Category: Tape Turbo Loaders
Downloads: 5
d64 floppy0 CyberLoad v2.5

CyberLoad v2.5 by John Twiddy - Released on February 13th, 2007.  This is not only a turbo tape loader, but a full tape mastering system with the ability to add scrolling text and even graphics.  The archive contains three versions on the program that can be loaded into different areas of memory and full instructions on how to use the software.

cyberload v2.5
2016-06-10 English Commodore 64 42.94 KB 896 Download
zip1 King Turbo Tape Loader

No information on this little 3 block turbo tape loader.  Probably someone elses loader that was just renamed / hex edited, but who knows, maybe it's something rare, so lets keep it around for those digital archeologists.

2020-05-14 English Commodore 64 1.11 KB 457 Download
d64 floppy2 Stoat's Tape Turbo Maker v1.0

Stoat's Tape Turbo Maker is a nice way of adding a turbo loader to your programs that are saved to tape.  The information necessary to use this program is displayed on the first two help screens.

stoats tape turbo maker v1.0-1
2015-10-08 English Commodore 64 3.45 KB 687 Download
d64 floppy3 Turbo Save

Turbo (tape) Save is a program that accelerates saving files to tape and also adds a turbo load to the program.

turbo save-1
2015-10-16 English Commodore 64 2.17 KB 678 Download
d64 floppy4 Turbo Tape 64 HOT

Turbo Tape 64 was written by Stephan Senz Freiburg and release in 1983.  This program adds a dos wedge to turbo load and save programs from a tape drive.

turbo tape-1
2015-10-16 English Commodore 64 2.3 KB 908 Download
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