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Warp Speed Cartridge Ma Warp Speed Cartridge Manual NEW

You now own the most useful and complete cartridge utility ever produced for the Commodore 64 and 128 computers: the Warp Speed™ Fast DOS Cartridge from Cinemaware. It contains the fastest Commodore-compatible DOS ever produced, allowing you to format disks, load, save, verify, and copy files up to ten times faster than before! In addition. Warp Speed includes: a full-featured machine language computer-and-disk-drive monitor/assembler, with up/down scrolling and an integrated sector editor; an expanded DOS wedge for convenience when using a disk drive; complete support for two or more disk drives, including a 30-second two-drive copier for making convenient backups of your unprotected disks; a reset button; and an "unnew" feature to restore BASIC programs, for recovering control of your computer when you experience a "crash".

All Warp Speed functions work identically on the 64 and 128 in both 40- and 80-column modes, and are fully compatible with most commercial software, including many heavily protected programs that are incompatible with other cartridge utilities. They also work with most compatible disk drives, including the new Commodore 1581 floppy drives and several of the new hard disk drives available, as well as the MSD dual drive popular with many developers.

Whether you are a beginner, a serious hacker, or a professional developer, you will find Warp Speed an indispensable aid which you may never remove from your computer once you have plugged it in!


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