The Commodore Computer Club News was a tabloid newspaper which was produced using pretty primitive equipment: a Commodore 64 computer, a Gemini dot-matrix printer and software called Write Now by Cardco. The paper was printed through Carolina Publications. It was distributed at club meetings to the members and also through local computer stores.
In This Issue (published May, 1985)
- Resetting The Record Straight - Interesting article about a reset button for the Commodore 64
- CCC Gets Tough - Club lays down the law on software piracy at club meetings
- Quo Vadis Commodore? - A look back at the evolution of Commodore as compared to Apple and IBM
- A Compleat Guide to Machine Language on the PET - Using the wedge
- BBS Secrets Revealed!! - A thurough look at uploading and downloading and transfer protocols
- Word Processing - Reviews of Textomat 64 (Abacus Software), The Whole Bit (Applied Technologies), Word Commander 64 (MMG Micro Software), Texed (Apcad)
- Focus On... Adventure Games - Reviews of Masquerade (American Eagle Software), Below the Root (Wyndham Classics), Lucifer's Realm (American Eagle Software)
- Paperclip Tips - Some great tips on getting the most out of the Paperclip word processor.
- The Raster Interrupt - Nice rhyming poem.
- Still More Reviews: Games & Educational - Mail Order Monster, Dinosaur Dig, Racing Destruction Set
Original source is HERE - Thank you Mike Quigley for preserving the newsletter.
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