Category: Disk Editors [C128]
Downloads: 6
d64 floppy0 Disk Doctor 128

Disk Doctor 128 is a Commodore 128 (40 Column) disk track & sector editor. This is one POWERFUL utility with a really nice interface. Highly recommend this for your toolbox of utilities.

disk doctor 128
2015-03-16 English Commodore 128 10.95 KB 861 Download
d64 floppy1 Disk Doctor 128 v2.0 HOT

Not really sure what is improved on since version 1.0, but there is an added 30 blocks of code, so there must be something good inside.

disk doctor 128 v2.0
2015-03-16 English Commodore 128 16 KB 1,055 Download
d64 floppy2 Disk Noser 128 v1.5 HOT

Disk Noser 128 v1.5 by Ed Parry was released on 3/9/87.  Disk Noser is a nice Commodore 128 (80 column only) disk editor with easy navigation and detailed views of disk data down to the single byte.

disk noser 128 v1.5 1
2015-05-02 English Commodore 128 5.06 KB 968 Download
zip3 Guru 80 v1.1

Guru 80 v1.1 by Kenneth E. Kahl (1990) is a track and sector editor for the Commodore 128 in 80 Column mode.  

2019-09-09 English Commodore 128 10.24 KB 709 Download
d64 floppy4 Sector Edit 128 v5.3i HOT

(c)1987 by John F. Navitsky II. Sector Edit 128 is one of the most powerful disk editors I have ever seen for the Commodore 128. This 80 column program can do just about everything you could want including reads & writes to drive memory. Help is built in.

sector edit 128 v5.3I
2015-03-16 English Commodore 128 23.91 KB 990 Download
d64 floppy5 Sector Saver 128 v1.7 HOT

(c)1985 by John Dearinger. This utility will attempt to recover the data on tracks and sectors. Works with the C128 & 1571 drive (or two drives).

sectore saver 128 v1.7
2015-03-16 English Commodore 128 3.09 KB 921 Download
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