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EPROM Programmers Handbook for the C64 & EPROM Programmers Handbook for the C64 & C128 NEW

Welcome to the EPROM PROGRAMMERS HANDBOOK! This unique book is for anyone who wants to learn how to program EPROMs for the Commodore 64. In this book we assume that you have some general experience with your C64 already. Some experience with machine language and hexadecimal will help you pick up the concepts faster. You'll need an EPROM programmer too, of course. The EPROM programmer we use here at CSM is the PROMENADE Cl from Jason-Ranheim. We feel you just can't buy a better programmer for the C64. Although the examples in the book are based on the PROMENADE, you should be able to adapt the commands to your programmer if you have a different model.


Size11.2 MB


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