Category: Software Manuals [C64]
Downloads: 459
zip0 Create a Calendar Manual

CREATE A CALENDAR is an amazingly easy, yet powerful tool used to create daily, weekly,monthly, and annual calendars.  With CREATE A CALENDAR, you can create a calendar to fit your every need.  Design calendars at home to keep track of doctors appointments, birthdays, anniversaries, and social engagements.  Create calendars for school to keep track of sports events, homework assignments, after school events and holidays.  Generate calendars at work to keep track of business meetings, seminars, and vacations.

2020-02-26 English PDF 982.52 KB 667 Download
zip1 Creating Chiptunes with Sid Wizard

Welcome to this revised expanded manual for the excellent music tracker SID-Wizard2 for Commodore 64. I will try to go into detail of most aspects of the tracker and I will also try to explain the functions of the wonderful SID chip as we go along. The reason why I expanded the work of Mihaly's manual is that there is some stuff left out that SID gurus know but beginners don't.

This guide covers SID Wizard versions up to 1.6 and is still helpful with 1.7 & 1.8, but version 1.8 has many changes compared to 1.6.

2021-11-06 English PDF 1.12 MB 751 Download
zip2 Creative Calc Manual

Congratulations!  You have just purchased the most complete home and personal electronic spreadsheet· program available for your Commodore 64 computer.  This program lets you join the hundreds of thousands of people who have found electronic spreadsheets to be the most versatile and useful program they own.

2020-02-26 English PDF 1.89 MB 695 Download
zip3 Creative Calc Quick Reference Summary

Creative Calc Quick Reference Summary

2020-02-26 English PDF 59.01 KB 548 Download
zip4 Creative Filer Manual

Congratulations!  You have just purchased the most complete home and personal electronic filing program available for your Commodore 64 computer.  By using this program you will be able to handle all sorts of information in ways that were not possible manually.

2020-02-26 English PDF 2.32 MB 622 Download
zip5 Creative Software - Home Inventory Manual

Home Inventory is a single program designed to run on the Commodore 64 computer, and comprises a complete system for tracking your home inventory with a computer.  The program is available on either tape or disk.  The tape version requires the Commodore Datassette recorder, while the disk version requires the VIC-1541 floppy disk unit.

2020-03-22 English PDF 1.48 MB 637 Download
zip6 Creative Software Decision Maker

Decision Maker is extremely flexible, and allows you to come to conclusions and make decisions in a way that you may find difficult to do without a computer.  It encourages the use of both emotion and logic, and strengthens your skills in formulating the alternatives and factors involved in a decision in a reasonable and manageable way.

2020-03-01 English PDF 1.84 MB 625 Download
zip7 Cut & Paste Command Summary

Cut & Paste Command Summary

2020-02-26 English PDF 1.06 MB 565 Download
zip8 Cut & Paste The Manual

Home users generally do not use their word processing programs every day.  Cut & Paste was designed to make remembering whatyou can do next and how to do it as simple as looking at the top and bottom lines on the screen.

2020-02-26 English PDF 3.85 MB 629 Download
zip9 Darkstar '88 BBS Manual

DarkStar '88 is the NEW MultiModular BBS from Dark.Star Systems Software that will Astound YOU with its Never Ending Opportunities for Expansion and Expression.  This Magic is accomplished through the Mysterious Use of External, User-Definable, System Access Modules, that can be Loaded from ANY of 255 Disk Drives.  Certain Modules, like the Message Base, Feature Multiple Sub Bases, with Independantly Assigned Access Levels.Beyond this, the Possibility of ANY Further Expansion becomes Reality, through the ReGeneration Process of Module Cloning.

2020-02-26 English PDF 66.57 MB 668 Download
zip10 Darkstar CBBS v3.0 Manual

In order to save time and space, this manual has been made in a very summarized format, and may tend to be vague in places.  But we believe that everything you need to know will be included here. If you feel unsure about anything, or would like to know how to get full potential from this BBS,  then send a SASE to us, and we will try to help you out.

2020-02-26 English PDF 9.69 MB 605 Download
zip11 Darkstar CBBS v3.0/3.1 Manual

Darkstar CBBS v3.0 / 3.1 Manual - This manual contains information on both versions.

2020-02-26 English PDF 15.97 MB 638 Download
zip12 Darkstar CBBS v3.1 Modual Expansion Toolkit Overlink Library #1

We hope you enjoy this first library/expansion disk. We are breaking new ground with our Unique Approach!  We Invite All comments and suggestions relating to ideas that you would like to see implemented in future-library editions!  If you can provide us with a basic version of your idea, we will take every reasonable effort to convert it to ML for the BBS!

