Category: Tape Tester / Alignment Tools
Downloads: 3
d64 floppy0 Head Tester HOT

Input 64 by H. Diebek - Head Tester is a utility to help align the head of your tape drive. Simple instructions included in the program.

head tester
2015-03-22 English Commodore 64 2.14 KB 1,353 Download
zip1 HeadAlign v1.1 HOT

HeadAlign v1.1 by Enthusi is a small little utility that helps you align the tape head on your cassette player.

2019-02-09 English Commodore 64 1.63 KB 1,049 Download
zip2 Recorder Justage HOT

This handy utility published by Input 64 was written by H. Heise Verlag to help with aligning the tape head on your cassette drive.

2019-02-09 English Commodore 64 1.68 KB 1,301 Download
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