use of the keyboard
  • A $200 Printer for C1P and Superboard - Hardware modifications and software considerations are presented
  • C1P to Epson MX-80 Printer Interface - A circuit is presented to interface the C1P to a popular printer
  • Utilities for the Paper Tiger 460 - BASIC and machine language programs present two utilities
  • PET/CBM IEEE 488 to Parallel Printer Interface - This interface maintains compatibility with PET BASIC CMD and PRINT# commands
  • An Inexpensive Printer for Your Computer - Circuit and software allow a printer to be interfaced to your 6502's parallel I/O port
  • The Extended Parser for the Apple II - This program allows easy control of functions
  • Search - This utility  routine aids in the writing and editing of programs in Integer BASIC
  • Trick DOS - Easily use DOS by changing any command to fit your needs
  • Sorting with Applesoft - An Applesoft BASIC program for a sorting algorithm is presented
2021-04-04 English PDF 13.49 MB 474 Download
zip39 Micro 6502 - Issue 40

Micro 6502 - Issue 40 - September 1981

  • Jumps and the 6502 - Methods of jumping and branching are discussed
  • The Disk Switch - Add life to diskettes and disk drives, and save energy
  • It's Time to Stop Dreaming, Part 4 - Addressing modes of the 6502 and 6809 are compared, new ones discussed
  • Journal It: Screen Print Utility for Atari - This utility will capture screen text and then journal it on a printer
  • ASMLST: Full-sized Assembler Listing for AIM - Twenty-column listings are reformatted into full size
  • MICROCRUNCH: An Ultra-fast Arithmetic Computing System, Part 2 - A discussion of software support for the fast mathematics hardware outlined in Part 1
  • Apple Graphics - A quick overview of what's offered in our Apple Graphics Section
  • SHAPER: A Utility Program for Managing Shape Tables - Build shape tables by vector input
  • List Controller - This program provides flexibility and ease of operation when using the LIST command
  • Lo-Res Graphics and Pascal - Plot low resolution graphics using Pascal
  • Dollars and Sense Revisited - Learn to print format in Applesoft BASIC using a MID$ statement
  • Paddle Hi-Res Graphics - Draw background scenes using paddles
  • True 3-D Images on Apple II - Create stereo-pair images without accessory devices
  • Apple Bits, Part 1 - Aids for faster, more efficient low resolution graphics programming
  • Tracemark, An Apple II Debugging Aid - Understand comples problems with this study-tool utility
2021-04-04 English PDF 29.64 MB 493 Download
zip40 Micro 6502 - Issue 41

Micro 6502 - Issue 41 - October 1981

  • The Radio Shack Color Computer - Features of this versatile 6809-based computer are highlighted
  • Applesoft Mystery Parameter - An undocumented "booby trap" in Applesoft it utilized
  • 6522-Based Pot Position Digitizer - Convert the position of a pot to a number your computer can use
  • 6502 Frequency Counter - Make your computer an inexpensive frequency counter
  • Step Up to Programmable Motion - Interfacing of a stepper motor to a KIM-1 is outlined
  • The 6809 and the S-50 Bus - Who's doingg what in the 6809 world is explained and the S-50 highlighted
  • Handling Analog Signals with a Micro - Two techniques are given to handle analog signals
  • Interfacing Two 12-Bit A/D Converters to an AIM - Give your computer extra precision
  • Solar System Simulation, Part 2 - This geocentric program will print information about six planets
  • A Welcome to PET Users
  • Commodore ROM Genealogy - Find out about your PET through this history of Commodore configurations
  • VIC Light Pen-manship - Expalnation of how a light pen works is presented with demonstration programs
  • Substitute Characters - Create your own character set for your PET
  • Tamig the Wild Reset - Easily make your old Apple reset key into a control-reset key
  • Apple Byte Table - Help for decoding byte values in Apple's memory
  • Apple Bits, Part 2 - This part discusses an Integer BASIC program for constructing patters
2021-04-04 English PDF 32.31 MB 426 Download
zip41 Micro 6502 - Issue 42

