Category: Disk / File Transfer Tools
Downloads: 34
zip0 1541EMU [DOS] HOT

With this software you can use your PC computer as a disk drive for those 8-bit Commodore home computers that are equipped with serial bus (this includes for example C-64, C-128, VIC-20, Plus/4 and C-16). Instead of recognizing just the stock serial bus protocol and some of the drive commands, 1541EMU completely emulates the internal hardware of the Commodore 1541 disk drive. This means that even fastloaders are supported.

2019-07-29 English DOS 643.88 KB 1,271 Download
d64 floppy1 1581 Copy v0.54 (DOS) HOT

This is version 0.54 of the CBM 1581 floppy disk copy util for DOS. It should be able to im- or export a CBM 1581 disk within 39 seconds on a PC based 3.5" floppy drive and disk controller. There is also some information about Linux and Commodore disks included.

2015-05-13 English DOS 98.78 KB 1,443 Download
d64 floppy2 64Copy v2.03 HOT

64COPY is an all-purpose DOS and C64 emulator file manager, modelled after Norton Commander, and runs under the Windows DOS VDM (32-bit or lower), and in real DOS. The 64-bit editions of Windows have no DOS VDM, so you will need to install a DOS-like emulator like DOSBox. It specializes in converting and manipulating emulator files between various formats, as well as a very flexible 6502 disassembler. 64COPY does not do any communication to the 1541/71/81 floppy drives to read disks. If that is what you need, download Star Commander for that task.

64copy v2.03
2015-06-08 English DOS 109.3 KB 1,442 Download
d64 floppy3 64Copy v4.43 HOT

64COPY is an all-in-one file converter and DOS maintainance package.  Its
intended use is to convert  the  various  files  that  exist  for  the  C64
emulators. Files like D64, D71, D81, D80, D82, DNP,  D2M,  T64,  X64,  LNX,
ARK, ARC, SDA, LBR, SPY, CPK and all the  ZipCodes  (Diskpacked,  Sixpacked
and Filepacked) can be converted to  whatever  format  you  need  for  your
favorite emulator, or for use on the  real  C64.  You  still  need  to  get
whatever emulator package you want in order to use the files  you  have  as
64COPY does not provide any emulator functionality, nor does it communicate
with any Commodore disk drive.

64copy v4.43
2015-03-17 English DOS 1.12 MB 2,522 Download
d64 floppy4 Arc64 v2.5 HOT

Arc64 is a small tool to deal with D64, T64, LNX and ZipCode archives.

It can be used to edit D64 images, run D64 images in the WinVice emulator, run
PRG files via CodeNet, convert T64, LNX, PRG, ZipCode and other formats to D64.

A key feature is the drag & drop support. If you drop a D64 image, it will be
opened instead of the currently opened D64 image. If you drop any kind of other
file, Arc64 will try to add it to the D64 image. Formats like T64, LNX and P00
will automatically extracted into the D64 image as PRGs.

arc64 v2.5
2015-03-17 English Windows 192.27 KB 1,528 Download
zip5 C64 Copy v4.45 HOT

64COPY is an all-purpose DOS and C64 emulator file manager, modelled after Norton Commander, and runs under the Windows DOS VDM (32-bit or lower), and in real DOS. The 64-bit editions of Windows have no DOS VDM, so you will need to install a DOS-like emulator like DOSBox. It specializes in converting and manipulating emulator files between various formats, as well as a very flexible 6502 disassembler. 64COPY does not do any communication to the 1541/71/81 floppy drives to read disks. If that is what you need, download Star Commander for that task.

2019-07-03 English DOS 1.08 MB 1,072 Download
zip6 C64'er Commander v0.1.5 HOT

The 64'er Commander v0.1a is a C64 Disk-Commander in the style of Windows or Speed-Commander.  It's available for Windows 9x/Me and NT/2000/XP (Worked fine on Windows 10 also).

version 0.1.5 - 3.5.2002:
- properties for single files
- export files to PRG
- dragging disk images into the commander window
- contextmenu for current selection
- fixed some bugs
2020-03-07 English Windows 381.3 KB 1,031 Download
zip7 C64'er Commander v0.1a

The 64'er Commander v0.1a is a C64 Disk-Commander in the style of Windows or Speed-Commander.  It's available for Windows 9x/Me and NT/2000/XP (Worked fine on Windows 10 also).

version 0.1 - 1.3.2002:
- basic Commander design
- CBM 1541 Disk Format Support
- directoryview for D64 Disk Images
- scratch files
- delete files (physical)
- create new disk
- change disk attributes
- view and edit BAM
- support for Dolphin & Speed - Dos (only 40 track disks)
- all functions support internal cross-link check
- emulator support for CCS64 & WinVice: 
	* boot disks with selected emulator 
	* start programs by double click with selected emulator
- full C64-charset support
- separate C64-charset character selection dialog

For more information see the concerning Readme-File in your download archive.

