Category: Micro 6502
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zip0 Micro 6502 - Issue 51

Micro 6502 - Issue 51 - August 1982

  • Structured Programming in 6502 Assembly Language - Add high-level, structured techniques to your assemble-language programming
  • Pattern-Matching with the 6502 on the Apple - Presents both elementary and advanced patern-matchin algorithms
  • Random Number Generator in Machine Language for the Apple - A simple subroutine for the Apple
  • A New Character Set for the VIC-20 - Design your own VIC characters
  • Data Transfer from AIM to PET - Send data and programs from the AIM to the PET through a simple cable
  • PET to AIM Download - Use the PET to develop programs for simpler systems
  • Expanding File Cabinet for the Apple - Access File Cabinet for use with other programs
  • Duty Cycle Monitor for the VIC-20 - Determine the correct volume level for reliable recording of cassette tapes
  • Interfacing the Color Computer - Send and receive Morse code
  • POWER-Aid for the PET - Add commands to Professional Software's BASIC programming utility, POWER
  • ON ERROR GOTO for OSI ROM BASIC - A utility to trap errors without stopping program execution
  • Straight Forward Garbage Collection for the Apple - An Apple-based linear garbage collection program
  • OSI Extended I/O Processor - Ad more than thirty new functions to the OSI C1P
  • Delete on the OSI - Omit on or more lines with only a few keystrokes
2021-04-09 English PDF 117.41 MB 581 Download
zip1 Micro 6502 - Issue 52

Micro 6502 - Issue 52 - September 1982

  • The 68000 and the Personal Computer - The 68000 as an add-on to 6502-based systems
  • An MC68000 Overview - A description of the 68000's registers, instruction set, and addressing modes
  • 68000 Instruction Set - Part 1 in a series on the 68000, including a detailed table of Data Movements
  • Superimposing TV Pictures on PET Video - Modify the PET to superimpose a television camera picture on the PET video display
  • A/D Conversion Using a 555 Timer IC - This simple 555 timer yields a high dynamic range inexpensively
  • Delayed Reset and Autoboot for the OSI - Add both a time delay to the BREAK key, and an automatic disk system bootup
  • 6809 Macros for Structured Programming - Use assembler macros for structured assembly language programming
  • Market Projection Program for the Color Computer - A sophisticated business program to project industry and company sales
  • Double-Entry Formatting for your Checkbook on the C1P - A simple checkbook balancing program
  • Auto SAVE for the PET - A routine for automatic cassette backup
  • COMPRESS - An Applesoft Optimizet - Reduce Applesoft program memory requirements by up to 30%
  • Apple Slices - "Hashing" ... A quick random-access technique
  • PET Vet - The MAE assembler and new Commodore-oriented publications
2021-04-10 English PDF 5.61 MB 413 Download
zip2 Micro 6502 - Issue 53

Micro 6502 - Issue 53 - October 1982

  • Introduction to Turtle Graphics in Apple Pascal - Dump Pascal Turtle Graphics to a printer
  • Three Faces of Apple LOGO - Different approaches to an educational programming language
  • Mircocomputers in a College Teaching Laboratory - Part 1 - An overview of microcomputer use in an undergraduate lbaoratory program
  • A Personal Computer for Untrained Users - Strategies for creating crash-proof BASIC programs
  • Machine-Language Screen Utilities for the CBM-8032 - Screen formatting and easy cursor positioning
  • Auto Graph for the Apple - Using an EXEC file to self-modify a BASIC program
  • Screen Editor for the OSI 65D Assembler - Add this convenient editing capability to your assembler
  • Formatted Output with Atari BASIC - Print-using for the Atari
  • Building a Parallel Printer Interface - A general discussion with details on a C1P to C1P interface
  • The IBM Selectric as as OSI System Printer - A cheap letter quality printer
  • A Homespun 32K Color Computer - Expand your 16k TRS-80C to 32K bytes of RAM memory
  • Apple Pascal P-Code Interpreter and the 6809 - A comparision of P-Code efficiency between 6502 and 6809 computers
  • Atari Character Graphics from BASIC, Part 1 - A technique to use character-mode display graphics
  • Apple Slices - Run the Pascal assembler under DOS 3.3
  • PET Vet - A better BASIC - Waterloo microBASIC on the SuperPET
2021-04-11 English PDF 30.87 MB 444 Download
zip3 Micro 6502 - Issue 54