Micro 6502 - Issue 42 - November 1981

  • Precision Programming - Easily write structured programs using BASIC
  • Pascal Tutorial, Part 1 - Firts lesson to help you understand UCSD and Pascal
  • Auto Line Numbers for OSI Disk Basic - Imitate large computers and make programming easier
  • Some Help for KIM, Part 1 - Extend usefullness of KIM memory dump routine
  • Lunar Landar - (for the Color Computer) Try to land on the surface of the moon
  • Galacti-Cube - Apple game that dares you to escape from cubic maze
  • The Game People Buy - Trends in the computer game industry
  • Saucer Launch - You against the flying saucers (Atari)
  • Othello - Popular board game now for the Apple
  • Ultimate Ping Pong for PET - This version of Pong uses character graphics and fast keyboard control
  • OS-9 and the 6809: Revolutionary Tools - Highlights of the OS-9, feature, and concepts are discussed
  • Apple II Digital Storage Oscilloscope - Easily convert your Apple into an oscilloscope
  • Function Generator and Library Manager - Customize your I/O Functions (Apple)
  • ASCII Dump for the Apple - Extend "examine memory" routine in Apple's monitor
  • Apple Bits, Part 3 - Presentation of giant letters, animation conclude series
2021-04-05 English PDF 32.07 MB 413 Download
zip42 Micro 6502 - Issue 43

Micro 6502 - Issue 43 - December 1981

  • Data Collection with Your Micro - Interface allows high-speed sampling and recording
  • PET "Listener" - Listen to your PET tapes and have a CB2 sound amplifier
  • Watch that Ground Connection - Protect your computer with a properly connected ground
  • Proportional Joystick for Atari - Make your own joysticks for five dollars
  • Some Help for KIM, Part 2 - A look at the Apple Pascal Filer
  • Flags and Boolean Algebra in Microsoft BASICs - Features to give you powerful program structures
  • Recursive Use of GOSUB in Microsoft BASIC - Implementation for OSI, PET, Apple, TRS-80 Color and others
  • Applesoft Variable Lister - Use this lister with any program, anywhere in memory
  • Applesoft Memory Map Display - Create maps without altering memory contents
  • Applesoft Line Finder Routine - Display byts or a particular line, use subroutines available in monitor
  • Applesoft and Matrices - Machine language program performs special matrix operations
2021-04-06 English PDF 32.69 MB 471 Download
zip43 Micro 6502 - Issue 44

Micro 6502 - Issue 44 - January 1982

  • Atari 800 Player/Missile Graphics - New applications and utility programs
  • Experimenters and the Color Computer - A look at the TRS-80C's capabilities
  • Epson MX80 Interface for SYM-1 - A description of the hardware and software needed for a parallel interface
  • List Scroller - Scroll forward or backward without keyed LIST commands
  • Some Help for KIM, Part 3 - Hardware and software for an improved single-step function
  • Pascal Tutorial, Part 3 - Programming Pascal vs. BASIC
  • RELOC - Easily edit BASIC text files
  • Apple Pascal Textfile Lister - Produce neatly paged output with titles and numbered pages
  • Elementary Pascal Internals - Introduction to internal structure of P-machine and P-code implementations
  • KEYSORT for BASIC 4.0 - An update to a powerful PET utility
  • A Disk Menu Program - An elegant but short disk directory management program
  • Auto-Run-Wedge for the PET - Avoid extra keystrokes
  • PET VET - Review of Pascals for PET/CBM
  • From Here to Atari - More on using the interrupts
  • The Single Life - The single board's place in a world of sophisticated computers
2021-04-06 English PDF 31.59 MB 438 Download
zip44 Micro 6502 - Issue 45