2020-03-07 English Windows 372.19 KB 816 Download
zip8 C64'er Commander v0.2 HOT

The 64'er Commander v0.1a is a C64 Disk-Commander in the style of Windows or Speed-Commander.  It's available for Windows 9x/Me and NT/2000/XP (Worked fine on Windows 10 also).

version 0.2 - 3.2.2004:
- NEW: copy of files
- ENHANCED: file export of single or multiple files (selection/complete disk)
- BUG: export function fixed
2020-03-07 English Windows 393.21 KB 989 Download
zip9 CBM Filefinder 1.0

CBM Filefinder 1.0 by AEG software (2009) - This utility is one of my go to programs when I'm trying to find a file with a particular filename or even a partial filename that could be somewhere inside of 100,000+ .D64 images.  You can search through many different disk image formats and even search directories recursively.  The only issue I've found with this utility is that it has trouble when the full path to a file is quite long.

2023-03-15 English Windows 472.62 KB 292 Download
zip10 CBM Transfer v1.00 HOT

CBM Transfer v1.00 (CBMXfer) - "The 10th Anniversary Edition".  This is a great Windows GUI for OpenCBM that assists in transferring files and more from a real 1541 floppy drive to a disk image.  This archive contains both the full version setup and the upgrade version.  Visit for details.

2017-04-16 English Windows 2.21 MB 2,325 Download
zip11 CBM Transfer v1.10

CBM-Transfer is a front-end to several command-line utilities for transferring files and working with disk images. CBM-Transfer makes using those utilities easy by providing a familiar windows interface that removes the need to learn the commandline syntax of each program. CBM-Transfer also includes a multi-format file and picture viewer.

* Note - To open emulator disk imaged (.d64) you'll need to copy the c1541.exe file to the bin directory.  This file needs to come from a 2.x version of WinVICE because newer versions don't work.

2021-01-19 English Windows 287.36 KB 780 Download
zip12 CBM Transfer v1.22a

CBM Transfer v1.22a by Steve J. Gray (Released Sept. 13th, 2021) - This is an excellent Windows based program for transfer files from a real Commodore 1541/71/81 to a PC using either the Zoom Floppy or USB based XUM cable.  

For the latest version, check out Steve's CBM-Transfer Github repository.

2021-11-10 English Windows 299.27 KB 692 Download
d64 floppy13 CBM2ASCII v1.1 HOT

CBM2ASC converts a Commodore ASCII file to standard ASCII. It runs on MS-DOS or a DOS box under Windows.

2015-03-24 English DOS 21.81 KB 1,182 Download
d64 floppy14 CBMXfer v0.30 HOT

CBMXfer is a freeware file transfer program for the PC which lets you transfer files to and from a Commodore IEC or IEEE drive attached to the PC via X-Cable (OpenCBM compatible cable, including Zoom Floppy USB) or CBMLink cable. It is also a Commodore file viewer.

CBMXfer is a front-end (GUI) to several command-line utilities including:

  • OpenCBM.... Device driver and utilities to connect a Commodore IEC drive via "X-Cable" or USB (Zoom Floppy adapter)
  • CBMLink.... Talks to a Commodore computer via serial cable
  • Vice....... Emulators plus C1541 utility - Works with Commodore Disk Image files (like D64)
  • NibTools... Low-level disk "nibbler" utilities using parallel port cables

CBMXfer will not be very useful without at least one of the above utilties. Please see below for installation instructions! CBMXfer is based on GUI4CBM4WIN by Leif Bloomquist, Wolfgang Moser, and Spiro Trikaliotis. GUI4CBM4WIN Version 0.4.1 sourcecode was used as the base. CBMXfer also includes portions of CBM2BMP v1.1 by Peter Weighill.

cbmxfer v0.30 1
2015-04-27 English Windows 105.12 KB 2,518 Download
d64 floppy15 CBMXfer v0.32.2 HOT