Micro 6502 - Issue 54 - November 1982

Game Features

  • Castle Adventur for PET and Apple
  • SYM 23 Matches
  • Solve the Pagoda Puzzle Using Recursive Assembly
  • Number Shuffle on the Atari
  • Sensible Use of Apple Game Paddles
  • Space Invasion for OSI C1P/Superboard
  • Apple Shootdown


  • Atari Joysticks on the OSI - A simple modification including software and programming information
  • An MC68000 Overview, Part 2 - Simple examples illustrate 68000 programming techniques
  • A Monitor for the TRS-80 Color Computer - Instructions to get composite video from the video section of the CC
  • FLEX and the TRS-80 Color Computer - A description of FLEX09
  • 68000 Binary Arithmetic Operations
  • How to Make a Graphic-80 PET from a 4016 - Just add inexpensive ICs and move jumpers


  • Apple Hi-Res Graphics and Memory Use - Avoid overwriting the graphics display area
  • Atari Character Graphics from BASIC, Part 2 - Learn about fine scrolling
  • Getting Around the Apple Hi-Res Graphics Page - Utilize the graphics area without sacrificing memory
  • Extra Colors for the Atari - Two techniques to expand your computer's palette
  • Introduction to 3-D Rotation on the Apple - Learn the techniques for yaw, pitch, and roll
2021-04-12 English PDF 6.62 MB 419 Download
zip4 Micro 6502 - Issue 55

Micro 6502 - Issue 55 - December 1982

Commodore Feature

  • It's All Relative - CBM Disk Techniques, Part 1 - Get the most from CBM's powerful disk operating systyem
  • Squeeze for PET Programs - Squeeze out imbedded blank, line seperators, and comments
  • BASIC Line Delete for PET/CBM and VIC - A machine language program to delete blocks of BASIC lines
  • SOUP: A CBM Machine-Language Compare Program - A compare program for machine-language program files
  • Microcomputers in a College Teaching Laboratory, Part 2


  • Apple ILISZT for Integer BASIC Programs - Print your program in a clear, structured format and detect embedded binary code
  • BASIC Macro Function for Cursor Control on the OSI - Insert statements with just two keys
  • Atari Character Graphics from BASIC, Part 3 - Add to Atari's vertical blank interrupt routines
  • Applesoft GOTO/GOSUB Checking Routine - Verify all GOTO and GOSUB references in your program


  • Adding Voice to a Computer - A low-cost procedure for sampling and reproducing voice
  • Enhanced Video for OSI C1P - Add five chips - and several features
  • Home Control Interface for C1P - Add you own ultasonic control
  • Atari Meets the BSR X-10 - Use Atari's controller ports
  • 68000 Logic Instructions - Our discussion of the 68000 instruction set continues
  • Programmable Character Generator for OSI - Design your own character set
  • Utilizing the 6502's Undefined Operation Codes - Hardware to use these op codes for new psuedo-instructions
2021-04-16 English PDF 6.5 MB 400 Download
zip5 Micro 6502 - Issue 56