Micro 6502 - Issue 45 - February 1982

  • Utilities for the Color Computer - Dump or disassemble 6809 or ASCII code anywhere in memory
  • Formatting AIM Assembler Listings - This program uses a PL/65 approach
  • Superboard Expansion System - Double memory and increase capabilities of C1P and Superboard II
  • Using Atari's Countdown Timers - Use timers with BASIC and Assembly Language programs
  • Speedy Routine for C1P Joystick - Take "slow motion" out of your real-time games
  • Credit Box Creator - Clever techniques to aid your programming
  • RUNZMENU - Eliminate task of rebooting DOS upon language card reset
  • Shape Manipulate - Create, delete, add shapes from tables
  • A FORTHword - A bried history and discussion of features of FORTH
  • Using FORTH with the 6502 - Three applications to utilize the power of FORTH
  • Stepper Motor Control: A FORTH Approach - Command language in FORTH controls movement
  • Life in FORTH and BASIC - Compare and learn from two languages
  • PET Vet - High-level languages on SuperPET
  • From Here to Atari - A look at DOS file structure and the floppy disk system
  • The Single Life - A FORTH vendor is spotlighted
2021-04-06 English PDF 33.37 MB 468 Download
zip45 Micro 6502 - Issue 46

Micro 6502 - Issue 46 - March 1982

  • VisiCalc Formulas for Depreciation - Ready-to-use formulas provide three methods of depreciation
  • Numerical Solution of Differential Equations - Runge-Kutta method and Applesoft program help you solve equations
  • Legrange Interpolating Polynomial - This helpful routine will run on any machine with floating point BASIC
  • SIN(X) The Hard Way - Learn how the in-ROM machine language routing works
  • A Cross Reference Generator for OSI BASIC - Find any variable or line number in your OSI BASIC program
  • More Hooks into OSI BASIC - Add keywords to BASIC under OS-65D v3.2
  • Microsoft BASIC-in-ROM Extensions - PRINT AT and CALL functions are added to BASIC-in-ROM
  • Machine Language to DATA Statement Generator - This handy routine can be applied to all OSI BASIC-in-ROM machines
  • Autonumber Plus for Cursor Control - Add automatic line numbering and PRINT AT to your cursor control program
  • KIM Bouncy Keypad Cure - The 94-bye program prolongs the life of your bouncy keypad
  • Binary Storage and Array Retrieval - A technique for extremely fast I/O of arrays on disk is presented
  • A Disassembler for the 6809 - This disassembler is written in Microsoft BASIC and will run on the Apple II or the Radio Shack Color Computer
  • PET Audible Disk Alarm - This simple enhancement sounds an alarm when a disk error occurs
  • I/O Expansion for AIM - Add two VIAs to trible I/O capacity
2021-04-06 English PDF 33.21 MB 444 Download
zip46 Micro 6502 - Issue 47

Micro 6502 - Issue 47 - April 1982

  • AIM User Device Arbiter - Expand the AIM's I/O ports
  • General Purpose Tape I/O for OSI - Flexible cassette LOAD and SAVEfunctions are provided
  • A Real Tape Operating System - Get the most out of Commodore's reliable system
  • COPCOP Single Drive Copier - Copy OSI diskettes quickly and easily
  • Vortax Interface for SYM - Easily interface this speech synthesizer to your system's VIA
  • 6508 - A New 6502 Configuration - Package includes processor, I/O, RAM and other features
  • Programmable Reverse Video for the C1P - Add this handy feature to your C1P with programming and circuitry
  • Structured Programming in BASIC09 - Combine the benefits of structured programming and user interaction
  • Extension to the C-Bug Monitor - Debugging functions are added to this ML monitor for the Color Computer
  • Multiprecision Addition - A Comparison of 6809 and 6502 Programming
  • FLEX: An Operating System for the 6809 - FELX's history, features and applications are discussed
  • 7SEG: PET Giant Character Set - Alpha-numeric characters on seven-segment display
  • Applesoft Variable Dump - This debugging utility provides a dump of current variable array values
  • Integer Cross-Reference Utilities - Generate a complete cross-reference table for Apple Integer BASIC programs
2021-04-06 English PDF 33.71 MB 495 Download
zip47 Micro 6502 - Issue 48

