Category: Tape Utilities
Number of Subcategories: 3
folder0Tape Tester / Alignment Tools
folder1Tape Transfer Tools
folder2Tape Turbo Loaders
Downloads: 3
zip0 Autorun Tape 64

Autorun Tape 64 is a utility that will let you save a BASIC program to tape in a way that will make it auto-start when loaded.  I really hope no one is still using tape storage for development, but if you are.... my condolences.

2023-05-17 English Commodore 64 1.76 KB 158 Download
d64 floppy1 Tape Master II

Compacked by Tigersoft 1987 - Tape Master II is a turbo loader supporting up to 249 block programs.

tape master ii
2015-03-22 English Commodore 64 2.3 KB 790 Download
d64 floppy2 Tape Master Pro v2.1

Master your own programs to a tape using a turbo loader system, which will play music and display a picture painted in Koala Paint. Programs music us a BASIC SYS jump address or load at $0801 before mastering.

tape master pro v2.1
2015-03-22 English Commodore 64 57.79 KB 781 Download
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