Category: Miscellaneous Terminal Programs
Downloads: Page 1 of 3
Downloads: 137
d64 floppy0 64 Term HOT

64 Term released in 1982 by Commodore. This has to be one of the earliest terminal programs I have seen for the commodore 64. It is only 11 blocks and written completely in ML.

64 term
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 2.96 KB 1,370 Download
d64 floppy1 64 Terminal HOT

64 Terminal by Dr. Jim Rothewell released in 1982.

2016-12-12 English Commodore 64 2.56 KB 1,097 Download
d64 floppy2 Animation Term v1.1

Released in 1989 by Dane Martin. Programming by Thrasher. Animation by Espionage & Thrasher. This terminal supports a special animation mode that requires the BBS your calling to support also, otherwise it reverts to normal C/G mode.

animation term v1.1
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 21.25 KB 899 Download
d64 floppy3 ANSI Term v1.0 HOT

By Michael Beutling - Released in 1991. This appears to be a test vesion of an 80 column ANSI capable terminal program with possible REU support. There's a doc file on the disk but it's in German.

ansi term v1.0
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 9.29 KB 1,089 Download
d64 floppy4 Auto Versa-Term v4.0 HOT

Released Sept. 30, 1984 and originally written by Steve Punter for the PET. Converted to the C64 by Keith Peterson and enchanced by Earl Goldberge and Rich Buchanan. I don't know a whole lot about this terminal program. One thing I find interesting about it is that it supports both the older 7-bit Punter protocol and the newer 8-Bit version.

auto versa-term v4.0
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 9.73 KB 904 Download
d64 floppy5 Auto Versa-Term v4.6 HOT

Originally written by Steve Punter. Features the new 8 bit punter protocol. Who knew there was a 7 bit version?

auto versa-term v4.6
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 22.36 KB 906 Download
d64 floppy6 Autocom 64 v1.1 HOT

By Joe O'Hara 1985 Microtechnic Solutions. Release 1.1 May 12th, 1986. 32k Buffer, xmodem transfers.

autocom 64 v1.1
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 14.4 KB 1,064 Download
d64 floppy7 BBS1 Term v2.3 HOT

Released March 5th, 1985. Small docs file on disk.

bbs1 term v2.3
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 18.36 KB 1,052 Download
d64 floppy8 BBS1 Term v2.4 HOT

BBS1 Term v2.4 - Program will crash if you don't have a modem plugged into the user port.

2016-12-25 English Commodore 64 20.97 KB 1,096 Download
d64 floppy9 Bell Term v5.1 (Promo) HOT

By E.G. Bell (c) 1990. This is a REALLY neat terminal program that not only supports the Swiftlink-232 Cartridge, but also RAMDOS! Full docs on disk. Too bad it's only a promo version, it's missing some features.

bell term v5.1
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 64.31 KB 906 Download
d64 floppy10 BlitzTerm! HOT

Haven't been able to glean to much info from the program but it supports Punter transfers and although mostly blitzed BASIC, there is some ML.

2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 13.73 KB 1,026 Download
d64 floppy11 C64 Atari Term HOT

Released December 9, 1984 by John Watson. This is a term that allows you to logon to "Atari Only" board and check out their graphics mode.

c64 atari term
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 8.59 KB 1,023 Download
d64 floppy12 Castle Term 2 HOT

This is totally a modded version of CCGMS. Not exactly sure which version but this does have multi-send/receive. Mods by Lord Drone.

castle term 2
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 7.61 KB 1,041 Download
d64 floppy13 CBBS Term v7.0 HOT

1985, Art Bell

cbbs term v7.0
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 40.92 KB 1,016 Download
d64 floppy14 CBBS Term v8.0 HOT

1986 - Art Bell. Nice looking terminal program. Supports Punter and two drives. Only 1200 baud though.

cbbs term v8.0
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 37.54 KB 1,060 Download
d64 floppy15 Ceaser's Term v2.3 HOT

Author - Julio Cesar, 1986 JCP Labs. This is a full fledged terminal program with a HUGE buffer and punter protocol support.

ceasers term v2.3
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 35.85 KB 1,041 Download
d64 floppy16 CipherTerm v1.0 HOT

CipherTerm v1.0 by X-Mike-X released in 1990.  One of the interesting things about this terminal program is that it has a partial Z-Modem transfer implementation.  There is a doc file on the disk that gives more detail.  Note that the Z-Modem is receive only.

