Category: GEOWORLD
Downloads: 26
zip0 GEOWORLD - Issue 01

GEOWORLD - Issue 01 (March 1987)

  • GEOS - A whole new world for the C=64 (Review by Peter and Paul Hughes)
    • Nice review of the current offerings from Berkeley Softworks - Covers each base application and other BSW Offerings at the time of this article.
  • Inside GEOS (by Master Blaster)
    • This is the first of a series on programming within the GEOS environment, in particular about the high level things that need to be considered before diving into code.
  • Light Pens (Mystic Jims Shareware)
    • Interesting article on how handy a light pen is as an input device, but also the limitations of the Flexidraw Inkwell Lightpen and the BSW Driver.  Additionally, this article discusses how to overcome these limitation when using other Light Pens with the Flexidraw driver.
  • Questions & Answers - Several good Q&A topics including why printing crashes early versions of GEOS, why the order of files on a disk is important and tips on dealing with graphics in geoWrite.
  • From GEOS Forum - Additional Q&A that came directly from the Quantumlink GEOS forums.
  • GEOLASER Fonts - Handy printout of the various LW (Laser Writer) fonts available.
2020-11-23 English PDF 6.52 MB 648 Download
zip1 GEOWORLD - Issue 02

GEOWORLD - Issue 02 (April 1987)

  • Desktop Publishing on the Commodore 64 (by Peter Hughes)

    • How to use GeoWrite and GeoPaint to achieve impressive results.
  • Inside GEOS (by Master Blaster)
    • Examining the header block of a file and ways to convert your own programs to GEOS format.
  • Universal Rumbles (by Kai Cherry)
    • Rumor Mill - 1764 RAM expansion, BSW DeskPack 2, geoFont, Timeworks, EA
  •  Desk-Top Publishing - A Beginner's Guide to Becoming and Expert
    • Some great tips for beginners
  • The Evolution of GEOS (by Kai Cherry)
    • A look at GEOS from v1.0 to v1.2
  • Connections - The Logo to PrintShop Screen Magic Connection (by Thomas F. Trocco)
    • Interesting article on how to convert graphics create with the Logo language into PrintShop's Screen Magic format.
2019-09-11 English PDF 25.12 MB 659 Download
zip2 GEOWORLD - Issue 03

GEOWORLD - Issue 03 (May 1987)

  • Test Printout - A Printer Driver that Features Double Strike Printing by Terry R. Mills
    • Excellent article on how to get NLQ priting from the Epson FX-80 Double strike driver.  Includes detailed instructions and code.
  • Desk-Top Publishing by Skip Goetzinger
    • Q&A dealing with topics that were covered in the Desk-Top Publishing article of GEOWORLD Issue 2
  • Working With GeoPaint by Peter and Paul Hughes
    • Some great tips and recommendations for advanced use of GeoPaint
  • Universal Rumbles by Kai Cherry
    • 1764 RAM Expander confirmed, Accolade declines GEOS, kinderMouse GEOS educational program, geoChart rumors
  • Inside GEOS by Master Blaster
    • Third articles in the series dealing with how to get your programs to auto-convert themselves - includes code 
  • Mystic Jim - Covers changes in distribution policy of shareware
  • GeoWrite 2.0 Keyboard Shortcuts
2019-09-11 English PDF 24.11 MB 598 Download
zip3 GEOWORLD - Issue 04

GEOWORLD - Issue 04 (June 1987)

  • MacPaint to GeoPaint Conversions By Peter and Paul Hughes
    • Interesting review of the various programs that were used over time to convert MacPaint images to GeoPaint and what the limitations of the early programs were.
  • Double the Size of Print Shop Graphics By Terry R. Mills
    • Outline of the steps needed to use Graphics Grabber from Desk Pack 1 to create a double sized PrintShop clipart graphic.  Also includes a BASIC program to view the files.
  • GeoPaint and MacPaint Proportions by Peter Hughes
    • In depth examination of the difference in resolution and proportion of MacPaint graphics when converted to GeoPaint.
  • Inside GEOS by Master Blaster
    • Excellent article about Events and Menus as related to programming in GEOS
  • Berkeley Softworks by Rob Siegel (GEOS Rob)
    • An article about how Rob uses GEOS programs throughout his day at work.
  • Interesting Diagrams by K.F.C.
    • There are a couple pages that have some really detailed diagrams of what I think are cheat sheets for GeoPaint and GeoWrite.
2024-01-09 English PDF 29.02 MB 562 Download
zip4 GEOWORLD - Issue 05

