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CardCo CardPrin CardCo CardPrint +G

Within the text of this manual references are made to many printers and printer types. The C/?+G interface was intended to be used only with printers that conform to certain standards. There are four groups of printers that are intended to be used with the C/?+G interface. Within each group there may be many printers. The four groups are the Epson group, the Prowriter group, the Okidata group and the Siekosha group. A listing of the most common printers in each group is on page A1 of the appendix of this manual. When, in this manual, we refer to one of the printers in a group the statement will refer to all  printers in that group.

If your printer isn't listed in one of those groups it may still be in one of them, we just aren't aware of it. If this is the case and you find that your printer works when set up like one of the printers in one of the groups, please let us know so we can pass on the information to other users.

Any printer can be used with the C/?+G (See page A1 of the appendix for OTHER PRINTERS) but the special Commodore functions and Commodore graphics will not be available.


System Commodore 64
Size3.47 MB


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