Category: Amiga Software
Number of Subcategories: 4
folder0Amiga - Hardware Related
folder1Amiga - Miscellaneous and Unsorted
folder2Amiga - PC Related Tools
folder3Amiga - Utilities
Downloads: 1
zip0 D64 Disk Image Data Visualizer

Although this isn't an actual download, I think it's so cool that I want to share it with everyone!  Here is an excerpt from the size that explains what this handy online tool can do:

Simply pick one of the disk colors above (Heatmap is selected by default), drag a D64 image from your computer to the webpage, and drop it. After a second or two, a visualization of your D64 will appear on the screen.

You can also find this and many other handy links at a new website I'm working on -
2024-01-26 5
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