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Turbo Chameleon 64 PCXT Core [V2 O Turbo Chameleon 64 PCXT Core [V2 Only]

This is a PCXT Core for the Turbo Chameleon 64 that lets you run a 4.77Mhz XT.  See extended description for more details.

Here is a Youtube video showing off the PCXT core.

* Total logic elements used : 23,918  out of 24,624 ( 97 % )

* M9Ks used: 64 out of 66 ( 97 % )

That's cutting it a bit fine!

So what's this core which fills the TC64 to 97% of capacity?  It's an implementation of an IBM PC XT, and also a Tandy 1000!

This core was originally written for the MiSTer platform, but has since been backported to other platforms, using my DeMiSTify framework (and also to MiST).

As with the BBC core, the bulk of the porting work was done by others - this time somhi did the lion's share, with some input from dar and gyurco, as well as a few tweaks and DeMiSTify features from me.

I honestly didn't expect this core to fit in the TC64, and certainly not with C64 keyboard support - luckily it turns out I was mistaken on both counts - so here we have a first release of the core, with CGA graphics, IDE hard drive and C64 keyboard support!

See the Readme file for instructions regarding ROM files, but the enclosed ROM should be enough to get you started.  There's also a link to an example FreeDOS hard disk image.

As always, be sure to use the appropriate core for your Chameleon - if you have a breakout cable for PS/2 keyboard and mouse you have V1 hardware.  If your PS/2 ports are mounted on the left hand side of the cartridge, with a mini-DIN IEC socket between them you have V2 hardware.


System Commodore 64
Size25.99 MB


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