Category: Directory Editors
Number of Subcategories: 3
folder1Directory Assistant
folder2Miscellaneous Directory Editors
Downloads: 5
zip0 Dir God

Dir God by the group Arcon is a very nice directory editor for the Commodore 64.

2019-09-01 English Commodore 64 8.4 KB 652 Download
zip1 Dir-Designer Pro v2.1

Dir-Designer Pro v2.1 from Tritech and programmed by J.Schuetz is a neat tool for not only sorting directories, but also adding seperators and even editing low level parameters of files.  

2020-05-30 English Commodore 64 12.38 KB 501 Download
zip2 Directory Re-arranger and Expander v21

Directory Re-arranger & Expander v21 by William Seely - Handy utility for moving files around on a disk with the added ability to rename and lock files.  Fully compatible with the 1581 and its partitions.

2023-05-02 English Commodore 64 9.06 KB 179 Download
zip3 Disc Manager v1.0
Disc Manager v1.0 is a simple, clean, efficient directory editor. There aren't a ton of features, but if you just need something to do some sorting, editing, etc... give this one a try. disc-manager-v1.0-2
2020-10-29 English Commodore 64 7.9 KB 471 Download
zip4 New Directory

New Directory is a straight forward tool for changing the order of the files on a disk.  You can either manually sort the files or sort alphabetically.

2020-05-30 English Commodore 64 9.17 KB 525 Download
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