Fixes an issue with THEC64: Under some circumstances C64 games may not recognise joystick port 2 when VIC 20 is the default machine
Adds Dattasette controls for tape files in THEC64 Classic mode Media Access menu
Adds soft and hard reset hot-keys to THEC64 and THEVIC20 Classic mode
Adds freeze button support to THEC64 and THEVIC20 Classic mode
Adds C64 games Barnsley Badger, Soulless, Galencia and Planet of Death, plus VIC20 games Blue Star, The Keep, and Gridrunner to THEC64 North American model
Adds C64 games Barnsley Badger and Soulless, plus VIC20 games Blue Star and The Keep to the European THEC64 and THEVIC20 “Special Edition THEC64” models
Adds C64 games Barnsley Badger and Soulless to all THEC64 Mini models