Category: Software Manuals [C64]
Downloads: 439
zip0 CHARTPAK-64 V3 Instruction Manual

C H A R T P A K - 6 4 lets you create data charts easily!  It also includes a simple data entry / update facility to allow you to create and adjust your statistical data for charting.

2020-02-20 English PDF 1.57 MB 610 Download
zip1 CHARTPLOT-64 Instruction Manual

CHARTPLOT-64 is a program for the Commodore - 64 which allows users to quickly and easily create charts from data.  The plots are drawn on the ’64 screen in the same proportion as the plotter so the user can adjust scales, bar widths, & select chart types, etc.

2020-02-20 English PDF 2.16 MB 616 Download
zip2 CheckServer 64 Manual

CheckServer 64 is designed to meet all of your checkbook accounting and budget planning needs.  Through this program you will be able to manage your checkbook with almost magical ease.  Budget planning and expense tracking are automatic features of CheckServer 64.

2020-02-20 English PDF 2.02 MB 576 Download
zip3 Chem Lab

Chern lab is designed to be fun. The user's guide is written for you.  Read it and you will learn all sorts of interesting things about the program, chemistry, and science. There are some things you should know about the experiments before you start.

2020-02-19 English PDF 8.71 MB 687 Download
zip4 Circuit Symbols for Home Designer

Circuit Symbols for Home Designer

2020-06-07 English PDF 319.73 KB 540 Download
zip5 Clone Machine for the 1571 Manual

Congratulations on purchasing one of the most advance copiers for the Commodore 128 computer and 1571 disk drive. Many month of research have gone into developing this copier. Before we start, | must say a few words about copying software. This software has been designed strictly to allow the user to make legal archival backups. When copies are made and distributed illegally, the software industries losses money. If this happens, software authors may be turned away from developing software.

2023-10-08 English Commodore 128 998.81 KB 162 Download
zip6 CMD gateWay 128 Addendum

CMD gateWay 128 Addendum

2020-02-21 English PDF 471.51 KB 581 Download
zip7 CMD gateWay 64 Addendum

CMD gateWay 64 Addendum

2020-02-21 English PDF 460.16 KB 606 Download
zip8 CMD gateWay Users Manual

It is important to understand that the gateWay is more than a replacement deskTop - the gateWay represents a whole new philosophy for working with GEOS.  From the creation of a new boot disk, to disk drivers and thegateWay itself, a new level of sophistication is brought to GEOS.

2020-02-21 English PDF 4.57 MB 720 Download
zip9 CMD gateWay v2.5 Addendum

CMD gateWay v2.5 Addendum

2020-02-21 English PDF 357.9 KB 570 Download
zip10 CMD geoCanvas Users Manual

Introducing geoCanvas, the alternative paint program for use with GEOS 64 v2.0 and GEOS 128 v2.0.  geoCanvas provides GEOS users with many features previously unavailable in a drawing program, and we hope that, you will find them exciting and useful.  In addition, the ScrapCan utility supplied with this program also provides a long-needed function - the ability copy and paste large scraps with color.

2020-02-21 English PDF 785.55 KB 607 Download
zip11 CMD Perfect Print LQ Enhanced Addendum

CMD Perfect Print LQ Enhanced Addendum

2020-02-21 English PDF 339.73 KB 534 Download
zip12 CMD Perfect Print LQ for GEOS Manual

Until now, there has been one large drawback to the GEOS system - the printout.  After carefully creating a stunningly attractive document in geoPaint, geoWrite or geoPublish, the inferior quality of the printout caused WYSIWYG to become WYSWMYG (What You See Will Make You Gasp!).  There were really only two alternatives.  Either put up with the poor results, or turn to other, more complex programs which offered better print results without GEOS.

Perfect Print was designed to solve this problem. This package consists of the GEOS LQ Print System for geoWrite and a collection of powerful HQ interpolation printer drivers for the other applications. The Print System expands geoWrite (the most used application in GEOS) to new printout dimensions.  Documents created with geoWrite can be printed out in the highest possible quality allowed by your printer.  Printouts of 240 x 216 dpi(dots per inch) on 9 pin printers and 360 x 360 dpi on 24 pin printers are attainable.  Special fonts are included which support the high resolution ofthe printer and make high quality printouts possible. While the end result does not quite reach laser printer quality, it can certainly be compared.

2020-02-21 English PDF 5.58 MB 667 Download
zip13 CMD Utilities (1993) Summary

This is a summary of the utilities with descriptions for the software that came on the 1993 version of CMD Utilities.  