CBMXfer is a front-end to several command-line utilities for transferring files and working with disk images. CBMXfer makes using those utilities easy by providing a familiar windows interface that removes the need to learn the commandline syntax of each program. CBMXfer also includes a multi-format file and picture viewer.

cbmxfer 0322
2015-10-07 English Windows 129.26 KB 1,305 Download
d64 floppy16 CBMXfer v0.41.1 HOT

CBMXfer is a front-end to several command-line utilities for transferring files and working with disk images. CBMXfer makes using those utilities easy by providing a familiar windows interface that removes the need to learn the commandline syntax of each program. CBMXfer also includes a multi-format file and picture viewer.

This is the March 15th, 2016 release.  Added P00 support

2016-12-31 English Windows 148.11 KB 1,383 Download
d64 floppy17 FinalTap 2.7 Beta 2 HOT

FinalTAP is a free tool for examining, cleaning and restoring digitized data cassette tapes (TAP files) for the Commodore 64 computer. 

Five years in development, FinalTAP is the original "format-scanning" TAP file analysis and restoration tool.

Driven by huge demand from retro-gamers and enthusiasts from all over the world wishing to preserve their rapidly-decaying 1980's cassette based software for future generations to marvel at and enjoy, the FinalTAP project slowly became a reality.

Cassette tapes were easily the most common format for computer software in the UK in the 1980's and their slow loading times were typically made more bearable by the inclusion of "loading music" and pictures, even mini-games that could be played whilst waiting for the game to load.

Accurate preservation of this novel and historically important medium was simply essential. 

General Program Features...

- Cleans and restores TAP files to perfect "factory" condition. 
- Supports 40 tape file formats + many variations. 
- Verifies all contained data where checksums are available. 
- Export data from TAP files as regular binary. 
- Built-in 6502 Disassembler. 

finaltap 2.7b2
2016-02-12 English Windows 570.32 KB 2,218 Download
d64 floppy18 FinalTap Console v2.76 + Source HOT

Final TAP is a tool for testing and remastering 'Commodore 64' software tapes once they have been successfully converted to TAP files (digital files representing the data found on casette tapes by means of pulsewidth measurements).  Source code is included in archive.

2016-02-12 English Windows 332.16 KB 1,304 Download
d64 floppy19 GUI4CBM v0.4.1 HOT

GUI4CBM4WIN is a graphical user interface to OpenCBM running on Microsoft Windows. GUI4CBM4WIN uses the command line operations of OpenCBM and supports whatever drives that OpenCBM supports.

NOTE - You really want to use CBMXfer instead of this.  They look identical and work almost the exact same.  CBMXfer is more up to date.

2016-12-31 English Windows 29.89 KB 2,450 Download
d64 floppy20 Make Tape HOT

DOS program that Creates a t64 file and imports files into it

2015-06-08 English DOS 8.19 KB 1,138 Download
d64 floppy21 NIB Tools HOT
NIBTOOLS is a disk transfer program designed for copying original disks 
   and converting into the G64 and D64 disk image formats. These disk images
   may be used on C64 emulators like VICE or CCS64 [2,3] and can be transferred
   back to real disks.


   - Commodore Disk Drive model 1541, 1541-II or 1571, modified to support
     the parallel XP1541 or XP1571 interface [1]

   - XP1541 or XP1571 cable
	* AND *
   - XE1541, XA1541, or XM1541 cable [1]

	* OR * 
   - XEP1541, XAP1541, or XMP1541 combination cable [1]
	* OR * 
   - XUM1541 (ZoomFloppy) with OpenCBM 0.5+
   - Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7, x64 or x86 Editions, with OpenCBM 0.4.2 or higher
     Linux with OpenCBM 0.4.0 or higher,
     MS/DR/Caldera DOS and cwsdpmi.exe software (no longer tested but still compiles with DJGPP for old <=P3 hardware)
2016-12-27 English Windows 117.98 KB 3,502 Download
d64 floppy22 Nibtools X64 Version HOT

This is the latest version of Nibtools that I could get to work with Windows 7 X64.

2017-01-06 English Windows 134.01 KB 1,546 Download
d64 floppy23 OmniFlop v3.0b HOT

OmniFlop is a utility suite for accessing non-standard floppy disk formats in a standard PC. This is useful for archiving and resurrecting ancient data formats and floppy disks.

