Category: GEOS Printer Drivers
Downloads: 24
zip0 ASCII Printer Driver [GEOS]

ASCII Printer Driver by David Durran (Dated 10/17/1988) - If you have a printer you can't find a driver for, and none of the other compaitibility modes of the printer work with a different brand driver such as Epson or IBM, then this is you last hope.  This driver basically just spits text characters at the printer in hopes of putting your words on the page!

2021-01-30 English Commodore 64 1.48 KB 624 Download
zip1 Blue Chip D12/10 Printer Driver [GEOS]

Blue Chip D12/10 GEOS Printer Driver v2.1 by David Durran (5/29/90) -This is an ASCII only printer driver for GEOS because the Blue Chip D12/10 is a 12 CPS daisy wheel printer.  I've seen rumor that there is actually a graphics driver somewhere that uses the . (period) printed over and over to create graphics.  If you know of where this can be found, please use the "Contact Us" link. 

P.S. - Desperately looking for the manual and/or demo disk to this printer. Thank you Thomas Shaw for sharing the demo disk and word processor quick guide.  The full printer manual can be found here.

P.S.S. - Here's a YouTube link if you want to see the printer in action.

Update - Attempted to print with this from geoWrite 2.1 and although all the characters print fine, it doesn't add spaces.  Printing straight from BASIC works ok, so it's possibly some setting I'm overlooking in GEOS.  Here's a thread about the printer over at Lemon64

2021-01-18 English Commodore 64 2.28 KB 684 Download
zip2 Blue Chip M120 Printer Driver [GEOS]

Blue Chip M120 GEOS Printer Driver by David Durran (Dated 7/4/1986)

2021-01-26 English Commodore 64 1.73 KB 621 Download
zip3 C.Itoh 8510 / 8510a GEOS Printer Drivers

This is a collection of all the GEOS printer drivers I could find for the C.Itoh 8510 / 8510a printer.  Included in the archive:

  • C.Itoh 8510 v2.0 - Standard driver for 8510 & Prowriter compatibles (David Durran - July 25,1986)
  • C.Itoh 8510A v2.0 - Driver for early 8510 printers (David Durran - February 13, 1987)
  • C.Itoh RED v2.1 - 50% linear reduction driver ** Prints very dense ** (David Durran - October 7, 1988)
  • C.Itoh 8510 Q.S. v2.1 - Quad strike driver - (David Durran - September 27, 1988)
  • C.Itoh 8510 D.S. v2.1 - Double strike driver - (David Durran - September 27, 1988)
  • C.Itoh 8510 (GC) v2.0 - geoPrint / geoCable driver - (David Durran - September 18, 1986)

If anyone has additional drivers I should add to this archive, click Contact Us in the menu.

2024-11-28 English Commodore 64 3.59 KB 30 Download
zip4 Cannon BJ-200e Printer Drivers [GEOS]

Cannon BJ-200e GEOS Printer Drivers - Archive contains two drivers, both by George H. Wells Jr. (Dates 8/22/1988) - First is a normal one pass driver and other is a three pass driver for extra dark print.

2021-01-26 English Commodore 64 3.1 KB 626 Download
d64 floppy5 Cannon Bubble Jet 200 Printer Driver [GEOS] HOT

This is a GEOS Epson 24 pin printer driver adjusted for the Cannon Bubble Jet 200.

cannon bubble jet 200 prt drvr geos
2015-04-22 English Commodore 64 2.56 KB 982 Download
zip6 Citizen 120D GEOS Printer Driver v2.0

Citizen 120D GEOS Printer Driver v2.0 by David Duran (March 2nd, 1987) - Officially this driver is for the Commodore MPS 1200, but the Citizen 120D is the exact same printer.

2024-11-28 1.72 KB 27 Download
d64 floppy7 Commodore 1525 80dpi Printer Driver [GEOS] HOT

Saw this printer driver mentioned on the GEOS Facebook group and I thought it might be handy for anyone with a Commodore 1525 or 801 printer that only does 60 DPI.  Apparently this driver can simulate 80 DPI on the 1525 or MPS 801.  (Only works with Device #4 or #5) - Original source was the Genie Commodore File Library.

1525-80dpi printer driver geos .d64
2015-04-22 English Commodore 64 2.39 KB 925 Download
zip8 Commodore 1526 / MPS 802 Printer Drivers [GEOS]

This is a collection of GEOS printer drivers for the Commodore 1526 / MPS 802 (re-branded 1526) dot matrix printer.  Included in the archive:

  • 1526 Driver v2.0 - By David Durran (9/11/86)
  • 1526-G Driver v2.1 - By C. Preuss / D. Durran (10/24/88)
  • 1526-N Driver v2.1 - By C. Preuss / D. Durran (10/24/88)
  • MPS-802 v1.2 - By Peter Bremer (12/10/86)
2021-01-17 English Commodore 64 2.55 KB 682 Download
zip9 Commodore MPS 1200 GEOS Printer Driver v2.0

Commodore MPS 1200 GEOS Printer Driver v2.0 by David Duran (March 2nd, 1987).  This driver also works for the Citizen 120D printer.

