Category: Graphics Editors [GEOS]
Downloads: 3
zip0 geoMorph v1.0

geoMorph v1.0 by Maurice Randall (1993) is a graphics application for GEOS 64 that transforms photo scraps in a gradual way that is kind of like a short video.  Included on the disk is the full docs and a very cool example animation made by the Commodore Users of Wichita.  Also included in the archive is the docs if PDF form. 

2021-01-20 English Commodore 64 1.37 MB 522 Download
zip1 GEOPAINT (4 Disk Drive Support)

GEOPAINT' 64 Release 1.00 v1 by Paul Murdaugh (February 2022) - This is a modified version of the graphics editor for GEOS called GEOPAINT, which works with GEOS 2.0+, Wheels, gateWay and MegaPatch3.  This version supports 4 disk drives so that you can double click a GEOPAINT graphic no matter which drive it's on, and it will open.  Normally your GEOPAINT graphics file needs to be on the same disk as the application, but that can be inconvenient because typical Commodore floppy disks have limited amounts of storage and the graphics files can be fairly large, so the addition of 4 drive support is very welcome.

The original release of this application was on Facebook.  Here is a link in case you want to follow the thread or ask a question.  

2023-01-19 English Commodore 64 25.75 KB 228 Download
zip2 GEOS Fill Pattern Editor

GEOS Fill Pattern Editor by Jason Clark (Released 10/21/1986) is a handy desk accessory that lets you edit / create your own fill patterns that are used in geoPaint.

2021-01-24 English Commodore 64 3.5 KB 419 Download
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