Category: Programming Reference Books [C64]
Downloads: 19
zip0 A Pocket Handbook for the Commodore 64

This book contains all the vital information you will need when using your 64. There are sections on : ASCII tables - Basic keywords - Basic error messages - Colour memory Conversion tables - Disk commands - Disk error  messages Disk formats - Extramon listing - Flow charting - Hex/Dec convertor - Hyperbolic functions - Memory maps - Memory architecture- M/C instruction set-M/C mnemonics-Powers tables - Cartridge slot - Joystick slot - RS232 standardsCentronics standards - Other output - Screen memory - Sound chip registers - Musical notes values - Sprite memory diagram. In short, everything you need to know about your machine.

2023-07-28 English PDF 14.6 MB 520 Download
zip1 Artificial Intelligence on the Commodore 64 HOT

Artificial Intelligence on the Commodore 64 shows you how to implement AI routines on your home micro and turn it into an intelligent machine which can hold a conversation with you, give you rational advice, learnn from you (and teach you) and even write programs for you.

The book explains AI from first principles and assumes no previous knowledge of the subject. All the important aspects of AI are covered and are fully illustrated with example programs.
For many years science fiction books and films have contained 'intelligent' computers which appear to be at least the equal of man. Although some of the features described in these remain illusions, extensive research into AI has brought may of the ideas much nearer reality.

2023-08-08 English PDF 6.8 MB 921 Download
zip2 Artificial Intelligence Projects for the Commodore 64

If you're tired of ordinary computer games . . . if you're looking for something exciting and different to do with your C-64 .. . here's the answer! It's a whole collection of artificial intelligence (Al) projects designed to tap your micros real problem-solving capabilities for both practical and entertainment applications.

Leading off with a definition of artificial intelligence and an overview of Al concepts, the author provides 16 ready-to-run programs in BASIC to illustrate your micro's cognitive powers. You'll cover tree searches (testing all possible solutions to a problem), hueristics (a modified trial-and-error technique), algorithms, and pattern searching/recognition routines.

You'll find out how to solve simple—and not-so-simple—puzzles like Towers of Hanoi and the Knight's Tour of the Chessboard . . . explore concepts of animal behavior and how it can be simulated . . . analyze how natural language can be recognized and acted on by the computer . . . simulate an actual human-machine conversation . . . and use an interactive routine that allows your micro to make deductions through clever application of set theory. There's even a program that allows your micro to write its own program modifications!

And, as an extra bonus, the author has included a functioning word processing program (which he used to write this book’s manuscript) and a graphics program that lets you draw on the screen with a joystick.

Totally fascinating and packed with techniques that will help you improve all your BASIC programming practice, this is a sourcebook that will open a whole new dimension in your computer usage!

2023-08-08 English PDF 50.01 MB 415 Download
zip3 Commodore 64 BASIC Quick Reference

Commodore 64 BASIC Quick Reference - 1984 by Gilbert Held

2023-08-12 English PDF 936.05 KB 382 Download
zip4 Commodore 64 Color Graphics: An Advanced Guide

Commodore 64 Color Graphics: An Advanced Guide is a step-by-step guide to creating advanced animated graphics on your personal computer.

The easy to follow yet comprehensive programs can take any beginning programmer into the world of high speed graphics. You' ll be amazed how rapidly you will be able to draw and paint your graphic displays. Machine language data turns time-consuming graphics tasks (such as plotting lines and painting shapes) into high speed magic.

Sequential in structions lead you through advanced graphics techniques. You 'll learn how to quickly reposition shapes on the viewing screen, change their size, and duplicate their shape around a central point. Tools to perform these tricks are provided as well as helpful design ideas and art concepts to enrich your graphics compositions.

The book's final object is to produce an action arcade game using advanced sprite techniques. You a re provided tools to allow you to connect sprites to joysticks, detect sprite colli sions, produce sound, and keep score. When you are ready to crea te your own arcade game you ' ll have a head start with your new game construction too ls.

As a special bonus, appendices include all the tools you'll need to save an actual picture (not your program) on disk or tape and print your pictures on paper with your VIC 1525 printer.