2020-02-27 English PDF 6.22 MB 623 Download
zip13 Data Manager 128 Manual

Welcome to DATA MANAGER 128, the complete information management system for your Commodore 128.  DATA MANAGER 128 is a fast and efficient way to keep track of all types of information - customer files, inventory, address lists, market trend statistics, even phone numbers and recipes - and you can retrieve that information at the touch of a key.

2019-09-21 English PDF 4.69 MB 768 Download
zip14 Data Manager 2 User Manual

Just think how nice it would be to look up someone's name and address without having to look through an address book, or how much faster and easier it would be to find specific information from a single floppy disk, instead of having to search through mounds of paper.  Better yet, think how much time could be saved by tabulating information with a computer instead of spending hours doing calculations manually.  DATA MANAGER 2 does this work for you. Your data is stored on space-saving disks - no more bulky, messy files.  DATAMANAGER 2 searches and displays data quickly, easily, and most of all, painlessly.

2020-02-28 English PDF 6.76 MB 732 Download
zip15 DATA20 Plan Manager Instruction Manual

DATA20 Plan Manager (Electronics Spreadsheet) Instruction Manual

2020-02-28 English PDF 3.75 MB 685 Download
zip16 DATA20 Word Manager Instruction Manual

DATA20 Word Manager Word Processing Instruction Manual

2020-03-01 English PDF 1.23 MB 586 Download
zip17 Decision Maker Manual

Decision Maker is a complete learning and applications course based upon the theory of of Decision Analysis and Decision Trees.

2020-02-28 English PDF 11.36 MB 704 Download
d64 floppy18 DesTerm 128 v3.02 Manual HOT

DesTerm 128 v3.02 Manual.

desterm 128 v3.02 docs
2015-05-02 English PDF 129.4 KB 1,181 Download
zip19 DesTerm 128 v3.02 User Guide HOT

Before you use DesTerm for too long, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the contents of this User Guide. DesTerm has a whole host of features to help you telecommunicate - if you know how to use them.

2020-03-01 English PDF 129.4 KB 987 Download
zip20 dFile 128 DBMS File Utilities Manual

This utility disk contains many useful programs which increase the capacity and flexibility of dfile128 by allowing you to manlpulate and modify your record flIes.  These programs were created because they were requested, even demanded, by loyal users of dflle 128.  Of course, lf you do not have the dfile128 Database Management System, these special utilities will not do you much good since they only perform operations on dfile128 record files.

2020-03-01 English PDF 2.03 MB 586 Download
zip21 dFile 128 Manual

dfile128 is a fully featured easy-to-use database management system. This program was developed by listening to the inputs of several thousand users, like yourself, and implementing those features which most of you found desirable to have.

2020-03-01 English PDF 3.22 MB 631 Download
zip22 Di-Sector v2.0 Instruction Manual

Congratulations!  You have just purchased the most powerful Commodore 64 disk access utility yet written.  I hope that you will find Di-Sector enjoyable. Should you discover any problems or have any suggestions for improvement, please contact Starpoint Software.  User feedback is the only way that great programs can get better.  Your input will be appreciated.

2020-03-01 English PDF 415.62 KB 628 Download
zip23 Di-Sector v2.0b Documentary Supplement

Di-Sector V2.0b Documentary supplement.

Well you finally have the Di-Sector disk in hand. I hope thatyou will find it worth the wait!

2020-03-01 English PDF 898.57 KB 601 Download
zip24 Di-Sector v3.0 Instruction Manual

Welcome to the world of disk utilities. This DI-SECTOR diskette contains many disk utilities which represents over two years of hard work inside of the 1541 drive.  This version of DI-SECTOR itself is credited with one full year of work.  With all of this research & development we feel that we have created the best disk utility for the Commodore 1541 disk drive to date.

2020-03-01 English PDF 22.79 MB 765 Download
zip25 Dialogue 128 v2.2 Manual

Dialogue 128 is quite an amazing terminal with support for the Swiftlink RS-232 cartridge, 1351 mouse, 1700 & 1750 RAM expanders, 40/80 column mode and much much more.

2020-03-01 English PDF 6.98 MB 821 Download
zip26 Digitalker 128 Instructions

DigiTalker 128 is a new programing utility for BASIC 8 and Basic 7 programs. With it and one of the DigiTalker ClipSound Disks you can easily add digitized speech to your Cl28 80 column programs.

2020-09-02 English PDF 6.5 MB 630 Download
zip27 Dir Plus v3.1 [SD2IEC] User Manual HOT

This is the user manual for Anders “Boray” Persson's Dir Plus v3.1.  Click here to get the program.  

