Category: Bulletin Board Systems [C128]
Number of Subcategories: 4
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Downloads: 2
zip0 Jack's 128 BBS v2.5f NEW

Jack's 128 BBS is designed to run on a C-128 in 80 column mode with 1 - 4 disk drives, a Commodore '1650' or '1660' compatible modem, and an optional printer. The disk drives may be 1541's, 1571's, or compatibles.

Some of the features of the program include:

* All User info is memory resident
* Petascii / Ascii conversion
* First name / Last name seperation
* I.D.# optional log-on
* Accurate TOD Clock
* 45 Minute limit on calls
* 2 Minute inactivity timeout
* Automatic online applications
* Complete User Status File
* Automatic E-Mail search at log-on
* No mail may be written to non-users
* 40 or 80 column user selectable format
* Page flipping and Bell at prompts
* 40 or 80 column Word Wrap for writing messages
* Multi-leveled access
* Chat / Forced Chat modes
* Remote SYSOP options
* Punter file transfer
* Read Sequential files from disk
* Multiple Message Bases

2025-01-28 English Commodore 128 53.94 KB 9 Download
zip1 Real Time Conference Master v2.03 (C128)

Real Time Conference Master v2.03 by E.G. Bell (October 4th, 1993) - My best guess is this is some type of fancy (multi-line?) BBS for the Commodore 128.  Based on the files and what I could get to work via VICE emulator, it looks quite full featured and supports things like the CMD Swiftlink and Commodore REU, but although there is a fairly big docs file, I couldn't figure out how to get it loaded.

I've included all four disks I created by expanding the self extracting archives, and the original source this came from which is a disk magazine called Underground (Issue 8) which has an accompanying disk called Underware dated May / June 1995.  Would love to know more about this, and see a working demo if anyone wants to explore this more. 

2021-04-05 English Commodore 128 496.19 KB 747 Download
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