Category: C128 - Operating Systems
Downloads: 6
zip0 Commodore 128 CP/M System Disk [May 1987] HOT

Here are two bootable CP/M System disk images for the Commodore 128.  One image is a .d64 and will need to be used with a 1571 floppy drive (won't work with a 1541) and the other is a .d81 for use with a 1581 floppy drive.  Although the screen shots show this as CP/M 3.0, it is interesting to note that there is actually no such thing, and this is actually CP/M Plus 3.1.  If you're interested in details about this and CP/M history, check out this link over at H2Obsession.  For other CP/M System disks, check out the Zimmer File Archive.

2022-10-30 English Commodore 128 333.44 KB 933 Download
zip1 GEOS 128 Unkeyed Collection HOT

GEOS 128 Unkeyed Collection - This is an amazing assembly of most of the major GEOS 128 applications, including the GEOS 128 OS itself, in an unkeyed form, by a generous person over at the GEOS Facebook group, that graciously gave his time to condense it all down into a single archive.  If you're a Commodore 128 user, this is a must have!

Inside the archive is a list of the contents and some additional resources that will come in handy, and if you haven't checked out the amazing GEOS resource over at LyonLabs, I highly recommend a visit.  There isn't a better site on the web for GEOS related information.

2021-01-16 English Commodore 128 60.65 MB 3,615 Download
zip2 GEOS 128 v2.0 HOT

GEOS 128 v2.0 (4 .D64 Images) including geoWrite, geoSpell & some additional applications for use in working with documents and printing.

2021-03-02 English Commodore 128 331.79 KB 2,120 Download
zip3 GEOS 128 v2.0r Updated HOT

GEOS 128 2.0r Updated by Paul Murdaugh (Released February 25, 2021) - This is GEOS 128 with support for geoRAM.  This particular update adds support for geoRAM & geoRAM clones with 4MB.  Both configure (2.1+) and Rboot have been updated to support the larger RAM sizes along with 1581 RAMdisk support. 

2021-02-28 English Commodore 128 292.98 KB 2,311 Download
zip4 Wheels 128 v4.4 [1571 Master] HOT

Wheels 128 v4.4 [1571 Master] - This is a master disk for Wheels 128 v4.4 created by Paul Murdaugh.  Here is a description Paul provided on Facebook:

1571 Wheels 128 4.4 Master Disk. This image would be an excellent starting point for anyone new to wheels that has a 1571 drive. This contains the updated Toolbox that was uploaded here that can handled REU's up to 16 megs. Patched MakeSysDisk that will work from any bootable 1541/1571/1581 drives without checking master status. (For 1571 and 81 new images just create a bootable image instead of the master option). Then copy the side 2 contents to it from this image. It will then be able to make new disks as well. In fact that is how this image was created) Dashboard_128 - small application that will return control to Dashboard 128 from other desktops. All of what was on side 2 of the 1541 images is also on this disk. In a fresh never booted state.

2021-02-28 English Commodore 128 152.35 KB 1,480 Download
zip5 Wheels 128 v4.4 ToolBox Update - Release 2 HOT

Wheels 128 v4.4 ToolBox Update - Release 2 by Paul Murdaugh (Released February 25th, 2021) - This update adds support for a 4MB geoRAM and geoRAM clones on top of the 16MB REU support from the first release.

2021-02-28 English Commodore 128 28.4 KB 1,244 Download
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