Dick Estel lives in California and has been a member of the Fresno Commodore User Group since 1988. Dick used GEOS to produce a newsletter for the club and was an avid collector of GEOS fonts, which he started cataloging in June 1989. To help cover his costs he decided to offer his Font Catalog for sale. Over time the product morphed into the Font Resource Directory which grew to over 500 pages. He produced the Fontastic Newsletter and also wrote for a few small publications such as the geoMetrix geoJournal.
Dick began offering his GEOS Font collection on disks and then started offering scanned graphics (Handyscanner), Calendar disks, other graphics, and five double-sided GEOS Utility disks.
Most of this material is available on the geoSpecific CD which can be found on Glenn Holmer's website (lyonlabs.org/commodore/onrequest/geos).
One disk that is not on the CD is this one - Dick's Best GEOS Utilities. On here you will find a distilled collection from the five Utility Disks previously mentioned.
- CONVERT V2.5: Converts GEOS USR files to SEQ format for uploading to Bulletin Board Systems; converts SEQ GEOS files to USR format
- WRONG IS WRITEV8.1: Convert standard or PET ASCII to and from geoWrite; convert between various versions of geoWrite. Changes all fonts in a document to the font in a text scrap on the disk
- GEOLIST 2.1 and GEOLIST80: Creates printout or geoWrite file listing all files on a disk including size, date, and optional Info Box notes (see GL80.DOC)
- TOOLKIT: Combines geoWrite files, changes fonts, changes format (see TOOLKIT.DOC)
- MACATTACK II+: Converts MacPaint files to geoPaint and vice versa (see MACATTACK.II+.DOC)
- RETRIEVER 2.0: Grabs all photo scraps from a geoWrite, geoFile, or geoPublsih file and creates an album of them
- GRAPHIC STORM II: Converts Koala and Doodle files to geoPaint (see GRPHICSTRM2.DOCS)
- ALBUM REVERTER+: Converts version 2.0 Photo Albums to earlier versions for use with utilities that will not work with the latest version. WARNING: If you have named your Scraps, reverting the album loses the names. Work with a copy. (see ALBUMREVERTER+.DOCS)
- SCRAPIT!: Converts geoPaint art to other formats; converts other formats to color geoPaint; captures oversize photo scraps. (Read the files SCRAPIT! MANUAL and GRAPHIX FORMATS for more information. The related modules FROM BLAZING (Paddles), FROM PRINT SHOP, TO BLAZING and TO PRINT SHOP are used to convert to and from those formats
- FONT DUMP III: Creates a printout of all fonts on a disk (see FONT DUMP 3.DOC)
- MIRROR, MIRROR: Creates a mirror image (flipped left to right) of a geoPaint file (see MIRRORMIRROR.DOC)
- RESCUE 128, RESCUE 64: The RESCUE programs may allow you to recover from some (not all) lockups when recovering with the reset button or RBoot do not work. Note that these are PRG files, not GEOS files. (read RESCUE 128.DOC and RESCUE 64.DOC carefully. If the RESCUE program does not seem to work, sometimes turning off a drive will help. Sorry, no guarantees of any kind on this)
- GEOGIF 1.2: Converts IBM type GIF graphics to geoPAINT (see GEOGIF.DOC). NOTE: the list says geoGIF 2 but I don't know of that version. May be a typo for geoGIF 1.2.
- DOUBLE CLICK 128, DOUBLE CLICK 64: The double-click mouse drivers allow the right mouse button to be used when a double click is needed. With this driver you CAN'T double click with the left button (see DOUBLECLICK128.DOC and DOUBLECLICK.DOC)
- QWIK TOP3.1: An alternate desk top which displays the files from eight desk top pages at once. NOTE: mods made to two versions here by Jim Collette for 80 column operation
- PAINT SCRAP 2.1: The BEST program for clipping photo scraps that are larger than the drawing window. The program displays a geoPaint file in full page "preview" size. Click on two opposite corners to define the scrap area, just ike the geoPaint edit box. (see P-SCRAP DOCS)
- NEWTOOLS2 and NEWTOOLS.80: A desk accessory for use with geoPaint only. It lets you slant, rotate and otherwise manipulate graphics and text in geoPaint. A commercial version with more features was available. (see NEWTOOLS2 DOC1.1 and look at NEW TOOLS DEMO for more information)
- SELECT PRINTER: Desk Accessory that allows you to change printers from within an application. Works in 64 or 128 modes and 40 or 80 columns on the 128.
- DBGETFILE: Click on this or put it on your boot disk and you will be able to scroll through dialog box menus instead of clicking for each item. Various AUTO-EXEC versions on disk. (see DB_GETFILE_DOC)
- RULER 1.6: Desk Accessory to use anywhere in GEOS that you need to measure something
- QWIKPIK, QWIKSTASH: 'Stash copies of pre-selected files into your REU. 'Pik is the program used to select them (see PIK/STASH DOCS)
- HANDY IMPORT: Converts HandyScanner files to geoPaint
- TUNER (plus TUNERV2.1 and GUITAR TUNER): Generates tones to tune your guitar (see TUNER DOC)
- 80->60: This is a printer driver which allows your 60 DPI printer to print a full page width geoPaint or geoPublish file
- UNPUBLISH: Removes the geoPublish formatting from geoWrite files that have been formatted in geoPublish
- DUAL_TOP and 128_DUALTOP: Another alternate desktop system. 4 drive support. (see DOCS files. DUALBOOT is AUTO-EXEC to load automatically at boot time)
- PHOTO PRINT 2.5: Prints out photos in a Photo Album. This does not work perfectly. It chokes on extra large scraps and usually prints garbage at the end of the album. However, it is the ONLY program available to do this
- GETITWRITE: determines if the geoWrite files needed for a geoPublish document are on the disk; lets you rename geoWrite files from within geoPublish (see GETITWRITE.DOC)
- ICONGETDBL: ICONGETDBL creates a double-size photo scrap of any icon on disk
SCRAPPEEK 3.4: Lets you look at a Photo Scrap or album without using the Photo Manager
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