2016-12-11 English Commodore 64 18.31 KB 1,022 Download
d64 floppy17 College Term v4.2 HOT

Written by Daryl Gardnet  in 1987. 1200 baud, mini-bbs, file transfers.

college term v4.2
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 13.07 KB 1,053 Download
d64 floppy18 Color Zone Term v1.0

Released in 1986 by Comptro. Nice terminal package with Punter transfers and buffer.

color zone term v1.0
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 13.69 KB 863 Download
d64 floppy19 COMETerm v0.80 Beta HOT

By S0RC3R0R (c) 2011 Retrograde - This term is specifically designed for the Comet hardware. Supports 38.4k baud on the user port!!! It's a little rough around the edges but has tons of potential.

cometerm v0.80 beta
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 34.07 KB 999 Download
d64 floppy20 Common Sense v1.0 HOT

Written by Rick Sterling - Common Sense came with some Commodore 1670 modems. It has some buffer options and macro capabilities.

common sense v1.0
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 34.25 KB 1,106 Download
d64 floppy21 Como Term 3 HOT

By John Leeson. This term works on a VIC-20 or C64. Read the included docs for info.

como term 3
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 8.66 KB 1,041 Download
zip22 CompuServ Executive v4.0a

CompuServ Executive for the Commodore 64 is a terminal program for the long dead online service called CompuServ.  No use for it at all these days, but we are all about history here, so what the heck.

2019-02-04 English Commodore 64 12.73 KB 677 Download
zip23 Comtronics 64-Text

Comtronics 64-Text is a very simple terminal program for HAM radio modems.  I know nothing about HAM and even less about this program, but if there are any Hammies left in the world, who knows, they might really need/want this!?

One thing I do know about this is that it came from a shareware collection called "COMPUTER NUT" in Lancaster, CA.  There's a picture of the floppy disk in the screen shots.

2021-10-09 English Commodore 64 7.45 KB 444 Download
zip24 Cottage Term v2.3

Cottage Term (Electric Cottage) v2.3, released in 1985 by Dennis Colombo of Electrosharp Telecommunications.  Pretty nice terminal program for its time  (Commodore 1660 modem era).

Note - you'll need to run the Unsqueeze program on the disk to extract the program and the docs.

2019-02-10 English Commodore 64 40.97 KB 779 Download
d64 floppy25 CUCUG Term HOT

Champaign-Urbana Commodore Users Group Terminal is a nice C64 Term with autodial, buffer options, phonebook and file transfer support.

cucug term
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 20.88 KB 1,013 Download
d64 floppy26 Dandy Term v1.1 HOT

Dandy Term 64, By Striker & Breaker. Small little terminal supporting c/g and 1200 baud. Don't think the creators ever quite finished the program, but it appears to be mostly functional.

dandy term v1.1
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 4.36 KB 980 Download
d64 floppy27 Digicom 64 v2.0 HOT

There are complete docs on the disk. If you use the "boot" file to start the program, make sure you have all fastloaders disabled.

digicom64 v2.0
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 61.14 KB 1,052 Download
d64 floppy28 Digicom 64 v4.01 HOT

It's amazing they made four versions of this UGLY terminal program. Anyway, the docs are on the disk.

digicom64 v4.01
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 47 KB 995 Download
zip29 DiskTerm 64 v3.1

DiskTerm 64 v3.1 was created by Steve Punter and converted to the Commodore 64 by Keith Peterson.  Simple little terminal program with Punter file transfer capabilities.

DiskTerm 64 v3.1-1
2017-10-09 English Commodore 64 10.84 KB 881 Download
d64 floppy30 Diskterm 64 v4.2f

Release on June 22nd, 1984. Written by Steve Punter, Converted to C64 by Keith Peterson, Modified by Rich Buchanan. This version includes corrected uploading.

diskterm 64 v4.2f
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 7.71 KB 846 Download
d64 floppy31 Downloader 2.0

Downloader 2.0 is a super simple BASIC terminal program of some type, written in 1982,83 by Neon systems.

downloader 2.0-1
2015-10-13 English Commodore 64 3.99 KB 860 Download
d64 floppy32 Eagleterm II v2.0