2021-03-29 English PDF 351.78 KB 493 Download
zip14 CMD Utilities Manual

This package includes a number of new and improved utility programs for use with CMD hardware and other Commodore-compatible peripherals.  We feel certain that you'll find many of the programs useful in the daily use of your system.

2020-02-21 English PDF 8.73 MB 811 Download
zip15 CMD Utilities Summary

CMD Utilities Summary

2020-02-21 English PDF 351.78 KB 632 Download
zip16 CMS Accounting System 128 Manual

The CMS ACCOUNTING SYSTEM is a fast, easy to use, fully integrated accounting system designed especially for today's modern micro computers.

2020-02-21 English PDF 11.16 MB 675 Download
zip17 COBOL 128 Software System Manual

The COBOL 128 software system is a combination of an Editor, Compiler, Interpreter and Symbolic Debugger.  These features have been designed with ease of learning and ease of use in mind toprovide a powerful programming development tool for general business applications.

2020-02-21 English PDF 6.8 MB 689 Download
zip18 COBOL 64 / 128 Software System Manual HOT

This manual provides a complete description of the COBOL 64 / COBOL 128 System as implemented for use on the Commodore 64 computer, Commodore 128 computer or equivalent.  The COBOL 64 / COBOL 128 programming language is designed along the guidelines of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)X3.23-1974.

2020-02-21 English PDF 956 Download
zip19 COBOL 64 / 128 Software System Manual

This manual provides a complete description of the COBOL 64/ COBOL 128 System as implemented for use on the Commodore 64 computer, Commodore 128 computer or equivalent.  The COBOL 64/ COBOL 128 programming language is designed along the guidelines of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)X3.23-1974.

2020-02-21 English PDF 2.68 MB 802 Download
zip20 COBOL 64 Software System Manual

This manual provides a complete description of the COBOL 64 System as implemented for use on the Commodore 64 computer or equivalent.  The COBOL 64 programming language is designed along the guidelines of the American National Standards Institute(ANSI) X3.23- 1974.

2020-02-21 English PDF 3.91 MB 773 Download
zip21 Coco2 Reference Manual [VIC20] HOT


CoCo2 is a tool for developing video games for the VIC-20. Think of it as a sort of SEUCK for the VIC. Why is this program called COCO 2? Because there is a COCO. The first COCO teaches computer techniques, computer programming, a basic language and problem solving. COCO 2 allows you to create your own computer games. But COCO 2 really does much more.

By the time you have played and programmed with COCO 2 you will have learned:

  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Animation
  • Real-Time Programming
  • Computer-Human Interaction
  • Logic

And you thought you were just having fun!

2021-08-15 English PDF 6.27 MB 996 Download
zip22 CodeWriter Manual

This manual was written to be unique and useful as the CODEWRITER SYSTEM itself.  This Is a tall order. Please believe us when we say that everyone at Dynateoh Microsoftware worldwide has worked to make CODEWRITER among the most valuable programs you can own.

2020-02-22 English PDF 4.85 MB 740 Download
zip23 Color 64 BBS v7.3 Manual

This BBS program is written mostly in BASIC with just enough machine code to allow a 300/1200/2400 baud modem to transmit and receive at full speed. The main purpose for writing a BBS in BASIC is for ease of modification by the you the SYSOP. If you can do a little BASIC programming, then you should be able to make almost any changes to the BBS you may want. But if you ever do need or want any help in a making a modification, feel free to ask me about it.

2023-10-02 English Commodore 64 3.15 MB 183 Download
pdf24 Color 64 BBS v8.0 Manual (Revised and Reformatted)

Michael “Nuke” Newkirk reached out to me this week to let me know he has something special to share with all you Color 64 sysops out there - a revised and reformatted manual for the Color 64 v8.0 BBS!  I'm sure you'll appreciate the time and effort that went into this project, thanks Mike for keeping the Commodore 64 BBS dream alive. 

Here is an excerpt from the foreword of this revised manual.  I highly encourage taking a few minutes to read it, because if you were ever a sysop, you will completely relate:

"This document is a capture of the last Color 64 v8.0 txt that is widely available on the internet. I wanted to reformat it and make it an easier table-driven reference as much as possible for my own personal use, and the idea grew to make this something more with distribution to the interested communities in mind. I tried to keep to the author’s original personality and content, but invoked many grammatic changes and some technical that I felt would better serve the new generation of SYSOPs coming in."

Thanks Mike (Nuke)!

Manual updated 4/8/2024 - Some minor tweaks and corrections - See page 160 for editor's notes on CMD HD usage.

2024-04-04 English PDF 1.7 MB 121 Download
zip25 Color 80 Manual

The C O L O R 80 program turns on the hires bit map mode described in the Programmer's Reference Manual (start page 122).  The screen starts at $E000 (57344 decimal) and the color starts at $D800 (55296 decimal). To poke into color memory, first switch out I/O.