2023-08-25 English PDF 30.04 MB 424 Download
zip5 Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide HOT

The COMMODORE 64 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE GUIDE has been developed as a working tool and reference source for those of you who want to maximize your use of the built-in capabilities of your COMMODORE 64. This manual contains the information you need for your programs, from the simplest example all the way to the most complex. The PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE GUIDE is designed so that everyone from the beginning BASIC programmer to the professional experienced in 6502 machine language can get information to develop his or her own creative programs. At the same time this book shows you how clever your COMMODORE 64 really is.

Here's a link to the disk image containing all the type in listings.

2021-10-28 English PDF 14.09 MB 1,662 Download
zip6 Commodore 64 Whole Memory Guide HOT

Commodore 64 Whole Memory Guide is much more than a memory map. Instead of just giving memory locations it gives you a detailed description of each location, explaining what it's for, how it is used by the computer, and, more importantly, how it can be used by the programmer.

2020-02-03 English PDF 113.3 MB 1,679 Download
zip7 Invaluable Utilities for the Commodore 64 HOT

Utilities to take the pain out of programming .. . Utilities to customise your 64 and explore its hidden potential .. . All Commodore 64 programmers will find this software toolkit of programming aids, BASIC enhancements and , other utilities truly invaluable.

2019-09-25 English PDF 33.3 MB 1,099 Download
zip8 Mapping the Commodore 64

Mapping the Commodore 64 is a detailed and comprehensive explanation of the Commodore 64 computer's memory. Although some parts of this information have been published before, this is the definitive work—complete and clear discussions of all the important user-alterable memory locations in the computer, as well as details of the BASIC and operating routines in permanent ROM memory. Whether you're programming in BASIC or in machine language, you'll find this sourcebook invaluable.

Serving both as an introduction to 64 architecture and memory use, as well as an excellent resource to help you tap the computer's powerful, but hidden, features, Mapping the Commodore 64 includes:

  • An explanation of all Kernal and BASIC routines.
  • Demonstration programs for many of the operating routines.
  • How to turn individual bits on and off.
  • Details of how to create and use sprites in your programs.
  • How to create the precise sound effects you want.
  • How to create your own characters and where to safely store them.
  • A program that allows single keystroke entry of BASIC keywords.

If you're familiar with BASIC, you'll turn to this book again and again for instruction, advice, and clarification. If you're already programming in machine language, you'll find this book an indispensable guide to memory locations and routines. But no matter what your programming experience, once you've used Mapping the Commodore 64, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.

2023-09-11 English PDF 28.4 MB 646 Download
zip9 Mapping the Commodore 64 & 64C

Mapping the Commodore 64 and 64C is a detailed and comprehensive explanation of the Commodore 64 and 64C computers’ memory. This is the definitive work—complete and clear discussions of all the impdrtant user-alterable memory locations in the computer, as well as details of the BASIC and Operating System routines in permanent memory (ROM), and of GEOS from Berkeley Softworks, Whether you're programming in BASIC or in machine language, you'll find this sourcebook invaluable.

Serving both as an introduction to 64 architecture and memory use, as well as an excellent resource to help you tap the computer's powerful, but hidden, features, Mapping the Commodore 64 and 64C includes:

  • A complete memory map of GEOS
  • An explanation of all Kernal and BASIC routines
  • Demonstration programs for many of the operating routines
  • How to turn individual bits on and off
  • The details about how to create and use sprites in your programs
  • How to create the precise sound effects you want
  • How to create your own characters and where to safely store them
  • A program that allows single keystroke entry of BASIC keywords

If you're familiar with BASIC, you'll turn to this book again and again for instruction, advice, and clarification. If you're already programming in machine language, you'll find this book an indispensable guide to memory locations and routines. But no matter what your programming level, once you've used Mapping the Commodore 64 and 64C, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.

2023-09-11 English PDF 29.53 MB 331 Download
zip10 No More Secrets v0.96 - NMOS 6510 Unintended Opcodes

'Back in the days' so called 'illegal' opcodes were researched independently by different parties, and detail knowledge about them was considered 'black magic' for many conventional programmers. They first appeared in the context of copy protection schemes, so keeping the knowledge secret was crucial.

When some time later some of these opcodes were documented by various book authors and magazines, a lot of misinformation was spread and a number of weird myths were born. It took another few years until some brave souls started to systematically investigate each and every opcode, and until the mid 90s that Wolfgang Lorenz came up with his test suite that finally contained elaborated test programs for them.