By Allan Teo, Mitch Solomon and Don Holtz. This early version only supports 1200 baud, but does have multi-transfers and some disk utilities.

eagleterm ii v2.0
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 14.14 KB 803 Download
d64 floppy33 Eagleterm II v2.7

By Allan Teo & Mitch Solomon - This term supports up to 2400 baud.

eagleterm ii v2.7
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 12.81 KB 832 Download
d64 floppy34 Edge Term v3.7

By James Kelley aka Dr. Edge. Release on May 31st, 1991. Really nice looking 300-2400 baud c/g terminal program. Only a 8k buffer.

edge term v3.7
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 27.9 KB 859 Download
d64 floppy35 Elite Term v1.0

By HP-Software, 1990. Written by Jeff Brown and Shawn Ort. Nice simple term with all the features you'd expect.

elite term v1.0
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 19.12 KB 806 Download
zip36 EvilTerm

EvilTerm by The Forces of Evil is obviously a rip off of some version of CCGMS, but just in case someone somewhere used this at one time and wants to re-live telecommunications with modern day telnet BBSes I thought I'd add it to the collection.

2019-02-07 English Commodore 64 17.44 KB 720 Download
d64 floppy37 Farxmoterm v2.2

Farxmoterm v2.2 w/xmodem written by Joe Bizik.  

farxmoterm v2.2
2016-01-14 English Commodore 64 9.9 KB 761 Download
d64 floppy38 Fasterm 1670

By Michael A. Conforti. I think this program tries to detect a 1670 before getting to the menu because it just hangs, but everything seems like it's there.

fasterm 1670
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 28.47 KB 804 Download
d64 floppy39 Firstterm v3

This appears to be a hack or possibly a partial upgrade because all the files for the program reference First Term 3 but once loaded the main menu calls it Firstterm.2.

first term v3
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 23.42 KB 778 Download
d64 floppy40 Firstterm v3.3

By Tom Hughes, 1984. This appears to be a more polished and finished version of First Term v3.0.

first term v3.3
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 80.23 KB 824 Download
d64 floppy41 Fly By Night Term 1200

By Star Dust. Unique term program in that I haven't ever seen a copy of it before. It is a standard 300-1200 baud C/G term with printer support. Interesting thing (to me anyway) is that it's isepic'd but I can't tell what commercial program it is based on. Why else would you use Isepic?

fly by night term 1200
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 19.02 KB 670 Download
d64 floppy42 Fritzterm

By Fritz Oppliger. This is a really neat program. It has a 44k buffer on a stock c64 and even supports Ram expansion. Also supports the Swiftlink-232 and the BI-80 column display adapter! Very cool.

fritzterm 2400
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 24.01 KB 721 Download
d64 floppy43 Fritzterm (older?)

I found this version of Fritzterm on a disk image I got from Megalextoria. It appears to be an older version than the others posted here. Includes docs on disk.

fritzterm 24000
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 23.54 KB 669 Download
d64 floppy44 GFX! Term v1.1

By Michael Hooper from Graffix Connextion. Older term that only support 300 baud with buffers and xmodem transfers.

gfx term v1.1
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 14.95 KB 688 Download
d64 floppy45 GOCC Term v3.1

Written by Tony Davis 12/24/1984. This term is based on the work of many other people. See the REM statements at the beggining of the BASIC portion of the program for credits.

gocc term v3.1
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 16.97 KB 677 Download
d64 floppy46 GP Term v1.5

1987 Netcomm - Released by Tour De Future

gpterm v1.5
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 27.62 KB 674 Download
d64 floppy47 Great Term v5.0

Released in 1987 by Nickolai Smith. Decent C/G term with built-in modem nibbler. Buffer functionality and Punter protocol.

great term v5.0
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 20.48 KB 695 Download
zip48 GuruTerm Beta+

GuruTerm Beta+ is an improved version of RaveGuru's original implementation of this RR-Net compatible terminal program by Holy Moses of Role.  Now you can enjoy the built-in address book.

2020-05-17 English Commodore 64 22.01 KB 594 Download
d64 floppy49 GuruTerm Beta1

Really neat terminal program that will use an RR-net or compatible ethernet adapter to call telnet capable BBSes. Although the terminal supports C/G, it doesn't support uploads or downloads.

guru term beta1
2015-03-24 English Commodore 64 54.63 KB 651 Download
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