Micro 6502 - Issue 56 - January 1983

  • Discrete Even Simulation in Pascal - Simulate real-world simulations
  • Doing Time on the 6809 - Add time in BASIC
  • Model Rocket Simulation in BASIC - Determine the altitude performance of single-stage model rockets
  • Sun and Moon on the Apple - Hi-res graphics simulation: the orbits of the sun and moon
  • Microcomputers in a College Teaching Laboratory, Part 3
  • Measurement of a 35mm Focal Plane Shutter - Use inexpensive hardware to measure the accuracy of your camera
  • It's All Relative - Using CBM's Relative Records, Part 2 - Learn how to set up relative files and records
  • VIC Hi-Res Graphics Explained - Produce 160 by 176 dot graphics
  • 68000 Shift, Roate, and Bit Manipulation Instructions - More detailed coverage of the 68000
  • Extending Newton-Raphson's Method to Evaluate Complex Roots
  • Signed Binary Multiplication is Unsigned - Put this mathmatical curiosity to work
  • Apple Math Editor - Easy construction, editing, and printing of mathematical formulas
  • Using Long Integers for BCD Numbers in Pascal - Bullet-proof string conversion
2021-04-16 English PDF 4.84 MB 441 Download
zip6 Micro 6502 - Issue 57

Micro 6502 - Issue 57 - February 1983

  • SuperPET APL - An unusual, but powerful, fast, and memory-efficient language
  • EDIT: An Atari FORTH Screen-Oriented Editor - A big improvement over the APX line editors
  • Apple Pascal Hi-Res Screen Dump - Dump the high-resolution graphics screen to your printer
  • An Introduction to FORTH - All about Reverse Polish Notation, colon definitions, and other FORTH features
  • FORTH for the 6809 - A look at CCFORTH, figFORTH, and several FLEX-based systems
  • The World According to LISP - A power language suited to robotics and artificial intelligence
  • Improved IEEE-488 Control for the PET/CBM - More precise control of the bus, without using logical files
  • VIC RS-232 Printer - Interface the Radio Shack Quick Printer and other RS-232 devices
  • PROM BASIC for the C1P - Increase the C1P's performance without a disk drive
  • Indirect Files Under OS-65D - Use the indirect file merge programs, perform warm starts, transfer programs
  • It's All Relative, Using Commodore's Relative Records - Part 3 - Use a key file as an index into a relative file
  • A Binary Search Routine - Two demonstration programs illustrate this technique
  • BASIC Renumber for OSI - Renumber programs in memory and save to tape
  • 68000 Program Control: Branch and Jump Instructions
2021-04-17 English PDF 4.9 MB 537 Download
zip7 Micro 6502 - Issue 58

Micro 6502 - Issue 58 - March 1983

  • Hi-Res Plotting with the VIC - Combine VIC-1515/1525 printer with the VIC-20 for high-resolution graphics
  • Print Control for Apple Printers - A shorth subroutine for automatic pagination and user-selectable margins
  • Centronics Printer Driver for Your Microcomputer - an MX-Driver assemble language program
  • Disk ID for Printed OSI Directories - Put unused disk space to good use
  • Apple PRINT-USING Routine - a machine language routine for formatted output
  • A Full Byte for Your Apple Printer - Greater control using the eighth bit
  • MICRO Calc for Commodore and Apple - A miniature electronic spreadsheet
  • Digi-Draft for Atari 400/800 - A sophisticated drawing program
  • The Computer Revolution Reaches the Community
  • BANNER: A Display Program for the Color Computer
  • 68000 BCD and Privileged Instructions
  • A Versatile Hi-Res Graphics Routine for the Apple
  • Apple Disk Track Copy for Non-Matching Numbers
  • It's All Relative, Part 4 Using Commodore's Relative Records - Read and write relative files
2021-04-18 English PDF 7.44 MB 483 Download
zip8 Micro 6502 - Issue 59

Micro 6502 - Issue 59 - April 1983

  • Communications:  The Growing Network
  • A Not-So-Dumb Terminal Program for the SuperPET - Turn the SuperPet into a smart terminal for a mainframe
  • Dialing the Networks - A MC6809 communicates with the major networks
  • A Home-Built Communications Interface - Circuitry and techniques for construction
  • PET-to-PET Communications - Transfer an array over the User Port
  • Multi-Microprocessor Tidbits - Run a 6502 and 6809 on the same computer - simultaneously
  • MASTER for VIC and Commodore 64 - A serious look at a simple guessing game
  • Conservation of Momentum for Atari and Commodore - An Introductory physics demonstration
  • Is a Number a Number? - Convert Numbers from one base to another
  • A Begginer's Computer Glossary, Part 2
2021-07-11 English PDF 8.2 MB 338 Download
zip9 Micro 6502 - Issue 60

