Category: Directory Printing Tools [GEOS]
Downloads: 4
zip0 geoDirPrint2 v1.1

geoDirPrint2 v1.1 by John F. Howard (Released 2/22/1988) - If you want to have a fully detailed list of the files you have on a floppy so you can tuck it in a disk sleeve for easy reference, this utility is for you.  This version adds support for dual drives and draft / high quality prints.  Check out the sample I just printed on an MPS 803 with an old ribbon today in the screenshots.

This program was found on issue 10 of "Disk O' Quarter" put out by the Commodore Users of Wichita.

2021-01-24 English Commodore 64 3.46 KB 359 Download
zip1 geoList 2.0

geoList 2.0 by John F. Howard (Released 2/20/1989) is a handy directory printing utility for GEOS that can not only print in draft & high quality, it can also write to a geoWrite file for editing before you send it to a printer.  You can print a basic listing, or one that includes full details and and notes attached to the file.  If you use an REU or geoRAM, you can access 2nd & 3rd drives.

This program was found on issue 10 of "Disk O' Quarter" put out by the Commodore Users of Wichita.

2021-01-24 English Commodore 64 6.96 KB 366 Download
zip2 SideDIR [GEOS]

SideDIR for GEOS by Hank Wilkinson (Dated 7/2/1990) is a utility for printing out the directory of a disk sideways.  As you can see from the screenshots, sideways is really more horizontal than the sideways of turning the image 90 degrees.  Anyway, the interesting thing about this program is that it's written in a language called StudentForth v1.0.

2021-01-30 English Commodore 64 13.53 KB 352 Download
zip3 Ultimate NLQ v1.0 [GEOS]

Ultimate NLQ v1.0 by Marc F. Brouillette (July 1990) for GEOS 64 / 128 - It amazes me the length to which people went to get good (better?) looking printouts from dot-matrix printers.  I never really had a chance to play with printers until the early 90's, and by then I had a HP LaserJet IIp Plus and it looked great at 300dpi.  Anyway, I always loved the sound of a dot-matrix printer, kind-of like I always thought gasoline smelled great (tmi?), so anytime I find a reason to print with my ever growing collection of dot-matrix printers I jump at it, and this neat utility is a good reason.  Basically you can take a geoWrite document and print it with this program, making up to four-passes per line to get some nice dark printouts.  I don't really do justice to what this utility can do, so please read the included geoWrite documentation file included in the archive.

2023-04-25 English Commodore 64 17.27 KB 98 Download
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