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TheC64 Firmware 1 TheC64 Firmware 1.5.2

Version 1.5.2 – Changes and additions

  • [THEC64 Full size European] Fixes missing Bluestar carousel cover image which was broken in release v1.5.1 under some circumstances
  • [All models] Adds C64 joystick port selection; see notes below
  • Adds C64 only Classic mode added to THEC64 Mini
  • Adds disk swapping added to THEC64 Mini
  • [All models] Adds Commodore REU support with 512K, 2MB or 16MB as filename flags or CJM parameters; see notes below
  • New games for THEC64 Mini: Hessian (C64) and PET Snake (C64)
  • New games for THEC64 full size: Hessian (C64), PET Snake (C64), City Crusher(VIC20) and Mine Sweep (VIC20)
  • New games for THEVIC20: Hessian (C64), PET Snake (C64), City Crusher(VIC20) and Mine Sweep (VIC20)


To enable REU support you can use either a filename flag or a CJM file parameter. Note that REU support does not work with VIC20 software.

To select using a filename flag, use one of the following:

R5 = 512K REU enabled
R2 = 2MB REU enabled
RM = 16MB REU enabled
For example:


See the user manual for further details on the use of filename flags.

To select with a CJM file, use one of the following parameters:
reu512 = 512K REU enabled
reu2048 = 2MB REU enabled
reu16384 = 16MB REU enabled
For example:


See the user manual for further details on creating CJM files.

To switch the joystick in use between joystick port 1 or port 2 when running a C64 program, press and hold the joystick ☰ button, and then pressing joystick Ⓐ for port 1 or joystick Ⓑ for port 2. This will override the J1 filename flag or CJM primary port setting, if either are supplied.


Size14.63 MB


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