Micro 6502 - Issue 60 - May 1983

  • The ATARI 1200XL - A comparison of the Atari 1200XL, 800 and 400 computers
  • Microprocessors for Your Apple II - A comparison of add-on boards for the Apple II
  • COMMODORE New Wave - A discussion of Commodore's new product line
  • Is 16 Bits the Solution? - Can 8-bit technology survive in the small computer market?
  • Get More Data on Your CBM Disk - Write up to four times more numerical data on disk using binary format
  • Parameter Passing in Assembly Language, Part I - Pass data to and from assembly language subroutines
  • Real-time Clock for the Color Computer - Add a real-time clock and date function to your programs
  • &GET on the Apple - A machine-language program to allow customized input routines
  • Modifying and Using MAE on the PET - Modifications allow output to an ASCII printer and listing output to a disk file
  • 68000 Instructions - Miscellaneous instructions implemented on the 68000
  • It's All Relative, Part 5: Printing Commodore File Data - How to format and print data from Commodore relative disk files
  • Breakup - A simple animation game that demonstrates PEEKs and POKEs
  • Addressfile - A file-management system for the VIC-20 and other Commodore computers
  • Apple Graphics for Okidata Microline 80: Revisited - Print Apple II hi-res graphics screens on an Okidata Microline 80 printer
  • A Universal Printer Pager for Apple - Automatically produce top and bottom margins on each page of printer output
  • Second PET as Soft Printer - Address a second PET as IEEE Device 4
  • MULTIC - A Multi-Column Print for AIM - Print AIM listings the full width of your printer
  • Superboard II / Quick Printer II - An inexpensive way to interface the OSI Superboard II to a RS Quick Printer II
  • PET VET - Load-and-Run programming
  • From Here to Atari - Drawing geometric shapes
  • CoCo Bits - A look at the TDP 100, modems, and service manuals
  • Interface Clinic - Experiments in interfacing
2021-07-11 English PDF 8.46 MB 368 Download
zip10 Micro 6502 - Issue 61

Micro 6502 - Issue 61 - June 1983

  • Apple II Operating System - A look at the features offered by six popular systems
  • UCSD Directory - A description of UCSD at the byte and bit level
  • OS-9, A Structured Operating System - One of the most powerful systems for 8-bit microprocessors
  • Color Disk BASIC: Observations and Utilities - Examine disk sectors and repair a crashed directory
  • The 68000 Educational Computer Board - Motorola's board features 32k of RAM and a terminal-based ROM monitor
  • Pinewood Derby with Computer Timing - An automated judging and timing program for this popular Cub Scout model race
  • Four-Color Hi-Res Graphics for the VIC-20 - Use the joystick to draw four-color pictures
  • VIC Player - Learn music with this five-octave keyboard program
  • An Inexpensive Lightpen for the VIC-20, C64 and Atari
  • 68000 Addressing Modes - Immediate, direct, implied, and indirect addressing
  • HEXPAD: PET Utility for Machine-Language Key-Ins - Redesign your PET calculator keyboard
  • Parameter Passing in Assembly Language, Part 2 - Passing parameters via the Return Address
  • PET Vet - A review of the Script 64 and WordPro 3 Plus/64 wordprocessors
2021-08-13 English PDF 12.89 MB 276 Download
zip11 Micro 6502 - Issue 62

Micro 6502 - Issue 62 - July 1983

  • OS-9, A UNIX-like OS for the 6809, Part 2 - Explore the CRTuser's view of the system, and more
  • More 68000 Addressing Modes - Our last installement in the 68000 series
  • Pet Vet - FORTH for the Commodore 64
  • Word Detective - A word game for the VIC-20
2021-08-14 English PDF 13.53 MB 277 Download
zip12 Micro 6502 - Issue 63