Still, a few opcodes were considered witchcraft for a while (the so called 'unstable' ones), until other people finally de-capped an actual CPU and solved the remaining riddles.

This document tries to present the current state of the art in a readable form, and is in large parts the result of pasting existing documents together and editing them

2022-12-16 English PDF 597.19 KB 527 Download
zip11 Pocket Guide: Commodore 64

To understand the workings of the Commodore 64 (henceforth shortened to the C64), the user needs a solid understanding of C64BASIC. This Guide gives the essential knowledge necessary for that understanding.

2019-09-25 English PDF 4.16 MB 889 Download
zip12 Sprite Graphics for the Commodore 64 HOT

This book was written with the beginning or intermediate programmer in mind.  You do need a general understanding of how your computer operates, and how to write simple programs in BASIC.

2019-10-18 English PDF 5.3 MB 1,077 Download
zip13 The BRAIN - A Programmer's Assistant

The BRAIN is a clearly written detailed explanation of the Commodore 64 computer's memory. If you are a begginer here is the information you have been hunting far. Advanced programmers will use this booklet again and again as a powerful tool. THE BRAIN is a no-nonsense approach to a guided tour of the most extensive memory map on the market to date.

  • Written in dictionary format
  • Easy to understand terms
  • Extensive sound & graphic sections
  • Understand existing programs
  • Identify program storage locations
  • The kernal at your finger tips
  • Addresses in hex and decimal
  • OPS code help chart
2023-09-01 English PDF 3.07 MB 333 Download
zip14 The C64 PLA Dissected

The programmable logic array (PLA) in the Commodore 64 (C64) is used to create chip select signals from various other signals, e.g., from the current address. These signals control which chip is to be connected to the data bus. Therefore the PLA is responsible to implement the memory map of the C64.

If the PLA is broken, the CPU and the VIC-II1 direct memory access (DMA) can not access the right memory and I/O devices anymore. In this case some chips can not be selected or more than one chip is active at the same time. A total or partial malfunction of the computer is the result. If a PLA is replaced with a part which does not meet certain timing or electrical constraints of the chips connected to it, the computer becomes unstable, possibly depending on temperature or hardware extensions used or may refuse to work at all.

2023-09-01 English PDF 2.78 MB 261 Download
zip15 The Commodore 64 Kernal and Hardware Revealed

A knowledge of the Commodore 64 kernal software and the hardware with which it interacts is essential for programmers wishing to make full use of the machine's capabilities. The kernal software provides the interface between the user, the BASIC interpreter and the electronics - and a thorough knowledge of its functioning gives the programmer a wealth of ideas and methods for interesting programming techniques.

This book gives the programmer a unique insight into the operation of the Commodore 64 plus a wide variety of very useful hints on subjects as diverse as reconfiguring the keyboard and anti tape-copying security. The book also covers the user port and the addition of external circuitry to it.

2023-09-01 English PDF 11.54 MB 380 Download
zip16 The Commodore Programmer's Route Map

There is now a wide variety of books available for the CBM home computers, but few of them really get stuck into the practical problems that afflict any programmer once he is past the beginner stage. This book can't do the work for you, but it can help you get things working inseveral ways.

Right at the start when you begin to use your machine with the help of your manual, you will often find an explanation difficult to follow. Reference to this book may help by giving another way of looking at things.

2023-06-30 English PDF 8.13 MB 360 Download
zip17 Turbocharge your Commodore 64

Turbocharge your Commodore 64 tells you how the professionals do it. It concentrates on putting more power where it matters - in your hands. It shows how you can exploit your Commodore 64 to the full and how to approach programming problems the right way.

The Commodore 64 is still unexplored territory for many people. This book shows some of the ways in which it can be stretched, some of the ways in which its strengths and weaknesses can be exploited. You could do it for  yourself - but not in a hurry. That's where Turbocharge your Commodore 64 comes in.

Turbocharge your Commodore 64 gives expert insights into the full power of your Commodore 64. There are powerful graphics and sound routines and many K's worth of listings for you to explore and develop.


2023-06-29 English PDF 12.04 MB 385 Download
zip18 What's Really Inside the C64 HOT

The purpose of this book is to provide a detailed listing of the ROM contents for the Commodore 64 microcomputer.  For programmers working in assembler language, or those wanting a more complete understanding of BASIC, this should prove to be very useful.

2020-07-02 English PDF 6 MB 949 Download
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