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Compute!'s Machine Language for Begin Compute!'s Machine Language for Beginners

Sooner or later, many programmers find that they want to learn machine language. BASIC is a fine general-purpose tool, but it has its limitations. Machine language (often called assembly language) performs much faster. BASIC is fairly easy to learn, but most beginners do not realize that machine language can also be easy. And, just as learning Italian goes faster if you already know Spanish, if a programmer already knows BASIC, much of this knowledge will make learning machine language easier. There are many similarities.

This book is designed to teach machine language to those who have a working knowledge of BASIC. For example, Chapter 9 is a list of BASIC statements. Following each is a machine language routine which accomplishes the same task. In this way, if you know what you want to do in BASIC, you can find out how to do it in machine language.


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