2024-11-28 English Commodore 64 1.75 KB 27 Download
zip10 Commodore MPS-803 Printer Driver [GEOS]

Commodore MPS-803 GEOS printer driver by David Durran (Dated 9/9/1988) - This was a pretty common printer back in the back that was released in two different variations.

2021-01-28 English Commodore 64 2.25 KB 599 Download
d64 floppy11 Epson 24 pin Color Printer Driver [GEOS] HOT

As stated in the driver info, this is a GEOS printer driver for an Epson 24pin color printer,  it works in 120dpi mode to produce a jagged color printout at 80dpi.

epson 24pin color prt drvr geos
2015-04-22 English Commodore 64 2.53 KB 909 Download
zip12 Epson EX-800 Printer Drivers [GEOS]

Epson EX-800 printer driver for GEOS by Kevin McConnell  - This archive includes the following drivers:

  • Epson EX-800 v3.4 - Normal GEOS Printer Driver dated (4/10/1989)
  • Epson EX-800 v3.5 - Normal GEOS Printer Driver dated (7/29/1989)
  • Epson EX-800 v3.4 (gc) - GEOS Printer Driver for use with GeoCable interface (4/10/1989)
  • Epson EX-800 v3.5 (gc) - GEOS Printer Driver for use with GeoCable interface (7/29/1989)

Epson EX-800/1000 Printer manual is included in the archive.

2021-01-25 English Commodore 64 4.09 KB 642 Download
zip13 Epson FX-80 Double Line Printer Driver [GEOS]

Epson FX-80 Double Line GEOS Printer Driver by Terry Mills (Dated 4/8/1987) - This driver prints a line in two passes, different than a double strike driver.

2021-01-31 English Commodore 64 1.78 KB 548 Download
zip14 Epson FX-80 Double Strike Printer Driver [GEOS]

Epson FX-80 Double Strike Printer Driver by David Durran (Dated 10/10/1988) - This driver can be used with many 9 pin Epson compatible printers.

2021-01-31 English Commodore 64 1.79 KB 557 Download
zip15 Epson FX-80 geoCable Printer Driver [GEOS]

Epson FX-80 GEOS Printer Driver by David Durran (Dated 9/17/1986) - This particular driver is for use with the geoCable from CMD.

2021-01-31 English Commodore 64 1.72 KB 535 Download
zip16 Epson FX-80 PaintPages Printer Driver [GEOS]

Epson FX-80 PaintPages GEOS Printer Driver by Doug Fults (Dates 8/22/1988) - This driver emulates an Epson FX-80 printer, but instead of sending data to a printer, it creates a geoPaint image of the print out.

2021-01-31 English Commodore 64 2.5 KB 535 Download
zip17 Epson FX-80 Printer Driver [GEOS]

Epson FX-80 GEOS Printer Driver by David Durran (Dated 7/18/1986) - This driver can be used with quite a few printers that have Epson compatibility.

2021-01-31 English Commodore 64 1.73 KB 584 Download
zip18 Epson FX-80 Quad Density Printer Driver [GEOS]

Epson FX-80 Quad Density GEOS Printer Driver by Terry Mills (Dated 5/11/1987) - This driver can be used with many 9 pin Epson compatible printers.

2021-01-31 English Commodore 64 1.83 KB 534 Download
zip19 Epson FX-80 Quad Strike Printer Driver [GEOS]

Epson FX-80 Quad Strike GEOS Printer Driver by David Durran (Dated 10/10/1988) - This driver works with many 9 pin Epson compatible printers.

2021-01-31 English Commodore 64 1.81 KB 521 Download
d64 floppy20 GEOS Printer Drivers HOT

This is a disk full of various printer drivers for GEOS.  There are even some laser printer drivers.  Along with all the normal drivers there are some geoCable printer drivers which are needed if you use the geoCable parallel interface card.

2016-12-22 English Commodore 64 51.19 KB 1,150 Download
d64 floppy21 GEOS Printer Drivers for Commodore MPS Printers HOT

Disk full of GEOS printer drivers for all of the Commodore MPS series printers including the MPS 801, MPS 802 , MPS 803 , MPS 1000 , MPS 1200 , MPS 1230 , and MPS 1250 .  There are also some MPS compatible drivers included such as the Epson JX.  See the screenshot for a full list.

2016-12-22 English Commodore 64 56.19 KB 1,066 Download
zip22 Star NL-10 Printer Driver [GEOS]

Star NL-10 GEOS Printer Drivers by David Durran (Dated 8/1/1986) -  This particular printer requires a special serial interface cartridge.  

This is one of the two printers supported by modern versions of the VICE emulator (the other is the MPS 803).

Printer User's Manual

Here's a link to a nice review of the printer from Antic magazine.

2021-01-29 English Commodore 64 1.75 KB 619 Download
zip23 Star NX-1000 Color Printer Driver v2.1 [GEOS]

Star NX-1000 Color Printer Driver v2.1 by David Durran (Released 12/18/1987)

2021-01-24 English Commodore 64 1.95 KB 526 Download
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