Micro 6502 - Issue 63 - August 1983

  • It's all Relative, Part 6 - The final installment in our series on Commodore relative files
2021-08-14 English PDF 8.97 MB 252 Download
zip13 Micro 6502 - Issue 64

Micro 6502 - Issue 64 - September 1983

  • Turtle Graphics for the VIC-20 and C64 - Insights from the author of these educational packages
  • Text Compression and Encryption - Save memory and increase the strength of your code
  • Using VIC and C64 ROM Routines from BASIC - Save machine-language programs from BASIC without a monitor!
  • Using Signed Arithmetic on the 6502 - A technique to overcome the problem of missing signed comparisons
  • Machine-Language Input Routines for Commodore Computers - Input both string and numeric data to your Commodore
2021-08-14 English PDF 11.25 MB 264 Download
zip14 Micro 6502 - Issue 65

Micro 6502 - Issue 65 - October 1983

  • Programming Techniques - A brief discussion on useful techniques
  • Commodore Compass - A look at POWER64 from Pro-Line Software
  • Faster Math Operations in Microsoft BASIC - Speed up array operations
  • Bank-Switches JSR - Use SuperPET's bank-switched memory with 6502 machine-language programs
2021-08-14 English PDF 36.36 MB 302 Download
zip15 Micro 6502 - Issue 66

Micro 6502 - Issue 66 - November 1983

  • Exploring Character Graphics - Detailed description of character graphics on C-64, VIC and PET
  • Programmable Character Generator - Design your own custom characters
  • Screen Editor - Construct character graphic pictures with LOAD, SAVE and PRINT options
  • Commodore Compass - Extra resolution using Commodore's standard characters
2021-08-14 English PDF 6.11 MB 244 Download
zip16 Micro 6502 - Issue 67

Micro 6502 - Issue 67 - December 1983

  • This issue mainly focuses on Spreadsheets
2021-08-14 English PDF 8.26 MB 274 Download
zip17 Micro 6502 - Issue 68

Micro 6502 - Issue 68 - January 1984

  • The Network Primer - The organization and implementation of local networks
  • Commodore to Smart Modem - A BASIC program that services Hayes Smart Modem for the C64
  • DOSPLUS for Commodore 64 - Add new utility functions called from the keyboard
  • Commodore Compass - High resolution graphics on the Commodore 64
  • .... and a lot of other non-Commodore stuff
2021-08-14 English PDF 3.65 MB 270 Download
zip18 Micro 6502 - Issue 69

Micro 6502 - Issue 69 - February 1984

  • Using the Commodore 64 Parallel Interface - Programs and cable connections for driving printers and communicating with other computers
  • DOSPLUS for Commodore 64, Part 2 - More functions that can be called from the keyboard
  • ... Bunch of other non-Commodore related stuff
2021-08-14 English PDF 2.69 MB 243 Download
zip19 Micro 6502 - Issue 70

Micro 6502 - Issue 70 - March 1984

  • DOSPLUS for Commodore 64, Part 3 - A machine language monitor, a printer formatting program, a repeat key toggle, and a kill function
  • PEEKing Tom: Playing with BASIC's Internals - Find how and where things are done within almost any system
  • On Multiplication: The 6809 Versus the 6502 - A new board allows an interesting experiment
  • Compile Your BASIC Subroutines - Combining Interpreted and Compiled BASIC can give a fast, easy method of working
  • ... and much more non-Commodore stuff
2021-08-15 English PDF 3.34 MB 234 Download
zip20 Micro 6502 - Issue 71

Micro 6502 - Issue 71 - April/May 1984

  • A Low Cost Mouse for the VIC-20 - Build the lastest computer device for inputting data
  • A New Variation on an Old Theme: Replace your 6502 - A new R65C00 family has interesting enhancements
  • Easy DOES-IT (Not DosPlus), Pt.4 - Add new utility functions to a Commodore 64
  • Four Techniques to Make Your Programs Fast - Become the fastest programmer in town
  • Talking to Your Printer - A printer control program and Generic BASIC notes
  • A Timely Interrupt - Make an accurate timer with just a few POKEs
2021-08-15 English PDF 3.21 MB 262 Download
zip21 Micro 6502 - Issue 72