GEOWORLD - Issue 05 (August 1987)

  • As the world GEOS by .. by Rodger Ledbetter
    • A word, or two,from your publisher.
  • Quad Density Printer Drivers? You Bet! by Terry R. Mills
    • Double Pass Printing for Epson Compatibles.
  • How to Expand the 1764 to 512K by Scott A. Boydman
    • Step-by-step instructions.
  • Photo Gallery by James Hastings
    • G-R-E-A-T GeoPaint examples!
  • Inside GEOS by Master Blaster
    • Icons, Icon Processing & Other Goodies
  • Desk- Top Publishing by Skip Goetzinger
    • The 1750 & Desk-Top Publishing
  • A Word from BSW by Rob Seigel (GEOS Rob)
    • A discussion about GEOS 128
2024-01-09 English PDF 28.9 MB 624 Download
zip5 GEOWORLD - Issue 06

GEOWORLD - Issue 06 (Spetember 1987)

2019-09-11 English PDF 30.94 MB 562 Download
zip6 GEOWORLD - Issue 07

GEOWORLD - Issue 07 (October 1987)

2019-09-11 English PDF 30.52 MB 512 Download
zip7 GEOWORLD - Issue 08

GEOWORLD - Issue 08 (November 1987)

2019-09-11 English PDF 3.92 MB 526 Download
zip8 GEOWORLD - Issue 09

GEOWORLD - Issue 09 (December 1987)

2019-09-11 English PDF 4.09 MB 547 Download
zip9 GEOWORLD - Issue 10

GEOWORLD - Issue 10 (January 1988)

2019-09-11 English PDF 5.08 MB 542 Download
zip10 GEOWORLD - Issue 11

GEOWORLD - Issue 11 (February 1988)

2019-09-11 English PDF 37.56 MB 521 Download
zip11 GEOWORLD - Issue 12

GEOWORLD - Issue 12 (March 1988)

2019-09-11 English PDF 6.32 MB 657 Download
zip12 GEOWORLD - Issue 13

GEOWORLD - Issue 13

2019-09-11 English PDF 7.09 MB 654 Download
zip13 GEOWORLD - Issue 14

GEOWORLD - Issue 14

2019-09-11 English PDF 6 MB 580 Download
zip14 GEOWORLD - Issue 15

GEOWORLD - Issue 15

2019-09-11 English PDF 6.89 MB 755 Download
zip15 GEOWORLD - Issue 16

GEOWORLD - Issue 16

2019-09-11 English PDF 7.08 MB 674 Download
zip16 GEOWORLD - Issue 17

GEOWORLD - Issue 17

2019-09-11 English PDF 7.18 MB 650 Download
zip17 GEOWORLD - Issue 18

GEOWORLD - Issue 18

2019-09-11 English PDF 6.24 MB 595 Download
zip18 GEOWORLD - Issue 19

GEOWORLD - Issue 19

2019-09-11 English PDF 5.23 MB 614 Download
zip19 GEOWORLD - Issue 20

GEOWORLD - Issue 20

2019-09-11 English PDF 7.33 MB 683 Download
zip20 GEOWORLD - Issue 21

GEOWORLD - Issue 21

2019-09-11 English PDF 7.44 MB 682 Download
zip21 GEOWORLD - Issue 22

GEOWORLD - Issue 22

2019-09-11 English PDF 7.39 MB 607 Download
zip22 GEOWORLD - Issue 23

GEOWORLD - Issue 23

2019-09-11 English PDF 6.44 MB 666 Download
zip23 GEOWORLD - Issue 24

GEOWORLD - Issue 24

2019-09-11 English PDF 6.26 MB 672 Download
zip24 GEOWORLD - Issue 25

GEOWORLD - Issue 25

2019-09-11 English PDF 5.41 MB 648 Download
zip25 GEOWORLD - Issue 26

GEOWORLD - Issue 26

2019-09-11 English PDF 6.66 MB 849 Download
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