2015-10-12 English Windows 1.42 MB 2,234 Download
zip24 OpenCBM and Tools v0.03 HOT

This package is absolutely amazing.  If you have a Zoom Floppy and are running Windows 10 x64, this package makes it extremely simple to get the drivers and tools installed which is a real challenge especially on Windows 10.  I found out about this package from the Zoomfloppy-Users news feed on Google Groups.  All credit goes to Carsten Jensen (Tomse) for creating this package.

2017-08-26 English Windows 1.5 MB 1,258 Download
zip25 OpenCBM and Tools v0.05 HOT

Cartsen Jensen (Tomse) has updated his amazing Zoom Floppy tool for installing OpenCBM and additional tools on Windows 10 x64.  This nice package handels installing everything needed to get up and running so you can transfer files from real / to real floppies from your PC.  Check out his site at 

2020-02-21 English Windows 1.8 MB 1,092 Download
d64 floppy26 OpenCBM Archiver v1.2 HOT

OpenCBM Command is a M$ Windows command line utility for automating the creation of disk images for the Commodore 8-bit line of computers.

Typical usage is to automate OpenCBM’s D64Copy program, but you can also automate the nibread (or any other) utility by changing the configuration file or specifying a new program on command line.


2016-01-14 English Windows 6.11 KB 1,074 Download
zip27 Read81s v1.2 HOT

READ81s is a small but high integrated utility for reading 1581 disks on a PCs 3.5" floppy drive.  The old 1581 drive for C64/C128 homecomputers uses a 800KB floppy format which normally is completely unreadable by a PC drive. DOS and even BIOS routines are useless to access a drive with a 1581 disk inside. So READ81s contains not only code for tracking the 1581 file format but also has every code implemented to directly access a PCs disk controller. This is the reason why you shouldn't use the program in multitasking environment - every access of the disk controller from any other task would surely crash the computer.  As a result of this direct access it is possible to read any data from original 1581 disks without additional hardware.

2017-08-26 English DOS 27.1 KB 1,019 Download
zip28 SD Sorter v1.1 HOT

SD Sorter v1.1 is a utility for Windows that will let you sort the files on your SD card.  Handy for when you plop a ton of files in a directory and don't want to wade through them all to get to what you need.

2019-02-11 English Windows 2.21 MB 1,181 Download
d64 floppy29 T64 Manipulation Tools HOT

Some DOS tools to manipulate .t64 emulator files.  Docs are inside the archive.

2015-06-08 English DOS 38.63 KB 1,075 Download
d64 floppy30 TapEx v0.5 Beta HOT

TapEx V0.5 Beta (c) 2011-2016 Tom Roger Skauen (aka SLC of Nostalgia)

TapEx is a tool for analyzing, verifying and cleaning Commodore 64 tape images. Currently it loads TAP V0, TAP V1 and DC2N RAW files (16 bit, 24 bit and 32 bit), and saves TAP V1 only. TapEx is a wordplay on Tipp-Ex, an ink removal product.

tapex v0.5 beta
2016-01-20 English Windows 77.34 KB 1,041 Download
zip31 V1541Commander v1.0 HOT

V1541Commander allows you to create and modify D64 disk images (for the Commodore 1541 floppy drive).

Check out - for more info.

2020-02-02 English Windows 6.79 MB 923 Download
zip32 V1541Commander v1.1 HOT

V1541Commander allows you to create and modify D64 disk images (for the Commodore 1541 floppy drive).

  • v1.1 Changes
    * Allow to disable automatic image rewrite when opening an image with broken filesystem
    * Images with broken filesystems are read-only
    * Allow saving an image with broken filesystem
    * Warn before overflowing disk capacity or directory
    * Add a "settings" dialog
    * Full drag&drop support (files and text)
    * fix: set correct window icon on win32
    * several UI improvements: calculate sizes more reliably. Especially the directory list should now look ok on any screen resolution (DPI).

Check out - for more info.

2020-02-21 English Windows 4.98 MB 1,077 Download
zip33 WarpCopy v0.6

WarpCopy64 is an attemp to utilize the RR-Net for high speed disk image transfer. Instead of using standard protocols like FTP or HTTP it uses it's own protocol which allows highest transfer speeds and proper error handling which makes it the perfect tool for mass transferring. It currently is the fastest way of reading/writing disk images from/to real 1541 hardware, and you don't even need any special cable or 1541 modification.

2020-12-20 English Windows 59.13 KB 654 Download
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