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GEOS Desk Pa GEOS Desk Pack 1

GEOS Desk Pack 1(Released in 1986 by BSW) - This collection of programs and upgrades for GEOS include the following:

  • Graphics Grabber - lets you convert artwork from other popular Commodore 64 programs for use in GEOS applications, like geoWrite and geoPaint.
  • Icon Editor - converts non-GEOS files to the special GEOS format, and lets you customize the icons of those files.
  • Calendar - is a desk accessory which allows you to make notes about and keep track of important engagements.
  • Blackjack is a desk accessory which simulates the popular game of the same name.
  • deskTop and Drivers - GEOS deskTop version 1.3 and new and enhanced input and printer drivers.

The manual has much more detail and instructions for each of the programs on the disk.  I found it interesting that the main reason for the GEOS 1.3 upgrade was to prevent people from copying over the boot disk, and / or preventing the boot disk from working because they moved the deskTop file to some other page.  There's also a neat description in Appendix A on the difference between a normal formatted floppy and a GEOS formatted floppy.

P.S. - There is a file called Magic Mouse on side A that changes the pointer, but I don't think that was part of the original disk.  Please let me know if I'm wrong.

UPDATE (May 6th, 2023) - I have located what I believe is a real (unfondled) copy of Desk Pack 1 Side A image and have replaced it in the archive. I left the original disk I had in the archive also and labeled it with "(misc)".  Credit for the new disk image goes to the My64 / My128 website.


System Commodore 64
Size230.94 KB


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