Category: Emulator Tools
Downloads: 4
d64 floppy0 C64S Game Archiver v0.01

-=-The C=64 Game Archiver-=-

Allows you to manage huge dirs of  games, all of which can be compressed, selected with wild cards, combined, etc! Handy if you  have  a lot of c64 games. Fixes the  problem  of  always having c64s in the program dir.

-=-By ToneDEF(who else!?!)-=-

c64s game archiver 1
2015-04-22 English DOS 71.11 KB 602 Download
zip1 C64S Utilities [DOS]

C64S Utilities by Werner Zsolt is a bunch of tools for dealing with emulator files such a .d64 and .t64.  This particular collection has included with it the full source.

2019-07-26 English DOS 68.41 KB 469 Download
zip2 Nib Convert

Nib Convert is a simple but useful Windows utility that lets you convert a .nib file to a .g64 file.

2020-06-09 English Windows 24.48 KB 690 Download
zip3 Rick's C64 Emulator Tools [DOS]

Rick's C64 emulator tools by Rick Brennan are a collection of utilities for dealing with things related to .d64 and .t64 images along with some programming related tools.  See long description for details.

2019-07-26 English DOS 63.19 KB 500 Download
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