2020-02-22 English PDF 29.78 KB 527 Download
zip26 Colortone Keyboard Owners Manual HOT

Welcome to the world of Waveform, where tones have colors and anyone can play beautiful music; where learning about music is effortless, because you learn while playing music.  Your doorway to this amazing world is the Colortone Keyboard 'No Fault Music' System for the Commodore 64.

2020-02-22 English PDF 8.07 MB 1,022 Download
zip27 COMAL 80 Manual HOT

Welcome to the world of COMAL programming!  Many feel that COMAL is close to being an ideal programming language for microcomputers, incorporating as it does the best features of both BASIC, Logo and Pascal.

2020-02-22 English PDF 10.81 MB 1,804 Download
zip28 Comet64 / V1541 Setup Guide

Thank you for purchasing the Comet64 Internet Modem from  With it, you will be able to access the Internet like never before!  We know you're anxious to get started, so we've developed this guide to be as quick and easy as possible.  If you purchased your Comet64 as a kit, you'll find a link to assembly instructions at the bottom of

2020-02-22 English PDF 41.44 KB 503 Download
zip29 Commodore 64 CP/M User's Guide HOT

Your purchase of the Commodore Z80 add-on microprocessor cartridge puts you in the elite group of owners of a dual processor home microcomputer.  No one but Commodore the originator of the home microcomputer - could design and manufacture an inexpensive home or personal computer that accommodates the two most common microprocessors in the microcomputer industry:

• the Commodore MOS 6510 (6502 type) microprocessor

• the Z80A microprocessor

2020-02-24 English PDF 5.43 MB 930 Download
zip30 Commodore 64 Forth+

Now with C64 FORTH+ you can program your Commodore 64 with a language even more flexible than BASIC, yet almost as powerful as machine code.

C64 FORTH+ is a high level language that will enable you to run programs up to fifty times faster than those written in BASIC, without the tedious programming requirements of machine language.  You can even re-define the language to suit your own programming requirements! C64 FORTH+ is the tool for programmers who want to squeeze as much power and speed from the Commodore 64 as possible.

2019-06-30 English PDF 306.78 KB 820 Download
zip31 Commodore 64 Macro Assembler Development System Manual HOT

The Commodore 64 MACRO ASSEMBLER DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM software package allows you to program in the native 6500 series Assembly language code, directly on the Commodore 64 computer.  It provides you with a very powerful macro Assembler, editor, loaders and two machine language monitors along with other support routines. These development tools operate like and provide the same level of direct machine interface as the Assemblers on much larger computers.

Thank you BlueCursor for the manual and software

2020-06-02 English PDF 9 MB 3,423 Download
zip32 Commodore 64 Mastercode Assembler HOT

Mastercode is a substantial and complex program, providing a host of features of use to anyone interested in machine code programming on the Commodore 64, Despite its complexity Mastercode is designed with the user in mind and is far easier to use than many inferior assembler/disassemblers. All of Mastercode's many facilities are called up by means of clear menus and prompts which appear as the program runs. There are no obscure commands to enter to make full use of Mastercode and with an hour or so's practice you will be making the most of its power.

2020-10-28 English PDF 5.98 MB 1,159 Download
zip33 Commodore Assembler Tutor

Our friend Tomse over at was kind enough to reach out and share this Commodore 64 treasure with us.  Not only do we have the beautiful scan to share, he also made images of the two original disks that come with the package.  These are pretty rare as only a cracked version with some missing files has been spotted over at  The two .d64 disk images are imbedded in the PDF file, but I'll also post them as a seperate download. 

Thanks Tomse!

2020-12-03 English PDF 2.48 MB 735 Download
zip34 Commodore BASIC 3.5 Manual v2.1 HOT

Commodore BASIC v3.5 Manual 

According to Wikipedia, BASIC 3.5 was the first version to add a number of commands for graphics and sound support.  Here's a link to an extension from the June 1990 Issue of 64'er for the Commodore 64 to allow running those programs.

2020-05-17 English PDF 709.61 KB 1,326 Download
zip35 Commodore Programmer's Utilities

A while back I either got an email or read somewhere on the internet that early 1541 disk drives came with a disk of programmer's utilities.  Here is the manual for those utilities.

If you are reading this and were the one to source this nice scan, please let me know so I can give you credit for sharing this rare information.

