Category: TheC64
Downloads: 4
zip0 TheC64 - Firmware 1.4.2

Version 1.4.2 – Changes and additions

  • Fixes an issue with THEC64: Under some circumstances C64 games may not recognise joystick port 2 when VIC 20 is the default machine
  • Adds Dattasette controls for tape files in THEC64 Classic mode Media Access menu
  • Adds soft and hard reset hot-keys to THEC64 and THEVIC20 Classic mode
  • Adds freeze button support to THEC64 and THEVIC20 Classic mode
  • Adds C64 games Barnsley Badger, Soulless, Galencia and Planet of Death, plus VIC20 games Blue Star, The Keep, and Gridrunner to THEC64 North American model
  • Adds C64 games Barnsley Badger and Soulless, plus VIC20 games Blue Star and The Keep to the European THEC64 and THEVIC20 “Special Edition THEC64” models
  • Adds C64 games Barnsley Badger and Soulless to all THEC64 Mini models
  • Fixes Tank Battle on THEVIC20 to support two joysticks
2020-11-22 English 13.58 MB 672 Download
zip1 TheC64 Firmware 1.3.2

Version 1.3.2 – Changes

  • Increases the length of displayed USB filenames in Media Access and the File loader
  • Fixes an issue where filename flags are not detected if the USB filename contains multiple dots/periods/full stops
  • Fixes an issue with the saved states location where multiple spaces are found in the USB filename
  • Fixes the saved states location used on a USB stick to be unique per filename. Note that this may change the saved states location from previous firmware versions if the filename contains multiple dots/periods/full stops.
2020-02-10 English 8.42 MB 550 Download
zip2 TheC64 Firmware 1.5.2

Version 1.5.2 – Changes and additions

  • [THEC64 Full size European] Fixes missing Bluestar carousel cover image which was broken in release v1.5.1 under some circumstances
  • [All models] Adds C64 joystick port selection; see notes below
  • Adds C64 only Classic mode added to THEC64 Mini
  • Adds disk swapping added to THEC64 Mini
  • [All models] Adds Commodore REU support with 512K, 2MB or 16MB as filename flags or CJM parameters; see notes below
  • New games for THEC64 Mini: Hessian (C64) and PET Snake (C64)
  • New games for THEC64 full size: Hessian (C64), PET Snake (C64), City Crusher(VIC20) and Mine Sweep (VIC20)
  • New games for THEVIC20: Hessian (C64), PET Snake (C64), City Crusher(VIC20) and Mine Sweep (VIC20)
2021-10-30 English 14.63 MB 393 Download
zip3 TheC64 Firmware 1.6.1

This firmware update (v1.6.1) is applicable to THEC64, THEC64 Mini and THEVIC20.

Features introduced in version 1.6.1

  • [All models] Adds Commodore 1351 mouse support to the C64
  • [All models] Adds support for up to four joysticks
  • [All models] Adds support for THEMOUSE
  • [All models] Adds support for THEGAMEPAD
  • [All models] Adds a new game Space Lords, a multi-player game that utilises the new mouse and multi-joystick support
2022-10-30 English 15.44 MB 359 Download
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