Category: Amiga - Miscellaneous and Unsorted
Downloads: 4
zip0 Amiga Troubleshooter (January 1993)

A simple-to-use symptomatic guide for diagnosing faulty IC components on Amiga computers (Including A500/A1500/A2000/A2500).

2023-07-11 English PDF 1.82 MB 387 Download
zip1 Cortex Amiga Floppy Emulator Software v1.05 HOT

The software in this archive is used for those USB floppy emulators you see sold on e-bay and everywhere else.  Basically you need this software on the USB stick you're going to store all your floppy images on.  When the Amiga is booted up, it load this file which is  basically a file selector program that lets you pick which floppy image to use.

2015-10-12 English Amiga 409.8 KB 1,366 Download
zip2 HxCEdit HOT

HxCEdit for the Gotek floppy emulator allows you to edit a USB drive with Selector.adf on it.  For more information see the link below.

2016-07-12 English Windows 3.4 MB 1,261 Download
zip3 Premium Amiga Boot Selector

Premium Amiga 500 boot selector from - I bought one of these for my Amiga 500 so I could use and external floppy with a Gotek drive as the boot drive.  It works fine for that, but one thing to note is that if you have the external drive selected as DF0: (Boot drive) it will not see the internal drive at all, not even as DF1: .  The only way to see both drives is to have internal as DF0: and external as DF1: . It isn't a huge deal, but would be nice to be able to swap the drives.

P.S. - Never swap drives while the computer is on.  You have a good chance of screwing up your CIA chip.

2021-02-27 English PDF 3.68 MB 777 Download
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