Micro 6502 - Issue 72 - June 1984

  • Under the C64 ROM - Gain BASIC memory without losing program messages using RAM under ROM
  • Control - A program for assembly code efficiency, or statistics, step/trace debugging and more
  • Sixteen Bit 68000 Supermicros - Is this the 6502 of the 80's? What will it mean for your computing plans?
  • Programming with Macros - Make your assembly language more efficient, cleaner, easier to debug
  • Inside the CIA - Advantage of the shift registers on the CIA, and direct expansion from the microprocessor bus
2021-08-15 English PDF 2.5 MB 254 Download
zip22 Micro 6502 - Issue 73

Micro 6502 - Issue 73 - July 1984

  • A Basic DVORAK Keyboard for the VIC-20 and C-64 - A "new" key arrangement is gaining acceptance, increasing typing speed and productivity enormously
  • A Comparison of 6809 and 68000 - The checkbook offers a simple, effective way to compare these two microprocessors
  • Graphic Print for C-64 - Create a full-page graphic printout from a Commodore 64 high resolution display
  • Commodore-to-Apple Cassette File Loader - Transfer cassette files written on VIC-20 or C-64 to an Apple disk for interfacing, etc.
  • Circles for the Commodore 64 - An interesting mathmatical way to plot circles on the C64
2021-08-15 English PDF 4.45 MB 281 Download
zip23 Micro 6502 - Issue 74

Micro 6502 - Issue 74 - August 1984

  • Relocatable Step/Trace - Steap and Trace program can be moved easily to any part of the program
  • Graphic Print for C-64, Part 2 - Interface with major commercial packages to create a full-page graphic printout
  • Alter Track and Sector - Rewrite any sector on a disk without loss of data
  • Extended Precision Arithmetic in BASIC - Greater mathematical precision and a way to calculate the Jewish Lunar Calendar
  • When I'm 64 [Review] - Sophisticated music synthesizer with vocal parts and animated face
  • Write Now! [Review] - Professional word processor with 80 column display, compatible with most printers
  • Songwriter [Review] - Songs are recorded in a piano-roll style, making song composing fun and easy
2021-08-17 English PDF 2.63 MB 278 Download
zip24 Micro 6502 - Issue 75

Micro 6502 - Issue 75 - September 1984

  • Introduction to FORTH - The basic why's and wherefore's about the FORTH language
  • Multi-Tasking in FORTH - A technique and program for running multiples tasks under FORTH
  • Graphics Print for C-64, Part 3 - Add full color to your graphics printouts with a color printer
  • Time-Series Forecasting - A program to predict the future - That runs on the Apple, Atari, C64 or CoCo
2021-08-17 English PDF 2.48 MB 297 Download
zip25 Micro 6502 - Issue 76

Micro 6502 - Issue 76 - October 1984

  • Plotting Binary Trees - Binary trees are an interesting form of mathematical graph.  Here's a program to generate and display them.
  • Fast Bit Map Plotting on the C64 - Part 1 of a series of assembly level routines to support fast high-resolution bit map plotting on the C64
  • Machine Language Loops - Machine language loops are explored - and some common misconceptions about them exposed
  • BASIC / ML Data Transfer - Four techniques are explored and implemented to exchange data between BASIC and machine level programs
  • Expanding the Commodore 1541 Disk Drive, Part 1 - Part 1 of a series showing how to expand the capabilities of the 1541 disk drive
  • A Very Moving Message - Split screen, fine scrolling and interrupt techniques are combined in a useful utility for the commodore 64
  • Quick Cipher Routines - A method and program to protect your 'public data' using a random number based encryption scheme that will work on any micro
2021-08-17 English PDF 1.92 MB 335 Download
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