Category: Assembly & Machine Language [C64]
Downloads: 13
zip0 6502 Applications HOT

This book presents practical application techniques for the 6502 microprocessor.  It assumes an elementary knowledge of microprocessor programming on the level of the preceding book in this series (Reference C202: Programming the 6502).  Understanding how to program the microprocessor chip itself (the 6502) is only a prerequisite for the actual programming of a microprocessor board connected to real devices.

2020-05-16 English PDF 8.37 MB 1,008 Download
zip1 6502 Applications [Alternate Cover #2]

This book presents practical application techniques for the 6502 microprocessor.  It assumes an elementary knowledge of microprocessor programming on the level of the preceding book in this series (Reference C202: Programming the 6502).  Understanding how to program the microprocessor chip itself (the 6502) is only a prerequisite for the actual programming of a microprocessor board connected to real devices.

2020-05-15 English PDF 8.74 MB 670 Download
zip2 6502 Applications [Alternate Cover]

This book presents practical application techniques for the 6502 microprocessor.  It assumes an elementary knowledge of microprocessor programming on the level of the preceding book in this series (Reference C202: Programming the 6502).  Understanding how to program the microprocessor chip itself (the 6502) is only a prerequisite for the actual programming of a microprocessor board connected to real devices.

2020-05-15 English PDF 11.72 MB 655 Download
zip3 Advanced BASIC and Machine Code for the Commodore 64 HOT

This book aims to teach you the rudiments of machine code programming, with a couple of chapters on BASIC just to limber up. Commands are introduced slowly, with plenty of explanation and sample listings to work from. A feature used throughout the book is a small arcade game, which is gradually built up from chapter to chapter, using commands introduced in each chapter.

Advanced BASIC And Machine Code For The Commodore 64
2019-09-16 English PDF 3.55 MB 1,138 Download
zip4 Advanced Machine Code Programming for the Commodore 64 HOT

This book is intended to complement Ian Sinclair's Introducing Commodore 64 Machine Code. The word 'Advanced' appears in the title although this should in no way deter beginners providing they possess tenacity and sufficient dedication. It is assumed, however, that readers already have a little experience with BASIC.

2019-09-22 English PDF 8.24 MB 1,259 Download
zip5 Commodore 64 Assembler Workshop

The Commodore 64 Assembler Workshop is aimed at those of you who have been delving into the delights of programming at machine code level. It is a natural progression from Commodore 64 Assembly Language, but will be invaluable even if you learned assembler and machine code using any of the other relevant books available. It provides a bench full of useful assembly language routines and utilities programs and examines the techniques involved.

2023-03-28 English PDF 10.71 MB 613 Download
zip6 Commodore 64 Machine Code

The Commodore 64 has become one of the most popular home computers in Europe and the USA. It is a versatile and interesting machine. The aim of this book is to show you how to enhance its abilities still further, by learning the rudiments of Machine Code programming. Want to fill the TV screen with a grid of symbols, in the twinkling of an eye? Move sprites around fast enough to playa reasonable game? Count how many times the REM character occurs in a program? Then it's Machine Code you'll need. It places many more demands on the programmer than BASIC does; but as a reward, it expands the range of tasks that your computer can do.

2022-12-16 English PDF 7.51 MB 620 Download
zip7 Complete Commodore Machine Coding Course for the C64 & C128 HOT

This book takes a different approach. Instead of choosing between the machme code programming expert and the professional communicator, we've used both. Andrew is a professional programmer on the CBM 64, while I'm a computer journalist and consultant by profession. We believe that, by working together, we've come up with a guide which is far easier to use than any other on the same subject.

2019-10-06 English Commodore 64 16.72 MB 1,176 Download
zip8 Compute!'s Machine Language for Beginners

Sooner or later, many programmers find that they want to learn machine language. BASIC is a fine general-purpose tool, but it has its limitations. Machine language (often called assembly language) performs much faster. BASIC is fairly easy to learn, but most beginners do not realize that machine language can also be easy. And, just as learning Italian goes faster if you already know Spanish, if a programmer already knows BASIC, much of this knowledge will make learning machine language easier. There are many similarities.

This book is designed to teach machine language to those who have a working knowledge of BASIC. For example, Chapter 9 is a list of BASIC statements. Following each is a machine language routine which accomplishes the same task. In this way, if you know what you want to do in BASIC, you can find out how to do it in machine language.

2023-10-21 English PDF 24.3 MB 261 Download
zip9 Dr. Watson - Beginners Assembly Language Programming for the CBM64 HOT

This book is a self-paced course on machine-code / Assembly-language programming based on the 6510 microprocessor.  Getting going in assembly-language is said to be a major problem for the beginner.  However, it's a problem that we trust will disappear when the beginner's hands get on this book.

2020-03-04 English PDF 7.49 MB 1,067 Download
zip10 First Steps in Machine Code on Your C64 HOT

If you've mastered BASIC programming on your Commodore 64 and are ready to move on to bigger and better things, then book will show you the way.

Ross Symons first introduces you to the disassembler and explains its use. After making this acquaintance, the complete instruction set for the 6510 (the chip at the heart of your computer) is listed. Each instruction is explained with the aid of a demonstration program which will help even the newcomer to machine code to get to grips with the C64 and extract the most from this powerful micro. Other sections include a discussion of the KERNAL operating system, and its applications such as printing, input/output devices, and scanning the keyboard, are also considered.

As an exciting bonus, the book ends with two complete machine code games which show you how to create your own worthwhile, high-speed, animated arcade-like games.

2021-11-28 English PDF 3.94 MB 1,227 Download
zip11 Introducing Commodore 64 Machine Code HOT

This book has two main aims. One is to introduce the Commodore 64 owner to some of the details of how the Commodore 64 works, allowing for more effective programming even without delving into machine code.  The second aim is to introduce the methods of machine code programming in a simple way.

2019-09-22 English PDF 12.63 MB 947 Download
zip12 The Visible Computer: 6502 HOT

The Visible Computer: 6502 Machine Language Teaching System combines this manual with a diskette containing a 6502 simulator program to provide a systematic way to learn machine language programming on the Commodore 64 computer.

2019-09-18 English PDF 8.36 MB 931 Download
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