2022-12-27 English PDF 4.37 MB 324 Download
zip36 Commodore Public Domain Business Series Instructions

The set of programs in this package is one in a series of twenty-seven sets in the Commodore Public Domain Series. This series of prepackaged software is designed to introduce you to the many practical, educational, and fun applications your home computer offers.  The programs in this series show you things like how to make a mortgage table, convert decimal numbers into hexadecimal, follow a flow chart, and play word games on your computer.

2020-02-12 English PDF 250.04 KB 573 Download
zip37 Computer Diet Food Reporting and Meal Planning Guide

Welcome to The Original Boston Computer Diet.  If you haven't already done so, go now to the other manual included in your package and read the opening chapters entitled "Welcome" and "Getting Started." You will be directed back to this manual at the appropriate time.

2020-02-26 English PDF 5.38 MB 568 Download
zip38 Computer Diet Manual

Even if you are a computer expert-or an old pro at dieting! - TheOriginal Boston Computer Diet will be a brand new experience for you.  This is the first time an expert system of this sophistication has been widely available to help people modify their lifestyle and improve their health.

2020-02-26 English PDF 34.01 MB 690 Download
zip39 Computerized Publishing

Paul Norman's Computerized Publishing Co. creates regular or custom print characters and text combined with graphics or fonts for newsletters, banners, letterheads, cards, labels, or as part of a screen display.

2020-02-26 English PDF 3.69 MB 614 Download
zip40 Concept / Concept+ Manual

The integrated assembler / linker package for Wheels 64 and Wheels 128.Operates in both 40 and 80 column modes on the 128.

2020-02-25 English PDF 39.62 KB 546 Download
zip41 Connect 64 Manual

Welcome· to the world of telecomputing with CONNECT 64, the intelligent termlnal program that lets you use your Commodore 64 to communicate with other computers automatically over telephone lines.

2020-02-25 English PDF 1.46 MB 625 Download
zip42 Copy II 64/128 Manual

This manual describes Copy II 64/128, which includes both a powerful disk utility package and a sophisticated Bit Copy program.  The disk utilities allow you to prepare diskettes for use(format), erase files from a disk (delete) and load files faster than ever before.  The Bit Copy program can make backups of valuable software that has been copy protected.  You can also use it as a general purpose disk copy program to make backups of your important programs and data files.

2020-02-26 English PDF 4.2 MB 778 Download
zip43 Copy II 64/128 v3.1 Manual

Copy II 64/128 v3.1 Manual

2019-07-24 English PDF 5.29 MB 779 Download
zip44 Copy II 64/128 v4.0 Manual

Copy II 64/128 v4.0 Manual

2019-07-24 3.05 MB 723 Download
pdf45 Copy II 64/128 v4.0 Manual

Copy II 64/128 v4.0 Manual

2020-10-11 English PDF 3.05 MB 607 Download
zip46 Copy-Q v3.0 Manual

Copy-Q 3.0 is a hiqh-speed diskette backup program the Commodore 64 computer that backs up your copy-protected software.  Copy-Q 3.0 is designed for ease of use, speed, and reliability.  Copy-Q 3.0 will make backup copies of almost any diskette-based program for the Commodore 64.

2020-02-11 English PDF 2.13 MB 754 Download
zip47 CP/M Kit for the Commodore 128 Manual HOT

This manual is intended to get you, the C128 owner, started in CP/M. Keeping in mind a first time user, you will go through step by step procedures for such tasks as loading the CP/M system, viewing a directory, formatting a disk, copying files, printing files, etc. But not only that, you will learn how to obtain more software from bulletin boards if you have a modem.

Here is a link to the companion disk.

2020-02-26 English PDF 3.03 MB 1,205 Download
zip48 Create a Calendar Manual

CREATE A CALENDAR is an amazingly easy, yet powerful tool used to create daily, weekly,monthly, and annual calendars.  With CREATE A CALENDAR, you can create a calendar to fit your every need.  Design calendars at home to keep track of doctors appointments, birthdays, anniversaries, and social engagements.  Create calendars for school to keep track of sports events, homework assignments, after school events and holidays.  Generate calendars at work to keep track of business meetings, seminars, and vacations.

2020-02-26 English PDF 982.52 KB 649 Download
zip49 Creating Chiptunes with Sid Wizard

Welcome to this revised expanded manual for the excellent music tracker SID-Wizard2 for Commodore 64. I will try to go into detail of most aspects of the tracker and I will also try to explain the functions of the wonderful SID chip as we go along. The reason why I expanded the work of Mihaly's manual is that there is some stuff left out that SID gurus know but beginners don't.

This guide covers SID Wizard versions up to 1.6 and is still helpful with 1.7 & 1.8, but version 1.8 has many changes compared to 1.6.

2021-11-06 English PDF 1.12 MB 674 Download
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