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Quicksilver Fast IEEE Interface Instruction Manual | ||||||||||
Congratulations on purchasing QUICKSILVER, the fastest IEF.E cartridge for the Commodore C- 64 and C-128/64 computers. QUICKSILVER will greatly increase the speed of loading and saving programs and files from the Commodore 2031, 2040, 4040, 8030, 8250, SFD1001, and MSD SD1, SD2, disk drives, and the Commodore 64/128 computer. In addition to being the fastest IEEE disk drive enhancement available for the Commodore 64/128 and IEEE disk drives, over 55 added computer commands are included. These commands will make using your Commodore 64/128 much faster and easier. It is not necessary that you learn or use these commands. Install the QUICKSILVER cartridge and enjoy o whole new world of speed. |