Micro 6502 - Issue 48 - May 1982

  • Memory Map Relocator - Use this handy program to prevent your programs from being overwritten
  • General BASIC to Machine Language Interface - Allow better communication between BASIC and machine language
  • LISZT with Strings - Turn Applesoft listings into easy-to-understand structured formats
  • Apple Graphics for Okidata Microline 80 - Dump Apple hi-res screen graphics to Okidata printer
  • Commodore and MICRO
  • PET Memory Protector - Isolate 1K or more of memory from BASIC and resets
  • Growing Knowledge Trees - Artificial intelligence represented in tree diagrams
  • PET Menu and Tape Timer - Advanced cassette control, extensive use of WAIT command
  • PET Vet - PET SCREEN editing
  • From Here to Atari - "Front Jacks" on the Atari 400 and 800
  • The Single Life - HDE Disk BASIC
2021-04-07 English PDF 104.26 MB 538 Download
zip48 Micro 6502 - Issue 49

Micro 6502 - Issue 49 - June 1982

  • Disk to Tape Backup Utility - Save money by using cassette tapes for backup
  • AIM User Function Dispatch - Overcome AIM's limitation of three user-definable keys
  • Add a VIA and Speech Synthesizer to the Color Computer - Add 8-bit bidirectional I/O ports to your Color Computer
  • A Sequential File Handler for a Disk-Based OSI - This file handler written in BASIC and easily implemented
  • Face Synthesizer for PET - Create an animated face on the PET's screen
  • A Low-Cost Digitizer for the Apple - Use a sheet of plastic to built this digitizer
  • AIM Logic Trainer - Test logic circuits and control I/O with this program
  • A Versatile Disk Label Printer - Print different kinds of labels for one and two sided disks
  • Program for Inverting a Matrix - Handy routine for math and statistical programs
  • BASIC, FORTH, and RPL - Two established languages are compared to a newcomer, RPL
  • Tiny PILOT for the PET - A machine language PILOT with screen editing
  • Microcomputer Interfacing: FORTH vs. BASIC - Programs to control a digitizer interface are compared
  • PRINT AT for OSI Systems - Routine for C1P, C4P, and C8P, plus hex object loader
  • Symbol Table Lister for the OSI - List symbol table generated by the C1P assembler
2021-04-07 English PDF 111.72 MB 491 Download
zip49 Micro 6502 - Issue 50

Micro 6502 - Issue 50 - July 1982

  • Rewriting PET ROMs - Eliminate bugs and add improvements by rewritting your operating system
  • Timing and Counting with the 6522 - Perform precision timing tasks with the Versatile Interface Adapter
  • An Overview of Apple DOS - Learn how to manipulate and modify DOS
  • Converting Apple Pictures to a Standart Bit-Mapped Format - Transfer Apple hi-res screens to Visibile Memory on the PET
  • PET Communicates with Apple - Use the Apple's cassette port to transport data
  • Apple Disk Sector Map Utility - Determine actual sector allocation
  • Build an Apple Cart - An inexpensive way to build a home for your Apple
  • Low-Resolution Graphics and Apple Pascal - Access Apple's lo-res capabilitiess from Apple Pascal
  • Computer-Assisted Translation of Program from 6502 - 6809 - Translating techniques
  • Auto Entry for the C1P - Easy keyboard entry for machine language programs
  • TAPDUP - AIM Tape Copy Utilitiy - Backup your cassettes by controlling two recorders at the same time
  • Apple Slices - A method to pass parameters between BASIC and machine language
  • PET Vet - Review of POWER, a flexibile utility package
2021-04-08 English PDF 120.53 MB 456 Download
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