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Cardco G-Wiz Parallel Printer Interface Ma Cardco G-Wiz Parallel Printer Interface Manual NEW

The G-WIZ printer interface was designed to allow you to add most parallel printers to your Commodore computer. The design objective was to provide you with a system that would so closely duplicate the functions of the VIC printers that you would be able to run available software without any changes. To accomplish this task, and still allow you to make use of the special features available in today's high quality printers, required some special approaches to solving simple problems.

If you plan to write your own programs or customize existing software to enable the use of special features of your printer this manual should become your companion and best friend.

We have tried in this manual to document and fully explain each and every feature and function of our interface and how it will affect the operation of your system. We have provided examples and sample programs in an attempt to make each function understandable and useful to even a novice programmer.


System Commodore 64
Size4.38 MB


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