Load Turbo Assembler like this LOAD"TURBO-ASM. V6.0",8,1 and start it with (if not packed) SYS(9*4096) or SYS 36864
"{" is the backarrow key in document.
CURSOR MOVEMENT ---------------
CRSR LEFT/RIGHT - move left/right one position in line CRSR UP/DOWN - go up/down a line RETURN - insert a line (if insert line mode) and go to this line SHIFT+RETURN - jump to next line F1/F7 - scroll 20 lines up/down F2/F8 - jump to source-code start/end {CRSR UP/DOWN - scroll 200 lines up/down {Q - goto to beginning of line {N - goto line # {Y - goto bottom line DEL - delete character left cursor INST - auto insert char mode on/off {DEL - delete actual line {INST - auto insert line mode on/off {RETURN - insert a line from cursor position
NOTE: after you leave line TURBO-ASM automatically checks its syntax.
SETTING TABULATORS ------------------ {7 - set cursor tab (e.g. where cursor jump to after RETURN) {8 - set sourcecode tab (max.11)
LINE OPERATIONS --------------- {2 - writes ';---------------------------------------' line {/ - delete from cursor to end of line {SPACE - fill up line with SPACE {^ - (up arrow) copy line {= - cut line {~ - (pound) paste line {Z - undo line (imediately after {2, {/, {SPACE, {~)
BLOCK AND MARK OPERATIONS ------------------------- {M - set mark (#0-9), blocks start (#s) or block end (#e) {G - goto mark (#0-9) {; - kill mark (0-9) {: - list all marks {B - block operations: write (to ASCII SEQ file), kill, copy. {E - insert (IMPORT ASCII SEQ) file from disk to current position
NOTE: never mark first line of source-code as block start
SEARCH & REPLACE ---------------- {F - search a string {H - search next occurance {R - replace string1 with string2, search first ocurrance {T - replace & search next replace {Y - replace all occurances
FUNCTION KEY PROGRAMMING ------------------------ {F1 - Reset funcion keys (F3=.word, F4=assemble&run, F5=.byte, F6=del line) {A - Input all characters (exit with "{"); to get "{" press "{" twice; useful when define F-keys {K - press F-key (F3-F6) to redefine
DISK OPERATIONS --------------- {* - disk directory {@ - disk status {D - disk command {P - set EOR-code for coding source-code {W - writes all source-code to ASCII SEQ file (EXPORT) {L - load source-code {S - save source-code (possible overwrite with @: prefix)
NOTE: 1. TURBO-ASM loads its source from top ($8FEB) to bottom ($0800) of memory and crunches its opcodes, numbers by own (like BASIC tokens).
2. By saving and loading source-code TURBO-ASM. also saves and loads configurations like colors, F-keys, marks and actual cursor position.
MEMORY OPERATIONS ----------------- {6 - converts memory block between addr's to source-code data {J - dump memory block between addr's {SHIFT+F - fill memory block between addr's with code {SHIFT+L - load to memory addr {SHIFT+S - save memory block between addr's
ASSEMBLING ---------- {3 - assemble to memory {4 - list assembled file to: ?=printer, *=screen, filename=file {5 - assemble to object (executable) file {U - list labels to: ?=printer, *=screen, filename=file
MISCELLANEOUS ------------- {C - cold start (init TURBO-ASM. and clears source-code) {I - init TURBO-ASM & clear unused memory {+ - add two hex numbers {- - subtract two hex numbers {V - display memory usage: - free blocks, + used blocks {O - change colors {SHIFT+K - keyclick on/off {1 - exit from TURBO-ASM. (SYS 36864 or SYS 333 to restart)
NOTE: {V works incorrectly in range $E000-$FFFF, b'coz reads I/O & KERNAL (with Action Replay's crashes quite nicely)
EXPRESSIONS ----------- The assembler works with 8 and 16 bit numbers with following notations: $ - for hex numbers % - for binary numbers ! (or none) - for decimal numbers "x" - for characters
Allowed operations in expressions (in high-to-low hierarcy order): ( ) - brackets * / - multiple, divide + - - plus, minus : & . - EOR, AND, OR operations
Special operations: < - lower byte of 16 bit expression > - higher byte of 16 bit expression * - actual assembling addr or define object-code start (*=start)
NOTE: 1. Never use label after label=* or likewise combination. 2. Don't use area between $E000-$FFFF (reserved for TURBO-ASM labels).
Labels: The first 8 characters recognized and all remain truncated.
PSEUDO OPS ---------- .OFFS addr - set object-code displacement (by adding addr) .BYTE byte1,byte2,... - convert bytes .WORD word1,word2,... - convert words .TEXT "text1","text2",... - convert text strings ; - comments following
Some bugs removed by me: 1. Some versions of TURBO-ASM. (V6.0 tronic/rizing) fails with command {G. 2. {V now patched for Action Replays.