** Official Website

Website external2020-05-16 English PDF 1.25 MB 928 Download
zip28 DirMaster v3.0.0 Documentation

DirMaster is a Windows-based GUI application designed to help Commodore enthusiasts explore and manage their disk image collections. DirMaster supports common (and uncommon) emulator disk image formats (such as .d64, .d81, .d2m, etc), almost every native Commodore archival format (such as .arc, .sda, .lnx, etc), and many native graphic formats (such as koala, doodle, amica, etc). DirMaster was designed to give users a perfect blend of familiar appearance (e.g. natural looking disk image contents using the PETSCII character set) and modern GUI functionality (e.g. drag and drop, opening multiple diskimages at once). The first version of DirMaster was released in 2006.

DirMaster-Style Documentation v3.0.0
2020-02-28 English PDF 1.3 MB 611 Download
zip29 Disk Maker v2.2 Manual

By purchasing Disk Maker, you have insured that your valuable software library will not be lost!  Now you too can safeguard your Commodore software against loss or damage - just as professional programmers do -by creating backup copies of your software programs.  And by keeping a backup of programs that you personally are creating, you will avoid wasting countless hours of re-entering data, in case you accidentally erase your work.

2020-03-01 English PDF 1.68 MB 621 Download
pdf30 DiskAligner Instruction Manual

VIC 1541 Floppy Disk Drive Simple Head Alignment Instructions

2024-08-10 English PDF 10.82 MB 70 Download
pdf31 Diskus 1 Manual

All Commodore 64 Disk Drive owners are faced with the problem of converting their tape based software to load from Disk. Until now, most transfer utilities have been difficult to use and effective only with programs which do not employ any special protection methods. Using a method unique to Dosoft, Diskus 1 will transfer almost all standard loading cassette programs to Disk.No program rewriting or user knowledge is  required.

2024-08-04 English PDF 402.29 KB 53 Download
zip32 DMBBS V5 Manual

DMBBS v5 Manual

2020-03-02 English PDF 7.81 MB 705 Download
zip33 Doodle! Manual HOT

DOODLE! has many features , as you will learn in the following pages.  As you become familiar with the program you will be able to change modes and select features while viewing your sketch.  Every time you use a function key to change modes, the menu behind the sketch pad changes. You can always switch to the menu for a look at the available options.

2020-03-02 English PDF 3.13 MB 966 Download
pdf34 Dosoft Backup Copier Documentation

Dosoft Backup Copier is an advanced file copier/header reader,which provides security backups of almost all copy protected tape software.

2024-08-08 English PDF 394.47 KB 38 Download
zip35 DotBASIC Plus - Complete Guide

DotBASIC Plus (DB+) is a new and exciting way to put pizzazz in your programs.  While DotBASIC is astoundingly easy to use, there are a few new concepts that may be unfamiliar to the BASIC 2.0 programmer.  So, we highly recommend you start from the beginning.  The first part of the manual will walk you through a number of program ideas, explaining the various DB+ commands and concepts along the way.  Take the time to work your way through them—we promise it will pay off!  Once you get the hang of DotBASIC, you’ll be amazed at how slick and professional your programs can look with just a few lines of code.

2020-03-02 English PDF 2.44 MB 749 Download
zip36 Double-Ass Assembler Instructions

With this 2-pass assembler you can code as well for the 8502 microprocessor as for the Z-80 microprocessor.  Both processors are present in that wonderful machine, the CBM-128.

This document describes how to use the Double-Ass assembler, but doesn't teach how to create correct machine language programs.  It assumes you have experience with the built-in Monitor of the 128-mode.  However, this document contains some clues on how to code in assembly language.

2020-03-02 English PDF 36.14 KB 563 Download
zip37 DTL BASIC 64 Manual

DTL-BASIC 64 is a Basic compiler for the CBM 64.  This manual is for use with DTL-BASIC 64.4 (ie. release 4),or a later release.

2020-03-01 English PDF 2.94 MB 701 Download
zip38 DTL-Basic 64 Manual [Disk Edition]

DTL-BASIC 64 is a Basic compiler for the CBM 64. This manual is for use with DTL-BASIC 64.4 (ie. release 4),or a later release. The function of a compiler is to convert a program from its source form (ie. the form in which it is written) into a more efficient form that can run much faster than the original.

2020-05-22 English PDF 2.93 MB 609 Download
zip39 DTL-Basic 64 Manual [Tape Edition]

DTL-BASIC 64 is a basic compiler for the CBM 64 that takes an existing program (known as the Source file) and produces the compiled equivalenl of the program (known as lhe object file). The compiled program will run very much faster than the original program and will also be much smaller.

2020-05-22 English PDF 4.8 MB 613 Download
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