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Ultimate NLQ v1.0 [G Ultimate NLQ v1.0 [GEOS]

Ultimate NLQ v1.0 by Marc F. Brouillette (July 1990) for GEOS 64 / 128 - It amazes me the length to which people went to get good (better?) looking printouts from dot-matrix printers.  I never really had a chance to play with printers until the early 90's, and by then I had a HP LaserJet IIp Plus and it looked great at 300dpi.  Anyway, I always loved the sound of a dot-matrix printer, kind-of like I always thought gasoline smelled great (tmi?), so anytime I find a reason to print with my ever growing collection of dot-matrix printers I jump at it, and this neat utility is a good reason.  Basically you can take a geoWrite document and print it with this program, making up to four-passes per line to get some nice dark printouts.  I don't really do justice to what this utility can do, so please read the included geoWrite documentation file included in the archive.


System Commodore 64
Size17.27 KB


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